The Collection (26 Programs & GROWING!) ======================================== Programmer: All Associated Programmers Demo Status: None Price: $ 99.95 The following is a list of the programs presently included in "The Collection"! What is "The Collection"? Just that, a collection of programs submitted by the software developers who allow us to market their work. Why are they in "The Collection"? Well, it started out as "The Developer's Library", and the income from sales goes in to a special fund that is to be used for whatever they want to use it for. An investment in "The Collection" is an investment that supports the developers with a "sunshine fund" and it's an investment with potential for excellent long range returns. There are programs in this package that have been sold in the past for close to the price of the entire Collection! When you are a registered owner of "The Collection" there is never a charge for any additions or any updates to the package. Regardless of how many programs are added! Yes, there will be a price increase as the collection grows but there will NEVER be any additional cost to existing registered owners! As many have already found, that makes it a great investment. We've been here for over eight years and we plan on continuing another decade or two! What will be in this collection as time passes and what will the cost be? Here's a list of the excellent programs in "The Collection": ADDRESS - by Tom Faulkner. Generates comma delimited text file with the user name, location, addr1, addr2, city, state, zip, phone, and the country. You can then import the ADDRESS.TXT file into your favorite database program. ALARM - by John Schachat. Neat TDBS utility that allows a user to set an alarm timer and message that will display on the timer command. Why Alarm Clock ? A lot of times, when I call into boards, I only want to stay a little while, but get carried away and end up racking up the LD charges. Or I arrange to meet someone in a conference room at a certain time and I forget or lose track of the time. Or a Football game is coming on in 10 minutes and I just want to do one more thing before I logoff and time slips away. Or I tell my wife I'll take the garbage out in 5 minutes and... you get the idea. With the "alarm clock" active the BBS will alert me so that I stay out of trouble. Let it help YOUR users! ANYKEY - Tom Faulkner. ANYKEY is about as simple a program as they come. It displays a file and waits up to 4 minutes for a user to "press any key". BBSXDBF - by Bill Leary. Uses either your TBBS created USERLOG.BBS or your USERLOG.DBF created by User Manager as a control to flag users for deletion. Works well with ANY database using the USERNAME information from the USERLOG. Users are NOT deleted until a TDBS pack or ULEDIT pack has been activated. BUMPER - by Garry Grosse. Bumper Stickers, affectionately called "BS" from now on, is a program that allows your users to stick a bumper sticker on your system. It allows them to type in a one line quote of their preference, along with choosing what colors to use in designing their BS. Users may read the day's BS from menu choices you provide on your system. BS also saves the previous day's BS, and let's your users read those too. In addition to this, BS provides a quick look to see how many members have called through the day, along with the line numbers, baud rate, date, and time. CVT - by Tracy Mickley. Converts drive designations in a pseudo dir quickly and easily. It outputs processed P-dir's (*.DIR) to *.NEW. Then simply use DOS to rename as *.DIR's when done. ie:REN *.NEW *.DIR. If the second char of a line in a P-dir is a colon, then CVT changes first letter of that line to the letter indicated on the command line. CVT does not change the path's in your P-dirs. Only the first drive letter. i.e. X:\FILENAME.EXT Z:\FILENAME.EXT. DNR - by Tom Faulkner. DNR.EXE deletes from the USERLOG any non-reviewed entries. It can run under control of a batch file in daily maintenance. Operation is completely automatic including backing up the UserLog once entries are marked deleted. The user name of any deleted records is written to the file DNR.LOG. If DNR.LOG already exits, it will be overwritten. DOWNLOAD - by Tom Faulkner. Reads DAYFILE.LST and creates a list of programs downloaded FAST. This is one neat little utility. To use just: DOWNLOAD , like "DOWNLOAD DAYFILE.LST", and it will give you a list of all downloads for the period covered by the DAYFILE. FRIENDS - by Ken Cox. How many of your users would deliberately damage your BBS if they thought they could get away with it? You like to think that nobody would attempt to format your main drive -- but would they? This program may help you to discover who your "friends" are. "Friends" SIMULATES an accidental drop to DOS when a TDBS program "crashes". (Anyone familiar with multi-line TBBS knows that it cannot actually drop to DOS and therefore cannot run a DOS utility such as This program logs all keystrokes so you'll know who your "friends" are. IBA - by Tracy Mickley. a utility that will announce to you, or other users, files that have arrived in a specified directory. IBA is a TBBS/TDBS utility that will announce to you, or other selected users, of files that have arrived in a specified directory. IBA will check SysOp specified directories for files that match wild card file filters. If any files are found in the directory, a file is created listing the file names, sizes, dates and times of the files found in that directory. Any number of directories may be checked or users serviced. Optionally, a merge file may be included at the start of this file listing to act as a 'header' for the file listing. (Works great with GhostMaster!) MSGMAKER - by John Rice. "Message Maker" was written to provide a randomly selected "Message of the day" for a TBBS System, to be displayed when a user first logs in to the system. "MsgMkr.exe" searches "Msgfile.txt" which can contain an unlimited number of messages, of any length. Messages are separated by the "%" symbol. An extensive sample file of sample messages is included. PASSPROT - by Chris Frankforther. PASSPROT allows you to requir a password to enter a TBBS menu. This password can be made case-sensitive. A ASCII/ANSI file can be displayed when PASSPROT is called. If the password entered matches the password required it simply exits and the user goes to the menu protected. If the passwords do not match it returns the user to the menu that called PASSPROT. PREVIEW - by John Rice. A program to pre-view TBBS insertion parameters from the DOS command line. No longer do you have to load a file with insertion params into your system only to find out that the colors weren't quite what you wanted, or the format wasn't quite right. Now with Preview, you can quickly check the file, change and check it again, before you load it on your BBS. Saves a lot of time. PURIFY - by Tom Faulkner. Purify executes from command line or batch file and removes messages from the TBBS message base by From: name(s). Good name, "Purify"! Purify is an executable utility that runs from the command prompt of from a batch file and will delete any messages in the TBBS message base that are from the name(s) used. For instance: "PURIFY /TOM FAULKNER /PETE WHITE" ought to clean up your message base considerably! Running this program after your mail processing will assure that messages from folks you don't care to see messages from will disappear! (And it's WONDERFUL!) QUICKZIPCOMMENT - by Chris Frankforther. A quick .ZIPfile commenting system that allows you to keep the original date, set the date to the latest file in the .ZIP, or update to the current date. Version 1.10 now has a comment stripping feature. SECURITY - by John Schachat. Security, or PasswordMaster, is a TDBS 1.2 program which allows you to FORCE users to change their passwords after a certain number of days since their last password change as determined in your CONFIG.CTL file and USERLOG.BBS. TBBS has a facility that allows you to alert your users to change their passwords after a certain number of days have expired since it was last changed. PasswordMaster allows you to extend that feature so that users are forced to change their passwords after that date and they are not allowed to enter the same password again. STRIP-G - by Tracy Mickley. Strip Ghost is used to process a TBBS dayfile to remove all Ghost events found in the dayfile in order to make the dayfile more readable. It may be used in conjunction with TSTAT or other dayfile analyzers (cough) to eliminate accounting anomalies due to the ghost events logged. The program simply reads in the specified dayfile and outputs a new dayfile with all references to any ghost events found. TDBS DEVELOPER - by Ben Cunningham. The TDBS Developer allows you to execute most TDBS commands in an easy to use menu driven environment. It gives you all the flexibility of the dBaseIII+ dot prompt in a simple to use format. Virtually all data base operations are supported. In addition you can create NEW data bases and indexes from within the Developer. Source code is included, making it a valuable TDBS teaching tool. TEXT EDITOR - by Ben Cunningham. Allows editing of text files via TDBS. Excellent little utility for changing text files and batch files without having to copy files back and forth or drop the system to DOS for editing. THANKS - by Mark Chambers, is a simple little utility that was created to perform a very important task: it displays a short "Thank You" note to the subscribing callers as they log off! You'll be surprised at the results. THANKS can display a basic internal screen for ANSI, ASCII or RIP callers, and works well with TBBS insertion parameters. The THANKS screen is timed, so there's no irritating "Press any key" message if the program is invoked during logoff. TICKER - by Randy Harris. TICKER is a handy ANSI program that allows you to display a message to your users in "ticker tape" style. It is a stand-alone program that creates ticker-tape messages displayed by the (SDL) MENU: directive prompting text. It allows you to create, store, and re-edit multiple files and automatically produces three separate files for display by baud rate. TIDS - by Drew Hershkowitz. The Interactive Database System is a full-featured database system online. It includes database creation, manipulation, and editing. It allows for FULL-SCREEN append and edit functions for any database and includes many features useful online, i.e., LISTing a database, viewing the structure of a database, deleting and recalling items, indexing, filtering, seeking through an index, and much more. TOGGLE - by George Peace. Small TDBS utilities to toggle IBM Graphics and ANSI on and off so users can make changes quickly to see the effects with and without them, as used globally on the CdS. Includes source code. TQUIZ - by The Rock Software. Trivia Quiz is a very powerful program and can be used in many different ways. You are not restricted to databases you receive with the program and can trade with other SysOps or make up your own. Just enter in the DBF name of the database into the editor and have at it. You may want someone else to add questions and do the work on an individual category, place their name in the SysOp lines. You are allowed 3 people per catagory. TYPE1 - Tom Faulkner. Type1 is meant as a replacement for the TBBS TYPE=1 command when you wish to permit users to scroll forward and backwards in a text file. When you wish to permit them to search for a word in the file. Or when you wish to permit them to jump to the end of a text file without having to scroll through the entire file. If the caller doesn't have the ANSI flag set they will just get a normal TYPE=1 display with no optional switches. VOTE - by Jeff Johnson. TDBS presidential election poll program that we hope will be updated as needed. But Perot is still with us! =========================================================================== Registered GW Associates customers can order via our free online order area by calling 1-800-GWA-TDBS (492-8327). This line is for order processing only. To register as a GW Associates customer just call our Support System on our main customer support line at (508) 429-8385. And while you're online please take the time to browse through our demonstration area where we have well over a hundred enhancement software packages for you to try. And feel free to download any of the many demonstration packages so you can experience them on your BBS. Any problems? Please call us voice at (508) 429-6227 for assistance.