****HOW TO MAKE DOORS RUN OFF OF MENUS**** This txt file works for TriBBS 5.1 or higher. It may work with other older versons of TriBBS but I'm not sure. You need to have the file that you want to set up in a diffrent dirctory. Like if you want to set up a TriBBS Time Bank from the main menu here is what you would do: 1: Download TBANK.zip from a TriBBS board. 2: Make a directory in you main TriBBS directory. If you do not know how, here is an example... C:\TRIBBS\>md bank or what ever you wish to name it. 3: Unzip the file and make a batch file for it. Here is what mine looks like. CD\TriBBS\BANK TriBANK TriBANK.CFG CD\TriBBS BOARD If you want it in the main menu you will *HAVE* to name the batch file Main#.bat Where # is you put what ever command you wish for the bank to have. So if you wanted to have it as a $ you would name it MAIN$.BAT Next you have to edit your .MNU files. You can do this through TriMan or through your NWORK directory. You add a line to the bottom of your Main.MNU file. Your MAIN.MNU file should look something like this.like this. 7,0,2,15 M,M Main Menu,30 D,D Doors,30 S,S SysOp Menu,200 M,M Message Areas,30 F,F File Areas,30 P,P Page SysOp,30 B,B Bulletins,30 ect... you add the line at the bottom of the list something like this.. $,$ Time Bank,30 ****NOTE***** If you change the $ sign, you will also have to change it on your bat file. Thats about it, not much to it eh? Here is a list of of the diffrent commads that you will most likely want to use. MAIN#.BAT for the Main menu MESS#.BAT for the Message menu File#.BAT for the File menu SYS#.BAT for the SysOp menu If you have any other questions about how to set up a program on a TriBBS software give me a call at my bbs.. IMZADI bbs 602-746-4935 (Tucson) 24 hours 1200-57.6 Sysop: Riker Thanks! And I hope I have been of some help to you!