The program offers several options for the SysOp to control the game. Game settings are stored in 2 databases. One is the Control database which maintains the list of top ten high scores, etc. The other is the Players database which maintains each player's top score, the date they last played the game, their key configurations (if any) and the number of plays they have left. The SysOp menu is accessible one of two ways. Anyone with a privilege of 255 will see the SysOp option on the main game menu. If you would like someone else to have access to the SysOp option you can create a separate menu entry that will allow SysOp access to the game. The menu entry should look similar to the following: Entry: [D]rop Block Priv=10 A1=-------- A2=-------- A3=-------- A4=-------- ANS=X IBM=X key=D Type=200 OptData=C:\GAMES\DROPB\DROPB &SYSOP The SysOp can control how many times a user can play the game in a day. The number of plays can be from 1 to 998. You can allow unlimited plays by entering 999. The default is unlimited number of plays. You can change this by using option 1 on the SYSOP menu. The SysOp will always have unlimited plays. The high scores will automatically be reset the first time someone plays the game each month. These scores can also be reset manually by you by choosing the option 2 on the SYSOP menu. Choose option 3 to reset the previous month's high score. Since the game creates a record in the database for each person that plays the game you may find that the database needs to be cleaned up periodically. This is a two step process. The first step is to go to the SYSOP menu and choose option 4 to delete players. The program will prompt you to enter a date to use. Once you have supplied a date the program will delete any user who has not played since the date you entered. For example, if the current date is 3/13/94 and you wanted to only keep players who had played in the last month you would enter the date, 02/13/94. The program would then delete any player who had not entered the game since 02/13/94. This step only sets the players for deletion. It does not actually remove the records from the database. In order to remove the records you must pack the database. You must have exclusive access to the players database in order to use this option. In other words, no one can be playing the game. Once you start packing the database no one will be able to play the game until you are done. You can remove the records one of two ways. One is to choose option 5 on the on the SYSOP menu to pack the database. If someone is playing the game you will be told how many players are in the game and you will not be permitted to pack the database. The other is to run schedule this as a ghost event. Enter the following line OptData line for your ghost event: Type=200 OptData=C:\DROPB\DROPB &PACKDB If you are unfamiliar with ghost events, consult you TBBS manual. It will not hurt the database if you run a run a pack without first deleting users. The program makes a backup copy of the database before the pack so, if you need to go back to the previous database it is still available. The backup databases are called OPLAYERS.DBF AND OPLAYERS.NDX. If, for some reason, you believe that the PLAYERS.NDX index file has become corrupt, you can use the pack option to re-create the PLAYERS.NDX file. As the SysOp you also have the ability to change the colors of the blocks. Choose option 6 on the SYSOP menu to edit the colors of the blocks. I have found it best if each block is a different color but you are welcome to use whatever colors you and your users prefer. You also have the option to set the speed and frequency at which the blocks drop in the game. You can configure this using option 7 on the SYSOP menu. There are 2 values that control the speed and frequency. The first is the time between drops (or the clock ticks). This is the amount of time that will elapse before the block advances to the next row. The second value is the amount that will increase the speed. The speed increases after every 1000 points. I have set a default of 60 as the beginning drop rate and a value of 10 as the speed. In other words, you start with a drop rate of 60. When you reach 1000 points, your drop rate decreases to 50 (smaller number means the drop rate is faster). You most likely need to adjust this for your system. A single line system will most likely need a longer dropping time and a longer frequency than a larger, multi-line system. The default in the game is to display the next block that will drop. I personally like to see what the next block will be so that I can plan ahead. Option 8 on the SYSOP menu will allow you to turn this ability on/off. In setting up the SysOp functions I have tried to think of things I would want to do. Things that would make my life easier. I am always open to suggestions on functions that could be added and ways the program could be improved. If you think of something you'd like to see added, let me know and I'll consider adding it the next time I update the program. If you have any problems or questions please leave a message for Suzi Hamilton via EMail on the GW Associates Customer Support System at (508) 429-8385 or in the GW Associates Software Support Conference.