27 files found in Library "Transfer Protocols"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
CEXYZ100.ZIP Yes 57438 9/24/1993
FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
System. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
(ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem
CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Fully windowed
graphical interface.
CLASSICZ.ZIP Yes 103816 9/18/1994
CZCOMM.EXE is "Classic ZCOMM" with the
"classic" file transfer display. It is
otherwise identical to ZCOMM.EXE and is
compatible with ZCOMM.EXE except for the file
transfer display and "gcolors" command.
DSZ.ZIP Yes 91537 9/20/1994
DSZ features the ZMODEM-90(TM) extensions
including ZMODEM compression and
MobyTurbo(TM) accelerator. The ZMODEM file
transfer protocol provides reliable file and
command transfers with complete END-TO-END
data integrity between application programs.
ZMODEM rapidly transfers files, particularly
with modern modems, timesharing systems,
satellite relays, and packet switched
DSZEXE.ZIP Yes 39486 9/20/1994
DSZ.EXE: The .EXE version requires more
memory than the .COM version. It is slightly
faster than the .COM version The .EXE version
uses macro expansions instead of subroutine
calls for CRC calculations, the compilation
is speed optimized
DSZNEW.ZIP Yes 2671 9/20/1994 DSZ Reference Rev Sep-18-94
EZPV11.ZIP Yes 49434 8/2/1993
EZ protocol engine, X, X1k, YB, YG, S, Z sub
FCI0106.ZIP Yes 77541 10/24/1994
FCI Fossil Compatible Interface Version 1.06
New Fossil Device Driver with build-in all
what you need. Support for multi serial board
with shared irq Support for 80386 or higger
Support for polled UART Support for multi
tasking Support for buffered UART Support for
off during INT 13 And more ...
FDSZWBAT.ZIP Yes 36611 2/5/1995
for those who need. *Info*
GSZ.ZIP Yes 112689 9/20/1994
GSZ's ZMODEM (graphical Zmodem) provides
advanced file management features including
two levels of Intelligent Crash Recovery(TM),
and flexible control of selective file
transfers. The ZMODEM file transfer protocol
provides reliable file and command transfers
with complete END-TO-END data integrity
between application programs.
HS121C5.ZIP Yes 136279 3/24/1995
HS/Link External Protocol BETA TEST As of
March 24, 1995. HS/Link is a high speed,
single and bi- directional file transfer
protocol with many advanced features. It is
EASY to set up and runs very fast with all
kinds of modems. Now includes ONLINE CHAT
mode. FHSLINK.EXE now supports FOSSIL
drivers. See HS-INST3.ZIP for install
HS_GAP63.ZIP Yes 5778 9/7/1993 Install HS/Link in GAP 6.3
HS_INST3.ZIP Yes 123752 8/25/1993
HS-INST2.ZIP Contains instructions and setup
files to help install the HS/Link protocol in
most COMM and BBS programs.
HS_QMP15.ZIP Yes 2012 8/25/1993 Install HS/Link in QMODEM PRO 1.x
IZM102.ZIP Yes 129528 2/23/1995
IceZmodem(IZM) v1.02
Protocol-Chat,DOS,Editor,MORE! IceSoft
Software presents IceZmodem, an amazing new
Zmodem file transfer protocol with 100%
standard Zmodem compatibility and many
enhancements. While transferring files you
can chat with the remote user, shell to DOS,
edit a text file, play Digital MOD file
Music, or play games. You can even get 2
pages of system information about the remote
IZMBATS.ZIP Yes 1126 2/3/1995
Here are the batch files that I(Riker) use on
IMZADI BBS to run Ice-Zmodem.
KNEWSTRU.ZIP Yes 47904 12/20/1994
The Truth about KERMIT NEWS or - What
Columbia University doesn't know about File
Transfers may surprise you!
LZMDM101.ZIP Yes 172075 10/26/1994
LIGHTNING Z-MODEM v1.01: New type of transfer
protocol using special compression! As much
as 4-10 times faster than Z-MODEM! Works with
regular 14.4K, save $100's!
P205.ZIP Yes 130823 12/18/1994
P is a freeware 32-bit file transfer protocol
package providing fast and multitasking
friendly Zmodem, Ymodem-g, Ymodem and Xmodem
for Asynchronous, Named pipe and TCP/IP
stream socket (telnet) connections. Contains
a DLL that can be used with your own
PROT100.ZIP Yes 44263 8/15/1993
Protocol Enhancer v1.0; Don't put up with the
hassle of installing external protocols
anymore, just follow the simple instructions
and let this program do it all for you!
SDP101D.ZIP Yes 122052 8/20/1993
Streamline Design Protocol Module v1.0; This
protocol module offers both graphical and
ASCII status screens, ASCII, XModem, XModem
Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC Relaxed
XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed, XModem-1kG,
XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem, YModem Relaxed,
YModemG, YModemG Relaxed, YModem-128,
YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem, ZModem-8k, and
Kermit. It also has many options for managing
files and various port options.
SDPDL11D.ZIP Yes 62219 10/14/1993
Streamline Design (Lite) Digi Protocol Module
v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens, XModem,
XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC
Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed,
XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem,
YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG Relaxed,
YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem,
ZModem-8k. It also has many options for
managing files and various port options.
SDPFL11D.ZIP Yes 61874 10/14/1993
Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol
Module v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens,
XModem, XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC,
XModem/CRC Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k,
Relaxed, XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed,
Ymodem, YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG
Relaxed, YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed,
ZModem, ZModem-8k. It also has many options
for managing files and various port options.
SDPL101D.ZIP Yes 64276 10/14/1993
Streamline Design (Lite) Protocol Module
v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens, XModem,
XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC
Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed,
XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem,
YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG Relaxed,
YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem,
ZModem-8k. It also has many options for
managing files and various port options.
SM11BC.ZIP Yes 215602 8/6/1994
SuperCmodem! is a fully configurable easy-
to-use no-manual-required support-free
complete communication program. This quickie
is a no brainer. Features include: Internal
XYZmodem protocols, Terminal emulations,
Macro/meta keys, Session logging, and Support
for com1 to com4 Use for as long as you want
(freeware). Ideal for new callers. Also, for
sysops who'd rather not explain how other
comm programs (eg. Windows Terminal) work.
SMODEM1B.ZIP Yes 64214 12/30/1994
Smodem/DOS v1.00� Bi-directional file
transfer protocol with full screen chat.
Supports: Windows, DESQview, Special com
ports, high IRQs, Telnet, Rlogin, Screen
Performance rate 99.5%; No registration
TXZM231.ZIP Yes 42541 4/29/1994
TXZM (Texas Zmodem :) is a zmodem protocol
that was developed to demonstrate the speed
and capabilities of the MCOMM C serial
communications library.
VFAST007.ZIP Yes 51826 1/31/1994
vFAST v0.07 Beta - Very FAST protocol
===================================== vFAST
was designed specifically for v32, v32bis,
and vFAST modems. vFAST needs ONE of the
following: 16550 Uart. Intelligent Digiboard.
Intelligent Stargate. Intelligent Arnet.