This is a list of the most common questions asked by MagniPaint users. Q. How do I save an Icon in RIP ICN format? (or any other format) A. Select SAVE with the ***RIGHT*** MOUSE button and select RIP ICN format. Select save with the left mouse button and enter a filename. Q. How do I read a RIP Icon into MagniPaint? (or any other format) A. Select OPEN with the ***RIGHT*** MOUSE button and select RIP ICN format. Select open with the left mouse button and select a filename. Q. How can I save Icons that are smaller than 100X100? A. Use the clip option to select the desired area. Continue saving as you would normally. Q. The mouse doesn't move smoothly in the 256 color SVGA mode. A. Some mouse drivers cannot properly handle the mouse in SVGA mode. Try and get an updated mouse driver or check to see if you can configure your mouse driver with different settings. Q. When I select the mode option my computer hangs or the screen looks funny. A. MP cannot support the 256 color SVGA mode on your display card. If you have an VESA TSR for your display card please use it. MP might be able to access this mode using the VESA TSR. Q. I have VGA but can't access the 256 color mode. A. The 256 color mode requires Super VGA and only works with the more popular chipsets. If you have a VESA driver for your SVGA card use it. Although every effort has been made to insure that MagniPaint will function correctly on a wide variety of PC Compatibles many factors stand in the way. 1) Mouse drivers - please use an updated mouse driver. If your mouse is MicroSoft compatible you can probably use the latest MicroSoft mouse drivers. If all fails try running MagniPaint with the /ME switch, this will emulate mouse drawing that is normally done by the mouse driver. If MagniPaint can't detect that you have a mouse connected to your system try using the /NM switch. MP /ME - emulate mouse pointer MP /NM - skip mouse detection MP /ME /NM 2) SVGA cards - if your having problems with MagniPaint, you're probably having problems with other programs as well. Your SVGA card is not as compatible as can be. Try executing MagniPaint using the /NV switch. Also try and locate a VESA driver for your SVGA card if possible. MP /NV - skip video check. 3) OS2/WINDOWS - MagniPaint should executed from DOS. There are too many factors that can cause MagniPaint not to function under these operating systems. If you can't see the mouse pointer try executing MagniPaint with the /ME switch. MP /ME - emulate mouse pointer