======================================================================= A collection of messages on running Windows and TriBBS. ======================================================================= Number : 241 of 243 Date: 09/09/94 23:35 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Jerry Benton To : Steve Coker Subject : TriBBS under Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tell me your secret to running TriBBS under windows. Going Crazy, Jerry Benton MYST Sysop ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 26 of 243 Date: 03/31/94 16:40 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Steve Coker To : Tim Turner Subject : stacker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TT> What ever happened to your stacker mess? The problem we had discussed was that I was getting disk errors when using Stacker, Norton Desktop, CrossTalk, and my BBS program. I narrowed the problem down to one of the following. 1. The Stacker version I was using was 3.0 and it needed upgrading for compatibility with DOS 6.2. I upgraded to Stacker version 4.0. 2. The CrossTalk for Windows version I was using (version 1.2.2) and the scripts I was using in it seemed to cause problems. I upgraded to CrossTalk for Windows version 2.1e 3. The Norton Desktop for Windows version 2.2 batch files that I was using seemed to cause disk cluster problems. I upgraded to NDW 3.0, but the upgrade has bugs which crashed my system whenever a BBS user made a file transfer. So, I've uninstalled NDW and gone back to using Program Manager. These upgrades and reverting to Program Manager solved the problems I was having. It seems it was a problem of older program versions either not working right with Stacker or DOS 6.2 or both. Everthing is working fine now, except for the bugs in NDW. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 58 of 243 Date: 04/26/94 18:00 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Kevin Putnam To : Steve Coker Subject : Tribbs in Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve, I need to talk to you about a problem I am having. I can not seem to get Tribbs to work properly through windows. I am having constant system lockups when a ring is detected or after log off. Any info would be helpfull. Kevin The Digital Wasteland ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 60 of 243 Date: 04/26/94 20:34 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Steve Coker To : Kevin Putnam Subject : Tribbs in Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KP> I need to talk to you about a problem I am having. I can not KP> seem to get Tribbs to work properly through windows. I am having KP> constant system lockups when a ring is detected or after log off. An KP> info would be helpfull. I created a text file collection of messages on running TriBBS and Windows. Download this from the TriBBS file area and see if this info helps solve your problems. Also, check out some of the help files in the TriBBS file area regarding modem initialization strings. After you do this, if you still have problems let me know and we can chat. It would help me if you created a zip file with the following info. Your config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, system.ini, and PIF files used when you are having these problems. Upload this zip for me and I'll check out your setup. Also, if you are loading any programs in the windows startup group, give me a list of them. More Thoughts ------------- How recent is your version of windows? Is it ver 3.1 or 3.11? Have you upgraded the Windows COM driver or installed any programs that upgrade the COM driver? For example, PC Tools Commute and WinFAX Pro upgrade this driver. Sometimes the upgrade works, sometimes not. If you are using a high speed modem, you probably should upgrade the driver. Try calling the MicroSoft BBS or if you have WinFAX or some other program that provides such drivers, get their latest upgade. The most common problems I've seen with windows in general are: 1. Memory conflicts caused by how programs and drivers are loaded in the config.sys and autoexec.bat files. To fix this, use QEMM or Memmaker and then carefully fine tune the way things are loaded to eliminate all conflicts. 2. Shadow ram in CMOS settings conflicts with memory configuration given by QEMM or Memmaker. To fix, try disabling shadow ram and testing to see if the conflict goes away. If it does, then you may be able to turn shadow ram back on and either a. manually adjust the memory configuration or b. "exclude" the area of high memory that is causing the conflict and then re-run QEMM or Memmaker. 3. Old drivers, especially video drivers. To solve this, get the latest verions of the drivers from MicroSoft, the hardware manufacturer, or the software company. If you notice that the problem only occurs after you have run a certain program, then it may be a driver that program loads. Well, thats all for now, If I think of anything else, I'll leave ya a note. Good Luck. -Steve- PS If you have registered TriBBS, tell me your registration number. If I can verify that you are on the node list, I'll upgrade you to visiting SysOp level. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 73 of 243 Date: 05/22/94 17:37 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Graham Reitz To : Steve Coker Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am a Tribbs sysop in Florida and I need some help. I am trying to get windows and Tribbs to work properly. Here's my system. 486DX/33. 8Megs ram, Frontdoor 2.20, Tribbs 5.1, I use DSZ newest version as of 4/94. Everything works GREAT except Zmodem. When the screen is full screen and in the foreground I get great CPS with Zmodem, but if it's windowed or in the backround it(CPS) gets chopped off to almost exactly a half. if I am using Windows my system slows to almost a halt until the Zmodem transfer is done. It takes about 3-5 mins to redraw the screen while someone is downloading with Zmodem. What's weird is if the user is using H/Slink or HydraCom bi-directional transfer, it works great, whether windowed, full-screen, or in the backround and it even allows me to even perform some CPU intensive tasks with no problems. While they are downloading. It's just Zmodem! In the PIF I have backround and foreground at 800 and backround execution is checked. I am also using Cybercom.drv as a comm driver and have made all the changes to my system.ini per all the literature I have read including yours. I really hope that you can help me out... My voice number is 813-840-2134, I will call back to reverse that charge if you can call. My BBS number is 813-840-2110. I am at a complete loss! I guess what gets me is that everything else works GREAT except Zmodem, Omen Tech... Forget TTPROT alltogether.. -Graham Reitz ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 74 of 243 Date: 05/22/94 18:59 Reply To: 73 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Steve Coker To : Graham Reitz Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are some quick thoughts for you. No answers yet. GR> 486DX/33. 8Megs ram, Frontdoor 2.20, Tribbs 5.1, I use DSZ newest GR> version as of 4/94. GR> GR> Everything works GREAT except Zmodem. When the screen is full scree GR> and in the foreground I get great CPS with Zmodem, but if it's windo GR> or in the backround it(CPS) gets chopped off to almost exactly a hal GR> if I am using Windows my system slows to almost a halt until the Zmo GR> transfer is done. It takes about 3-5 mins to redraw the screen whil GR> someone is downloading with Zmodem. One quick question. What hardware brands are you using? I have been told that Gateway products are not BBS friendly and cause interupt related problems with both Windows and Deskview. I haven't confirmed this myself. If it is not a hardware problem then "off the top of my head" I don't know what it is. Omen Technology Zmodem works fine for me with a Dell 486/33, Windows 3.1, and Hayes Accura 14.4 modem. I'll try calling your system when I get a chance to check it out. Of course, I assume you have tinkered with setting the Windows Timeslice in control panel. If not, try varying that from 1 to 15 and see if things change at all. GR> What's weird is if the user is using H/Slink or HydraCom bi-directio GR> transfer, it works great, whether windowed, full-screen, or in the GR> backround and it even allows me to even perform some CPU intensive t GR> with no problems. While they are downloading. It's just Zmodem! The slow screen redraw implies that your windows programs are not getting much CPU time and/or the video mode and video card is at the outer limits of your systems capabilities. What mode are you in (VGA 640 x 480, Super VGA 800 x 600, Hi-Res 1024+) and how many colors do you use. The higher the resolution and the more colors, the more CPU time required to redraw. If you are using a good video card which has graphics acceleration built in then screen redraws should be fine at least up to 800x600 with 256 colors. It is not likely (but is possible) that the slow redraws is because of the mode or video card as long as you are in SuperVGA or less with 256 colors or less and have at least 512k on the graphics card. If you don't have a Windows graphics accelerated vidow card, I recommend getting one. It can take a lot of screen drawing work off the CPU. How many nodes are you running? What DOS programs are running? What are the PIF settings of ALL running DOS programs? What are the Windows Scheduling settings in Control Panel? These are the windows equivalents of the PIF priority settings. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 76 of 243 Date: 05/22/94 22:39 Reply To: 74 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Graham Reitz To : Steve Coker Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yikes, ok here I go I have an AST Advantage Pro 486DX/33, Zoom 28.8k internal. I am using Frontdoor 2.12. I think that you theory about gateway problems may just be on the right track. I just witnessed Frontdoor do a Zmodem transfer in the backround, with me tinkering, at 1630 CPS at 14.4k. Frontdoor uses it's own Zmodem protocal built in. So I know that some Zmodem does work. Just not one that I can get at. I have windows 3.1. I also had the 640x480 64k video driver loaded. But I have 1meg of Vram, and Frontdoor was able to do a transfer at a good rate with it loaded. It is also local bus so I can't see why I would need a windows excelerator. Zmodem does work. Just not one that I can get at. I have windows 3.1. I also had the 640x480 64k video driver loaded. But I have 1meg of Vram, and Frontdoor was able to do a transfer at a good rate with it loaded. It is also local bus so I can't see why I would need a windows excelerator. I am only running one node. I haven't used any DOS apps yet but if they were running, besides the BBS and FrontDoor, they would be using defualts. The windows scheduling is set at 400 for foreground 100 for backround. I have tried the timeslicing between 1 and 20. No luck. This Frontdoor Zmodem Transfer REALLY confuses me now. I can't understand why it would work and not DSZ in the BBS... :( I really hope that you can help me out. If only everybody used H/Slink and HydraCom. They are awesome! :) Thanks for the speedy reply... My fidonet address is 1:377/72 -Graham Reitz ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 77 of 243 Date: 05/23/94 02:01 Reply To: 76 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Steve Coker To : Graham Reitz Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GR> I have an AST Advantage Pro 486DX/33, Zoom 28.8k internal. I am usi GR> Frontdoor 2.12. I think that you theory about gateway problems may GR> just be on the right track. I just witnessed Frontdoor do a Zmodem GR> transfer in the backround, with me tinkering, at 1630 CPS at 14.4k. GR> Frontdoor uses it's own Zmodem protocal built in. So I know that so GR> Zmodem does work. Just not one that I can get at. Obviously then, it is not a windows problem. So it must be some other software or a hardware problem, right? It sounds like you are doing everything right. My guess at this point is that the problem is one of two things (of course I'm only guessing and it could be something else entirely). Guess #1 - Some driver you have installed in windows may be conflicting with the Zmodem protocol and the way it is accessing the com port. Many windows problems are caused by flawed drivers made by hardware and software vendors. When I upgraded Norton Desktop for Windows from version 2.1 to version 3.0 one of the NDW drivers locked up windows everytime someone did a Zmodem download. I had to uninstall NDW and go back to Program Manager to solve that problem. Test Suggestions for Guess #1 - Try making a list of all the drivers that system.ini installs and find out what each one is for. Try commenting out any that you can, except for the ones that are basic to windows, and see what effect that has. - Try changing the com driver back to the windows com driver and see what happens. I am using the WinFax Pro com driver from Delrina. - Try using the windows VGA or SVGA video drivers instead of the OEM video driver you have installed. Guess #2 - A hardware specific defect may be causing problems with the interupt addressing. Test Suggestions for Guess #2. - Talk to the manufacturer for a solution - Run Checkit, Norton Utilties, and every other hardware testing utility you can to check things out as thoroughly as possible. In particular, test the serial ports as best you can. You may need to get hold of a loop back tester for this. - Isolate what is causing it and replace that component (if possible). If you have components that you can borrow (video card, controllers, modem, etc.) try replacing one component at the time and see if things improve. This is a longshot of course. If its a hardware problem, it is probably on the motherboard. One more thing you might want to try is to install some other Zmodem protocols. If you don't have any others you can d/l them from me. They are here somewhere. Try doing a search for Zmodem. Well, that's all my guesses for now. I carry WME and you can echo mail to me through there if you like. If you don't carry it, you should download the TriBBS Support conference for offline reading. You may find another SysOp who has the same problems you have. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 78 of 243 Date: 05/23/94 02:47 Reply To: 76 Confer : Comments to SysOp .............. From : Steve Coker To : Graham Reitz Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GR> defualts. The windows scheduling is set at 400 for foreground 100 f GR> backround. I have tried the timeslicing between 1 and 20. No luck. This is an afterthought to my last message. I think you said that the BBS is set for foreground and background priority of 800. So, if I understand you correctly, this is how you have things set. You run the BBS with no other DOS programs loaded. Except that you said you have Frontdoor running and it uses the default PIF settings? The default PIF priority settings, I believe, are 100 foreground and 50 background. Resulting Virtual Machine Priority Settings Processor Time Scenario #1 Windows in foreground Foreground = 400 33% BBS in background Background = 800 67% Total = 1200 100% Scenario #2 Windows in background Background = 100 11% BBS in foreground Foreground = 800 89% Total = 900 100% Scenario #3 Windows in foreground Foreground = 400 89% FrontDoor in background Background = 50 11% Total = 450 100% Scenario #4 Windows in background Background = 100 67% FrontDoor in foreground Foreground = 50 33% Total = 150 100% Scenario #5 Windows in foreground Foreground = 400 32% Frontdoor in background Background = 50 4% BBS in background Background = 800 64% Total = 1250 100% Of all of these possible scenario's the only ones that give a low background priority are scenarios #3 & #5. We can eliminate #5 because it has a high enough CPU share for the BBS. Scenario #3 should be the one that you have when only FrontDoor and Windows are loaded. Therefore, scenario #3 was running when you said the FrontDoor Zmodem d/l went OK. So, this tells me that it is not a problem of CPU timeslicing or priority sharing. Again, this points to a problem with either hardware or some something like windows drivers. Although it looks like it is not a Windows problem, just to be sure, the following thoughts are offered. Question - exactly how do you have the PIF setup? Is it setup as a BBS.PIF for the BBS.EXE program, or as a BOARD.PIF for the BOARD.BAT, or as FD.PIF for FrontDoor? Question - does FrontDoor open another DOS virtual machine (i.e. window/panel) to run the BBS in or does it run it within the same open machine that FrontDoor uses? Try using a PIF for FrontDoor and make that PIF's priority settings the same as the BBS's PIF priority settings and see what happens. Probably not the solution, but a simple test to rule out PIF problems. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 114 of 391 Date : 03/08/94 21:08 Confer : Technical Help ............ From : Steven Rose To : Leon Staskiewicz Subject : Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LS> I know with Widows you can type WIN C:\WPWIN\WPWIN FILE.XXX and LS> windows will load and run wordperfect and then load in the file *.XXX . LS> LS> Now has anyone out there written a program that will allow you to do LS> the same within a Dos Window? The April Windows mag. reviews a couple: Landmark DOS 3.0 $49 813-443-1331 DOS-like interpreter in a window Supports pipes, redirection, batch files, most DOS commands. File associations supported > typing/clicking on file name launches associated Win app. PRAXIM-Command Shell $49.95 512-328-0100 Mini-window in foreground - type in command or app. name Toolbox with icons to launch ProgMan groups (don't know what else might be in the toolbox) Define aliases to abbreviate commonly used commands Recall previous commands There are 800 numbers given, but you're in Kuwait, right? ... NO CARRIER... Gear up. Hook up. Stick back, AB on! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- TriNet: [WME] Radio Free Villa Rica 404/459-8487 14.4 V.32bis OCVR ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 391 of 401 Date : 04/24/94 18:31 Reply To: 87 Confer : Technical Help ............ From : Steve Coker To : Leon Staskiewicz Subject : Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LS> I know with Widows you can type WIN C:\WPWIN\WPWIN FILE.XXX and wi LS> load and run wordperfect and then load in the file *.XXX . LS> LS> Now has anyone out there written a program that will allow you to do LS> within a Dos Window? I know with deqview their is a program called LS> run from a Desqview window will open another DV window and run the p LS> provide it on the command line. LS> LS> Can anyone help? There are a pair of programs called RUN and SCHED that will work together to run a windows program from a DOS window command prompt. However, the version 1.11 that I have was written for Windows 3.0 and may cause unexpected problems in Windows 3.1. I've been able to use them with limited success. I don't know if there is an update to work with 3.1. The authors name and address given in the zip file are. Frits Wiarda Korvezeestraat 346 2628 DR Delft Holland phone +31.15.561049 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 393 of 401 Date : 04/24/94 18:55 Reply To: 268 Confer : Technical Help ............ From : Steve Coker To : Andy Meunier Subject : SYSTEM ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AM> When loading windows a "divide by zero or overflow error" occurrs ab AM> four out of five times. Don't exactly know what could be causing it AM> but think that maybe the video drivers may be the problem. Does anyo AM> else have any ideas. Thanks. Guess #1 - Bad memory chip. Run Checkit or some other diagnostic prog. Guess #2 - Memory configuration screwed. Run QEMM or MemMaker then fine tune the results. Guess #3 - ShadowRam conflict. In your CMOS settings, try disabling Shadow Video RAM and see what happens. Guess #4 - A DOS TSR can be causing memory problems. Try removing all TSRs and testing. Then restore them one at the time and test it. Guess #5 - A windows program either on the RUN= or LOAD= line in the WIN.INI file can be screwing things up. Or it could be a program loading from the startup group. Guess #6 - A bug in the windows video driver you have installed. Try downloading the latest driver from the manufacturer's BBS. Or, run the Windows Setup in DOS and change to a generic driver to see if the problem goes away. If it does, then its a video problem. Guess #7 - Defective Video Ram chip. Run Checkit or some other diagnostic program to test. Guess #8 - Settings in System.ini have gotten screwed up. Unless you really know what you are doing, I suggest that you not try to fix this problem. Just reinstall windows over the existing installation. Good Luck. I've always found that these problems can be solved. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 394 of 401 Date : 04/24/94 19:00 Reply To: 342 Confer : Technical Help ............ From : Steve Coker To : Daved Netti Subject : AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DN> My computer would boot and load DN> Windows when I had "WIN" as the last line in my autoexec.bat. Now, DN> of a sudden, Windows will not load at boot up. To load Windows at t DN> C prompt, I enter CD WINDOWS , WIN . What happened? DN> do I have this problem now that I never had before? You probably have installed a program that changed your PATH in the autoexec.bat file. If the windows directory is correctly spelled out in the PATH statement then typing WIN will work to run windows. To see what your PATH variable is, type PATH or SET at any command prompt. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 395 of 401 Date : 04/24/94 19:06 Reply To: 387 Confer : Technical Help ............ From : Steve Coker To : Daved Netti Subject : Autoexec.bat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DN> I got my Windows to load at boot up. Someone suggessted putting DN> CD WINDOWS DN> WIN at the end of my autoexec.bat. That seemed a lot easier than DN> screwing around with path statements. I took the simple suggesstion DN> and it worked. Thanks anyway. That may be the simple way, but it is not the best way. Many windows programs and windows itself need to find modules, libraries, and windows programs that are in the Windows directory. If the windows directory is not in the path, errors and problems will occur when such files cannot be located. You should ALWAYS have the windows directory in your path statement, if you are running windows. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 104 of 6032 Date : 02/09/94 19:32 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Mark Goodwin To : Steve Appleton Subject : Data Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SA>MG> SA>I am attempting to set up a second node on my TriBBS 5.02 system. SA>MG> SA>Even if I'm only running one node on line and that node is in the SA>MG> SA>background the data rate drops significantly on file transfers. SA>MG> SA>I have tried to give the process as many clock ticks as possible SA>MG> SA>I'm still haveing the same problem. I'm running a 14.4k modem an SA>MG> SA>get great through put on it until I drop the node into the backgr SA>MG> SA>MG> What type of computer are using running it on? SA> 486-DLC/33 MS-DOS 6.2, WINDOWS 3.1 You should adjust your 386 enhanced setting so that it's using small time slices and make sure that you're allocating as many time slices to a background task as you're giving to a foreground task. -Mark --- QMPro 1.51 Soon To Be A Major Motion Picture. TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 834 of 6032 Date : 02/18/94 15:12 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Mark Hutchinson To : Doug Bradfield Subject : TriBBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB> under windows 386 enhanced mode. The problem that I have is when the DB> LOCAL node is loaded, the REMOTE node slows down considerably and th DB> is most noteable when a user is downloading (or uploading?) files. DB> At 14.4 the cps rate drops from about 1620cps to 980cps without any DB> errors. I have the serial port locked at 19200 and I'm wondering at DB> this point if raising it to 38400 might make a difference. I can Nope, will make it slower. Give your Remote line more priority. Mark --- TriNet: WaveForm BBS (#35)* Schenectady, NY * 518-381-4417 * 16.8K USR D/S ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 905 of 6032 Date : 02/18/94 06:31 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Larry Walters To : Doug Bradfield Subject : Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB> maybe someone who actually is running "well" under windows can give DB> us both some help. DB> DB> Doug I don't think anyone out there is doing it efficiently... There are some who claim to be , but those files ive seen on the bouy are either too hardware specific or not written by individuals actually running more than one node. The file xfers (background node) *always* slow down to a crawl no matter what the settings... If there is someone running smoothly, let's hear from ya.. Please be specific about the pif and back/fore specs... --- TriNet: WME: -=Power Station=- Abilene, TX (915) 698-7951 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 994 of 6032 Date : 02/20/94 12:05 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Doug Bradfield To : Mark Hutchinson Subject : TriBBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MH> DB> under windows 386 enhanced mode. The problem that I have is when MH> DB> LOCAL node is loaded, the REMOTE node slows down considerably an MH> DB> is most noteable when a user is downloading (or uploading?) file MH> DB> At 14.4 the cps rate drops from about 1620cps to 980cps without MH> DB> errors. I have the serial port locked at 19200 and I'm wondering MH> DB> this point if raising it to 38400 might make a difference. I can MH> MH> Nope, will make it slower. Give your Remote line more priority. I plan on adding a second line and having three nodes (2 remote and 1 local). How do a balance the two remotes so they both get ok performance under windows? Right now on the remote node I have both backround and forground priority set to 650. I think the _default.pif has backround set to 50 and forground set to 100. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Doug B.... --- TriNet: WME * Diamond Express * Augusta NJ * 201-875-2736 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 1075 of 6032 Date : 02/21/94 12:03 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Matt Nall To : Doug Bradfield Subject : Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LW>DB> maybe someone who actually is running "well" under windows can gi LW>DB> us both some help. MN> Do you Guys have in your "system.ini" [ENH] section the statment MN> "IdleVMWakeUpTime=x" [1,2,4,6(8 is default)]??? Jimi McDuffie gave MN> everyone this tip, plus more, in his "TIPS" I wish I were running MN> 2 nodes of tribbs under Win but alas..... I do run a 1985 dos MN> program that uses 2 .exe's to run and talks to a remote unit 24hrs. MN> a day, file xfers on the hour! plus constant 1 second updates! MN> In modeming I had to fight this "DUO" from day 1 and have found that MN> "IdleVM" was the best help ever while running Windows3.1 I have MN> tested Tribbs 5.0 with this setup while helping a friend get his BBS MN> up. My unit is a 486dx33/8mbram/ his a 386dx40/8 and both units work MN> the same after adding the line! BUT we have found that Win3.11 is a MN> tremendous improvement over 3.1 and the best $50 ever spent!! Also I MN> have used many modems with this setup and now with the Zoom24vfp we MN> get 2650-2800 zmodem/zips on clean lines in the BG; both units! MN> Question.. Did anyone ever run "DRDOS6.0" "Taskmax"??? It ran this MN> flawlessly but the company went to MS 5.0-6.2 because of our network MN> ALSO[since I'm on a roll] It appears after a 10 day test/setup that MN> "OS/2 2.1 IS SLOWER than Win3.11 when running Tribbs5.01[1node] Why MN> doesn't someone else try them both! hint: msdos6.2/memaker[express] MN> win3.11 & forget about the 640K as 3.1 even takes care of it for you MN> hope you didn't W'doooze off on me MLINK\CMPQWK\Work\JZONE.MSG Station=- Abilene, Տ'@$'W'?W'ry --- CmpQwk #UNREG UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY TriNet: The Joe Zone BBS * San Diego, CA. * 619-582-2566 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 1173 of 6032 Date : 02/22/94 16:17 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Appleton To : Paul Hirsch Subject : Data Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PH> SA}I am attempting to set up a second node on my TriBBS 5.02 system PH> SA}Even if I'm only running one node on line and that node is in th PH> SA}background the data rate drops significantly on file transfers. PH> SA}I have tried to give the process as many clock ticks as possible PH> SA}I'm still haveing the same problem. I'm running a 14.4k modem a PH> SA}get great through put on it until I drop the node into the backg PH> SA}Any ideas? PH> PH> Which multitasker are you using? Do you have a 16550 UART on the mo PH> or serial port? I am attempting to use Windows ver 3.1. Yes I have a 16550 UART on the com port. I have tried this on several CPUs i/e - a 486DLC/33 and a 486/DX-50 with the same results. When a remote user attempts to do a download from a node that is in the background, that download never gets started. The remote end reports timeouts. The filename / size part of the handshake seem to start just fine but no data at all ever gets going. Bringing the node into the foreground starts the download normally. --- TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 1174 of 6032 Date : 02/22/94 16:25 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Appleton To : Mark Goodwin Subject : Tribbs Multitasking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mark, I have asked several questions on this subject and have been unable to come up with a satisfactory answer. I am attempting to run TriBBS ver. 5.02 under Windows ver 3.1. As I understand it this is a supported configuration. I have a 16550 uart on the comm port and a us robotics sportster 14.4k modem. The problem is that anytime a node is in the background downloads never get started correctly. The filename / size info seems to handshake ok. But the data just never starts to flow. The remote end reports timeouts. I have tried this on two cpus a 486 DLC/33 and a 486 DX/50 with the same results. You left me a message about setting timeslices in the 386 enhanced mode small. Well it dosen't seem to matter where I set this parameter. It also dosen't seem to matter what priority I set the background task. Is this a supported configuration? You can't prove it by me. If not what is? DESQVIEW? Multiple CPUs? What. By the way, the fix for this problem is to just put the node into the forground and it takes off! Help, please help. --- TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 1561 of 6032 Date : 02/25/94 15:36 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Doug Bradfield To : Steve Appleton Subject : Re: Tribbs Multitasking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=> Quoting Steve Appleton to Mark Goodwin <=- SA> I have asked several questions on this subject and have been unable SA> to come up with a satisfactory answer. I am attempting to run TriBBS SA> ver. 5.02 under Windows ver 3.1. As I understand it this is a SA> supported configuration. I have a 16550 uart on the comm port and a Hi Steve, I can relate to your frustration. I too have been trying to get a two nodes to run "good" under windows and have had alot of problems. I even took the time to get on the phone with MicroSoft to see what help they could give and they weren't much help at all. One thing that really confused me was setting the BACKROUND / FORGROUND priority in the PIF files. Everyone's suggestion of "just give it more background priority" didn't seem to help. I had to find out more about pifs in general and so far what I've learned is that BG/FG priorities represent a ratio of how much time the processor will spend servicing the applications. Therefore 1:2 or 50:100 or 500:1000 all mean the same thing. If you use the default minimum time slice of 20ms and the program running in the foreground had a 1:2 ratio in the pif it would work something like this. F B F B F B F 20ms | | | | (the foreground app get twice as much time 20ms | | | | | | | as the backround) If you add a third application running in the background you end up with F B B F B B F B B F 20ms | | | | 20ms | | | | | | | | | | So you can see, the combined backround tasks are getting just as much processor time as the forground task. Now the next question, "WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE?" and according to MicroSoft the PIF file for the forground application controls how the time slices are allocated. If I have two Tribbs nodes running under windows and the "remote" node runs in the backround and the local node is the forground application, then the local nodes pif will control the processor time allocation. Now I want the remote node to "look" as though it's running in the for- ground so I set up the pif for the local node to give more processor time to the background application. Instead of a 1:2 ratio you could try a 2:1, 3:2 or 4:3. A little trial an error may be needed here. The effect would look something like this. 2:1 RATIO F B F B F B 20ms | | | 20ms | | | | | | 3:2 RATIO F B F B F B 20ms | | | 20ms | | | | | | 20ms | | | | | | Windows is a strange animal, there are other option in the SYSTEM.INI 386enh section that will also effect performance when running DOS applic and comms in the backround. I hope this gives you a point to start from. Donn't blame TriBBS, Windows is a dog under the best conditions. ... Mary had a little RAM -- only about a MEG or so. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11 --- TriNet: WME * Diamond Express * Augusta NJ * 201-875-2736 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 1697 of 6032 Date : 02/25/94 22:26 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Paul Hirsch To : Steve Appleton Subject : Data Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SA:}PH> Which multitasker are you using? Do you have a 16550 UART on the mo SA:}PH> or serial port? SA:}I am attempting to use Windows ver 3.1. Yes I have a 16550 UART on the SA:}com port. I have tried this on several CPUs i/e - a 486DLC/33 and a SA:}486/DX-50 with the same results. When a remote user attempts to do a It should work.. You might want to check the Com Port settings in the Control Panel. Make sure that you set them all for no warn, CTS/RTS hardware flow control, and set them to 9600 (or 19200).. Also, try one of the replacement COMM.DRV'ers out there.. There's a good number of replacements that do a lot better than the Windows driver. SA:}download from a node that is in the background, that download never SA:}gets started. The remote end reports timeouts. The filename / size Hmm.. I never had this happen.. I can't say what's going wrong.. SA:}part of the handshake seem to start just fine but no data at all ever SA:}gets going. Bringing the node into the foreground starts the download SA:}normally. Hmm.. Do you give all tasks the same amount of ticks in foreground and background? When I ran my BBS under Windows, I had each node (1 remote 14.4k, one local) set to 300 foreground & background. I haven't played with it in a while, been using OS/2 2.1 for a long time now. -Paul --- QMPro 1.51 Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. TriNet: WME: The North Pole * 301-540-3654 {1:109/734} ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 1918 of 6032 Date : 03/02/94 23:06 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Tony Aimone To : Mark Goodwin Subject : Trimail 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MG>TA>away. I think the problem is because the custom screens I just MG>TA>installed are saved in the @X color code format - I never had the MG>TA>problem before the installation of these custom screens. Has anyone MG>TA>else experienced this type of problem???? MG>This is the first that I've heard of it. Could you please zip up and MG>upload those screens to my board. Mark - I seem to have narrowed it down to the Welcome Screen that is locking up the TriMail program. The screens were produced by a friend using the editor that comes with PC Board. I'll try and upload the screens to you -IF I CAN EVER GET THROUGH! :) The error message that I kept getting was from Windows. It went something like this: Application has violated system integrity due to invalid general protection fault & will be terminated. Close all open programs and exit Windows. Once I do this, the next time I start Windows and TriBBS, the BBS is still in the same place where it locked up. If I try and quit TriBBS and then re-log on, I get a sharing violation error when I try and run TriMail again. This is solved from a COMPLETE re-boot, not just starting Windows over again. I know it's not the best multi-tasking system for a BBS, but at the moment it's all I've got! :( Hope this helps! --- OLX 2.1 TD  - Super-sado-masochistic-expialidocious -  TriNet: WME * Tony's Talk-Net * Indianapolis, IN * 317-255-1953 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2064 of 6032 Date : 03/06/94 03:47 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Steve Appleton Subject : Tribbs Multitasking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SA> I have asked several questions on this subject and have been unable SA>to come up with a satisfactory answer. I am attempting to run TriBBS SA>ver. 5.02 under Windows ver 3.1. As I understand it this is a SA>supported configuration. I have a 16550 uart on the comm port and a us SA>robotics sportster 14.4k modem. The problem is that anytime a node is SA>in the background downloads never get started correctly. The filename SA>/ size info seems to handshake ok. But the data just never starts to SA>flow. The remote end reports timeouts. I have tried this on two cpus Forgive my injecting but I am running 5.02 under Windows 3.1 and think that your problem can be solved. Need some basic info tho to do it. Here are a few questions and ideas for you. 1. What version of DOS are you using? 2. Do you have a PIF for board.bat? If so what are your foreground and background settings? 3. Do you have any other DOS programs running? If so what are their PIF settings for foreground/background? 4. Have you installed any programs like PC Commute or WinFax that replace the comm.drv=comm.drv in System.ini? If yes, try commenting those back to the original driver and see what happens. 5. Check the following settings in the System.ini file. You may need to change these to suit your system but they work OK for me. The IdleVMWakeUpTime=8 setting may help. You may also want to try setting the COM2Buffer=0, that may work better with a 16550? Don't know, I haven't tried that one yet. [386enh] COM2Base=02F8 COM3Base=3E8h COM4Base=2E8h Com1AutoAssign=2 Com2AutoAssign=2 Com3AutoAssign=1 Com4AutoAssign=1 Com1Buffer=64 Com2Buffer=256 Com3Buffer=0 Com4Buffer=0 Com1Protocol= Com2Protocol= Com3Protocol= Com4Protocol= ComBoostTime=8 Comdrv30=OFF ComIrqSharing=OFF IdleVMWakeUpTime=8 Com2Baud=3 COM2FIFO=ON Some additional [386Enh] settings that may (or may not) help are shown below. These are all explained in the Windows Resource Kit. DMABufferSize=32 FileSysChange=on HardDiskDMABuffer= MinUserDiskSpace=500 PageBuffers=32 PerVMFILES=30 SysVMEMSLimit=4096 SysVMXMSLimit=4096 SyncTime=on UseRomFont=off VideoSuspendDisable=on VirtualHDIrq=off WinExclusive=off EMMSize=2048 6. Are you running under Progman or what? I recently "upgraded" from Norton Desktop 2.2 to NDW 3.0 and it crashed my transfers for some reason. I've had to fall back to Progman. 7. The only other time I have problems D/L is when there is an error on my HardDisk (cluster error, compression error, etc.). This has been a frequent problem lately and I'm trying to find out what is causing it. Seems like every time I run the BBS, I get HD errors. I've ordered the Stacker upgrade to see if that will solve it. I plan to uninstall NDW to see if that does it. It may have something to do with the CD-ROM drivers I recently installed. I don't think it is TriBBS that is the problem, but I plan to test TriPack, Fileman, etc., to be sure they aren't doing it. Anyway, have you checked (Norton Disk Doctor or CHKDSK) to see if there are any disk errors which could be interferring with the D/L? 8. Download one of the windows/TriBBS help files from the Lobster Bouy. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2155 of 6032 Date : 03/05/94 13:31 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Appleton To : Doug Bradfield Subject : Re: Tribbs Multitasking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB> I can relate to your frustration. I too have been trying to get a t DB> nodes to run "good" under windows and have had alot of problems. I Thank you very much for your response. I went the whole route with windows. I came to the conclution that windows is a dog just as you did. I broke down and purchased DesqView! You won't belive the difference! Desqview has a lot less overhead and does the job. --- TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2156 of 6032 Date : 03/05/94 13:33 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Appleton To : Paul Hirsch Subject : Data Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PH> It should work.. You might want to check the Com Port settings in t PH> Control Panel. Make sure that you set them all for no warn, CTS/RTS PH> hardware flow control, and set them to 9600 (or 19200).. Also, try PH> of the replacement COMM.DRV'ers out there.. There's a good number o PH> replacements that do a lot better than the Windows driver. Yeah, setting the comm ports in the widows control panel helps. I didn't try a replacement com driver though. I just went and bought DESQVIEW! Now I'm happy! --- TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2157 of 6032 Date : 03/05/94 13:37 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Appleton To : Bryan White Subject : Tribbs Multitasking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BW> Have the exect same problem as you, and I also run a USR Sportster. BW> tried it with in internal and external modem to. I run a 486DX2 66, BW> it won't start the download in the background. I've tried different BW> Protocals, still no luck. The only thing left is the modem! We're BW> getting a Hayes Optima in the next few weeks, and if it works after BW> I'll get back to you! You may want to try getting a Hayes com card, BW> are suposed to work great under windows for high speed modems! The c BW> card is about $90 US, and $50 under the Sysop program. BW> If you figure it out, get back to me! :) Hey, I finnally gave up! Setting the com ports in the windows control pannel will get the d/l to start, but you won't be happy with the data rate. I did it, I went out and bought DesqView. This multitasker works so much better you won't belive it. DesqView 386 lists for $149. and I can tell you it's worth it in aggravation alone. I set it up quickly and my data rates are just like running under dos. If you want my opinion, dump windows! --- TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2199 of 6032 Date : 03/06/94 02:19 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Joe Petronio To : All Subject : Watchdog In Windows? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can anyone out there clue me in as to how I can use a utility such as Watchdog under Windows 3.1? I'm running TriBBS in the background and have tried Autoboot, Nocrash and Watchdog using each and every switch but no go. All of them will boot my friend's 486 (mine is a 386). Is there a line in system.ini that would affect this. These lockups are killing me!! --- TriNet: The Pentium BBS (619)466-3066 Spring Valley, CA ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2314 of 6032 Date : 03/06/94 17:40 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Marc Brooks To : Mark Goodwin Subject : Neato Keano! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey 5.1b1 is really fast! We have been running under windows for a long time and it really is much faster when the background nodes yield time-slices! Thanks! Now for the bad news, I have a problem with the nodes ignoring the Ring signal from the modem. Before it would ALWAYS answer on the first ring, but now (before some mighty complex tuning) it could take as many as ten. You might wish to have the board, at the waiting for callers screen, make a couple of direct checks of the RI state before yielding a slice. I have tuned the windows COMM drivers so that the VM gets woken up forcefully very regularly and the number of rings is now two or three, but this should be fixable. Marc --- TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2648 of 6032 Date : 03/12/94 17:42 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Steve Appleton Subject : Data Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SA> I am attempting to use Windows ver 3.1. Yes I have a 16550 UART on SA> com port. I have tried this on several CPUs i/e - a 486DLC/33 and a SA> 486/DX-50 with the same results. When a remote user attempts to do SA> download from a node that is in the background, that download never SA> gets started. The remote end reports timeouts. The filename / size SA> part of the handshake seem to start just fine but no data at all eve SA> gets going. Bringing the node into the foreground starts the downlo SA> normally. Here are some suggestions you might want to consider. 1. Adjust the Timeslice settings in Control Panel's 386 Enhanced Menu. 2. Use a BOARD.PIF file for the BOARD.BAT and set the Foreground and Background Priority Options to a HIGHER value than the Scheduling settings in the 386 Enhanced menu in Control Panel. 3. Make sure the BOARD.PIF has Background Execution turned on. 4. Create a permanent swapdisk for Windows. 5. If all else fails, try modifying the settings in System.ini as shown below. Add or change one line at the time and then restart Windows to see if it solves your problems. I listed the lines sort of in the order of my guess on what could be causing "freeze ups" or "slow downs" in file transfers. These options are explained in the Windows 3.1 Resource Kit. [386Enh] IdleVMWakeUpTime=4 ;default=8 [options 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 seconds] WinExclusive=off ;default=off [options on or off] VirtualHDIrq=off ;default=on COM2FIFO=ON ;default=on Comdrv30=ON ;default=off ComBoostTime=4 ;default=2 (milliseconds) try 4, 6, 8, etc. Com2Buffer=512 ;default=128 (characters buffered) ;setting ComxBuffer can slow things down. ;but it may be needed at high speeds. Com2Protocol= ;default is no entry [option is XOFF] ;XOFF not recommended for binary transfers VideoSuspendDisable=on ;default=off MinUserDiskSpace=2048 ;default=500 (kilobytes) FileSysChange=OFF ;default=on in /E mode, off in /S mode The 2 in these lines (e.g. Com2Buffer) is the COM Port number. Change this to your modems port number. I suspect you will have to modify the system.ini settings. Probably the IdleVMWakeUpTime and ComBoostTime lines need to be added. Make sure the WinExclusive setting hasn't been set to on. Hope this helps. (I sent this message to Mark yesterday by mistake) ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 2718 of 6032 Date : 03/12/94 09:48 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Wade Butler To : All Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have set my BBS up in Windows and why is it when I'm on node:2 and someone calls, node:1 won't pick up unless I click on it. -=Packman=- --- TriNet: ThunderBoard BBS * 207-884-8492 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3233 of 6037 Date : 03/19/94 20:35 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Ross Matheson To : Mike Fenton Subject : Windows & Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Hi I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm running TriBBS through windows > been having some problems. My Downloads just seem to get slaughtered, > Cps's as low as 100. But I don't know how to fix it. I've tried > changing the > FG & BG prioritys but that makes no difference. I've tried all the > mentioned in a number of text (I've tried all the ones on the lobster Mike, I had the same problems using the internal protos when I went to Win. I've seen Xmodem crawl to 30cps on a 2400bps connect. Of course I've never seen Xmodem do over 300cps either. :) I run DSZ as a replacement, and it does a lot better. CEXYZ seems to work ok too. Also, pick up a copy of Cybercomm. It's a freeware comm driver replacement, (Win 3.1 or better & a 16550 Req'd) and it will add performance and stability. Lobster Buoy has it, lots of other boards have it as well. Hope this helps! Ross --- * Origin: Critical Phase (314)443.4378 *TriBBS* (1:289/46) ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3296 of 6037 Date : 03/20/94 03:20 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Milton Minnick To : Ryan Lehky Subject : Pif Needed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RL>Hello, RL> I need a .PIF file for TriBBS 5.2. I have Windows 3.1,MS-DOS 6.2, and RL>a 14.4k USR Sportster. Even with share in my autoexec.bat I can't seem RL>to get TriBBS to work. Thanks for any help! Here is the one I use. (Make Sure your in 386 enh mode) Program Filename: BOARD.BAT Window Title: TriBBS Memory Requirements: KB Req. 470 KB Desired 640 Display Usage: Windowed Video Mode: Graphics/Multiple Txt. Close window on exit Background Priority: 25 Foreground Priority: 25 Detect Idle Time EMS Required: 25 KB EMS Limit: 25 KB XMS Required 0 KB XMS Limit: 1024 KB Uses High Memory Area Lock Application Memory Monitor text port Emulate Text Mode Allow Fast Paste Hope this helps. I am running on a 486/33 with 8 meg Ram single node. --- SLMR 2.1a God made wiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world. TriNet: WME: * Whispering Pines BBS #114 KCMO * 816-822-7085 * ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3304 of 6037 Date : 03/20/94 23:12 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Jon Crichfield To : Wayne Keyser Subject : Tribbs Under Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WK>However, when I try to get away to do some Windows programs and let WK>TRIBBS run in the background (yes, there's its little icon at the Reset your windows time slices (for tribbs) to 1000 background and 1000 foreground. That should help alot with window resources being released correctly. Jon * SLMR 2.1a * Remember... Forest Fires prevent Bears!!! --- TriNet: WME: The Hokus Pokus BBS Manassas VA 703-330-9488 14.4 V.32bis ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3306 of 6037 Date : 03/20/94 23:38 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Jon Crichfield To : Glenn Rioux Subject : Nodes! Help!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GR> Now wondering how many people that can help me step by step with this GR>node 2 doors leading people right back to node 1 a local node, and I am GR>running both icons under Windows, but RIPLORD seems also to be hard, GR>and I do have the X00 fossil driver installed, please help!! Are any of these programs designed for multinodes? You may have more than one problem involved. First, you must have Share loaded in your config.sys... DON'T rely on Windows to do the sharing of files. Windows resources are designed for windows programs... not bbses! Second, You'll either need a node monitor program or a batch file (which will do the same thing) to notify users that a copy of the door is active on another node and it can't be accessed (only if the program isn't multinode aware... like, Trade Wars 2002). If you could... place your Node 2 door batch files online and we can look them over. You've basically just got the doors sending folks back to the Node 1 directory (at least that's my best guess without seeing the batch files). Also... about your mystery lockups. For each node, reconfigure your windows resources for background and foreground to 1000+ for each. That should give you enough polling time to keep from locking up. Let me know if you need additional help. Jon * SLMR 2.1a * And remember: Oprah spelled backwards is Harpo --- TriNet: WME: The Hokus Pokus BBS Manassas VA 703-330-9488 14.4 V.32bis ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3309 of 6037 Date : 03/21/94 00:13 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Jon Crichfield To : Mike Fenton Subject : Windows & Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MF>Hi I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm running TriBBS through windows and MF>been having some problems. My Downloads just seem to get slaughtered, I've MF>Cps's as low as 100. But I don't know how to fix it. I've tried changing t MF>FG & BG prioritys but that makes no difference. I've tried all the options MF>mentioned in a number of text (I've tried all the ones on the lobster buoy) MF>it still won't work unless it's in the foreground. What speed is your modem? Remember Windows can only do 9600 baud with its default settings. Most companies which sell PC don't place high end UART into their systems... they usually use a generic 16450 UART (which handles only as high as 9600 baud). 16450s don't have a large buffer area (FIFO). You may wish to install 16550afn UARTS which will speed up your transmissions. Also keep those windows resource prioritys as high as you can. JON * SLMR 2.1a * Pascals? Weren't they a bunch of kids on TV? --- TriNet: WME: The Hokus Pokus BBS Manassas VA 703-330-9488 14.4 V.32bis ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3914 of 6039 Date : 03/26/94 12:10 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Ross Matheson To : Mike Fenton Subject : Windows & Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Ok I'll setup DSZ But do you think you could show me your batch files? Sure, no problem. Xmodem receive: dsz port %1 rx %3 Xmodem send: dsz port %1 sx %3 Zmodem send: dsz port %1 sz -m @c:%3 Zmodem receive: dsz port %1 rz -mrr %3 I'm using CEXYZ for Ymodem, here's what it looks like: Ymodem send: CEXYZ /P%1 /L38400 /UfOS /B%2 /Sy @%3 Ymodem receive: CEXYZ /P%1 /L38400 /B%2 /Ufas /Ry I seem to get a little better performance out of CEXYZ's Ymodem than DSZ's. If you want to use DSZ's Ymodem here it is: Ymodem send: dsz port %1 sb @c:%3 Ymodem receive: dsz port %1 rb %3 CEXZY is free for non commercial users, and has good docs. All of the above batch files are for TriBBS, of course, and you should be able to plug the dsz files right into your system as is. Hope this gets you started, Mike. TTYL, Ross --- * Origin: Critical Phase (314)443.4378 *TriBBS* (1:289/46) ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 3937 of 6039 Date : 03/27/94 12:34 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Jon Crichfield To : Mike Fenton Subject : Windows & Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MF>JC> UART into their systems... they usually use a generic 16450 UART (wh MF>JC> handles only as high as 9600 baud). 16450s don't have a large buffe MF>JC> area (FIFO). You may wish to install 16550afn UARTS which will spee MF>Well I've got those installed for my 14.4 and replaced the com driver MF>with cybercom but it didn't help. Have you tryed the newer com routines placed out by MicroSoft? Also, are you certain your UARTs are 16550s? What is your port setup in Windows Setup? You should have your ports set to Hardware Flow control (never use Xon/Xoff, which windows defaults to). You'll also need to check you're WIN.INI file and make certain you don't have any additional programs added (Windows has this habit of adding extra switches and init strings when you do an program auto-install). I finally stopped using Windows auto-install feature and did my program setups by hand... it prevented alot of conflicts. MF>JC> your transmissions. Also keep those windows resource prioritys as h MF>JC> as you can. MF>But what's the highest? How can I tell? Well, I used 1000 background and 1000 foreground when I ran Windows. The easiest resource manager I found was one put out by Plannet Crafters, Inc. It'll place a percent used statement up next to your window express buttons (upper right corner). Their may be some better Windows Resource managers out there now, I switched to DV and then to OS/2 since my Windows days. Windows was just to unstable for my machine. Unfortunately, Windows is dependant on certain machine componants that alot of clone manufacturers fail to inform the buyers of when the Machine is purchased. Jon * SLMR 2.1a * This tagline stolen by Silly Little Mail Reader! --- TriNet: WME: The Hokus Pokus BBS Manassas VA 703-330-9488 14.4 V.32bis ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 4288 of 6040 Date : 03/31/94 00:08 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Bruce Francis To : Mark Goodwin Subject : Windows And 5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MB An update on the timeslice "problem"... I realize that you have a new MB version that I can try, and I will. But I wanted to update you on MB where I am so-far in this silly little game. With the IDLESLOW tsr MB loaded (and thus ignoring 7 out of 8 slice-yield calls) it still was MB not terribly regular. It would answer on between 2 and 10 rings if the MB partion was not full-screen and foreground. If it was full-screen and MB foreground, it always answered on the first ring. MB I then changed/added the line in SYSTEM.INI, in the [386Enh] section: MB IdleVMWakeUpTime=1 MB That made it always answer within two rings...I'll let you know how MB your latest fix affects things. WOW... we were chatting about "some configuration change in Windows" .... Does "Idle Wake Up Time" ever ring a bell about what the other half dozen people were complaining about ?? ...... How about changing the Windows timeslice yielding back to the way it was before 9, and having the people who were having problems change this configuration item in Windows to see if this is the problem?? ... It sure sounds like it, since the only complaints had to do with the program not "waking up" to answer the phone .... :) --- RM 1.3 00350 RoboMail -- The next generation QWK compatible reader! TriNet: LobsterNet: The Lobster Buoy * Home of TriBBS * 207-941-0805 * V.FC ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6033 of 6041 Date : 04/24/94 22:58 Reply To: 2718 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Wade Butler Subject : Tribbs & Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WB> I have set my BBS up in Windows and why is it when I'm on WB> node:2 and someone calls, node:1 won't pick up unless I click on it. Here are some suggestions you might want to try. I run TriBBS under Windows with very little trouble (since I uninstalled Norton Desktop). I only run one on-line node with one local node. Later this year, when I start another on-line node, I may find other problems. But for now, this setup works for me. 1. Adjust the Timeslice settings in Control Panel's 386 Enhanced Menu. Mine is set to 10, but try various settings to see what works best. 2. Use a BOARD.PIF file for the BOARD.BAT and set the Foreground and Background Priority Options to a HIGHER value than the Scheduling settings in the 386 Enhanced menu in Control Panel. Make sure the BOARD.PIF has Background Execution turned on. I use the following key PIF settings for TriBBS. Execution = Background : This is critical. Background Priority = 800 ; This number depends on several Foreground Priority = 800 ; variables. try 300, 400, 500 ... Lock Application Memory = ON ; I have lots of RAM. Detect Idle Time = OFF ; This might not matter? 3. CAREFULLY try modifying the settings in System.ini as shown below. Add or change one line at the time and then restart Windows to see if it solves your problems. I listed the lines sort of in the order of my guess on what could be causing "freeze ups" or "slow downs" in answering calls or in file transfers. These options are explained in the Windows 3.1 Resource Kit which is available from MS. Make sure the WinExclusive setting hasn't been set to on. [386Enh] IdleVMWakeUpTime=2 ;default=8 [options 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 seconds] WinExclusive=off ;default=off [options on or off] VirtualHDIrq=off ;default=on COM2FIFO=ON ;default=on Comdrv30=ON ;default=off ComBoostTime=4 ;default=2 (milliseconds) try 4, 6, 8, etc. Com2Buffer=512 ;default=128 (characters buffered) ;setting ComxBuffer can slow things down. ;but it may be needed at high speeds. Com2Protocol= ;default is no entry [option is XOFF] ;XOFF not recommended for binary transfers VideoSuspendDisable=on ;default=off The 2 in these lines (e.g. Com2Buffer) is the COM Port number. Change this to your modems port number. Hope this helps. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6034 of 6041 Date : 04/24/94 23:17 Reply To: 2982 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Mike Fenton Subject : Beta Problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MF> I'm running my BBS out of windows, and since upgrading to 5. MF> beta 1 i've noticed that it wouldn't pick up the phone. I assume th Here are some suggestions you might want to try. I run TriBBS under Windows with very little trouble (since I uninstalled Norton Desktop). I am using the 5.1beta versions. I only run one on-line node with one local node. Later this year, when I start another on-line node, I may find other problems. But for now, this setup works for me. 1. Adjust the Timeslice settings in Control Panel's 386 Enhanced Menu. Mine is set to 10, but try various settings to see what works best. 2. Use a BOARD.PIF file for the BOARD.BAT and set the Foreground and Background Priority Options to a HIGHER value than the Scheduling settings in the 386 Enhanced menu in Control Panel. Make sure the BOARD.PIF has Background Execution turned on. I use the following key PIF settings for TriBBS. Execution = Background : This is critical. Background Priority = 800 ; This number depends on several Foreground Priority = 800 ; variables. try 300, 400, 500 ... Lock Application Memory = ON ; I have lots of RAM. Detect Idle Time = OFF ; This might not matter? 3. CAREFULLY try modifying the settings in System.ini as shown below. Add or change one line at the time and then restart Windows to see if it solves your problems. I listed the lines sort of in the order of my guess on what could be causing "freeze ups" or "slow downs" in answering calls or in file transfers. These options are explained in the Windows 3.1 Resource Kit which is available from MS. Make sure the WinExclusive setting hasn't been set to on. [386Enh] IdleVMWakeUpTime=2 ;default=8 [options 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 seconds] WinExclusive=off ;default=off [options on or off] VirtualHDIrq=off ;default=on COM2FIFO=ON ;default=on Comdrv30=ON ;default=off ComBoostTime=4 ;default=2 (milliseconds) try 4, 6, 8, etc. Com2Buffer=512 ;default=128 (characters buffered) ;setting ComxBuffer can slow things down. ;but it may be needed at high speeds. Com2Protocol= ;default is no entry [option is XOFF] ;XOFF not recommended for binary transfers VideoSuspendDisable=on ;default=off The 2 in these lines (e.g. Com2Buffer) is the COM Port number. Change this to your modems port number. Hope this helps. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6035 of 6041 Date : 04/24/94 23:24 Reply To: 3043 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Wayne Keyser Subject : Tribbs Under Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WK> However, when I try to get away to do some Windows programs and let WK> TRIBBS run in the background (yes, there's its little icon at the WK> bottom of the screen) it won't answer the phone! Even when I call i WK> back to the foreground with Program Manager, it won't answer the pho Here are some suggestions you might want to try. I run TriBBS under Windows with very little trouble (since I uninstalled Norton Desktop). I only run one on-line node with one local node. Later this year, when I start another on-line node, I may find other problems. But for now, this setup works for me. 1. Adjust the Timeslice settings in Control Panel's 386 Enhanced Menu. Mine is set to 10, but try various settings to see what works best. 2. Use a BOARD.PIF file for the BOARD.BAT and set the Foreground and Background Priority Options to a HIGHER value than the Scheduling settings in the 386 Enhanced menu in Control Panel. Make sure the BOARD.PIF has Background Execution turned on. I use the following key PIF settings for TriBBS. Execution = Background : This is critical. Background Priority = 800 ; This number depends on several Foreground Priority = 800 ; variables. try 300, 400, 500 ... Lock Application Memory = ON ; I have lots of RAM. Detect Idle Time = OFF ; This might not matter? 3. CAREFULLY try modifying the settings in System.ini as shown below. Add or change one line at the time and then restart Windows to see if it solves your problems. I listed the lines sort of in the order of my guess on what could be causing "freeze ups" or "slow downs" in answering calls or in file transfers. These options are explained in the Windows 3.1 Resource Kit which is available from MS. Make sure the WinExclusive setting hasn't been set to on. [386Enh] IdleVMWakeUpTime=2 ;default=8 [options 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 seconds] WinExclusive=off ;default=off [options on or off] VirtualHDIrq=off ;default=on COM2FIFO=ON ;default=on Comdrv30=ON ;default=off ComBoostTime=4 ;default=2 (milliseconds) try 4, 6, 8, etc. Com2Buffer=512 ;default=128 (characters buffered) ;setting ComxBuffer can slow things down. ;but it may be needed at high speeds. Com2Protocol= ;default is no entry [option is XOFF] ;XOFF not recommended for binary transfers VideoSuspendDisable=on ;default=off The 2 in these lines (e.g. Com2Buffer) is the COM Port number. Change this to your modems port number. Hope this helps. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6041 of 6041 Date : 04/25/94 01:07 Reply To: 4355 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Jesse Cates Subject : Windows Help With 5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JC> I have. If I run TriBBS in the background, it will work fine, for JC> about 10 minutes, then it will lock up whatever I'm doing in the JC> foreground. If I CTRL-ALT-DEL out of that, it automatically switche I run TriBBS under Windows 3.1 with good success. Here are my guesses on what is causing your problems. Since I know almost nothing about your system and configuration, these are only guesses. 1. Memory configuration is screwed. Use QEMM or Memmaker to configure memory, then adjust it manually for best performance. 2. TSR conflict causing memory problems. Eliminate all DOS TSRs and see what happens when you add them back one at the time. 3. Windows programs loaded in the LOAD= or RUN= lines in Win.ini or the startup group may cause problems. Especially screen savers. Try running things with none of these loading and see what happens. 4. Bad drivers. Outdated or flawed drivers can cause lock ups. Try downloading the latest version of the drivers you use from the manufacturers. Especially video and com drivers. For example, if you installed programs like PC Tools Commute or Winfax they probably "upgraded" your windows COM driver. If so, you may need to get the latest version or change to another COM driver. 5. PIF settings need adjustment. Here are some key items you may need to change in the BOARD.PIF you use. Execution = Background : This is critical. Background Priority = 800 ; This number depends on several Foreground Priority = 800 ; variables. try 300, 400, 500 ... Lock Application Memory = ON ; I have lots of RAM. Detect Idle Time = OFF ; This might not matter? 6. System.ini needs adjustment or has been modified by some other installation program in a way that causes the problem. CAREFULLY try the following changes in the system.ini file. [386Enh] IdleVMWakeUpTime=2 ;default=8 [options 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 seconds] WinExclusive=off ;default=off [options on or off] VirtualHDIrq=off ;default=on COM2FIFO=ON ;default=on Comdrv30=ON ;default=off ComBoostTime=4 ;default=2 (milliseconds) try 4, 6, 8, etc. Com2Buffer=512 ;default=128 (characters buffered) ;setting ComxBuffer can slow things down. ;but it may be needed at high speeds. Com2Protocol= ;default is no entry [option is XOFF] ;XOFF not recommended for binary transfers VideoSuspendDisable=on ;default=off The 2 in these lines (e.g. Com2Buffer) is the COM Port number. Change this to your modems port number. Hope this helps. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6355 of 6355 Date : 04/27/94 22:29 Reply To: 1561 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Doug Bradfield Subject : Re: Tribbs Multitasking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DB> One thing that really confused me was setting the BACKROUND/ DB> FORGROUND priority in the PIF files. Everyone's suggestion of DB> "just give it more background priority" didn't seem to help. I had DB> to find out more about pifs in general and so far what I've learned DB> is that BG/FG priorities represent a ratio of how much time the DB> processor will spend servicing the applications. Therefore 1:2 or DB> 50:100 or 500:1000 all mean the same This is not correct. The flaw in this statement is that it does not take into account the priority settings given to all other loaded applications including those assigned to Windows itself (in Control Panel). The following quote from the Windows Resource Kit explains how foreground and background priority settings are used. "In 386 enhanced mode, Windows remains in memory and active while running non-Windows applications. Each non-Windows application is treated as a multitasking "task" for timeslicing and device contention. Windows uses preemptive scheduling with non-Windows applications and non-preemptive scheduling with Windows applications. Windows and all current Windows applications are treated as a single preemptive task, and you assign the priority for Windows in the 386 Enhanced dialog box in Control Panel. The non-Windows applications are each treated as separate tasks, and you assign their priorities in their PIFs. The percentage of time spent on an application is its assigned priority divided by the sum of all priorities for all Windows and all non-Windows applications currently running." DB> Now I want the remote node to "look" as though it's running in the DB> for-ground so I set up the pif for the local node to give more DB> processor time to the background application. Instead of a 1:2 ratio DB> you could try a 2:1, 3:2 or 4:3. A little trial an error may be DB> needed here. This logic is incorrect. Reversing the priorities in an individual PIF is the wrong way to increase background priority of an application. The priority of an application is equal to the following ratio CPU time = (assigned priority)/(sum of all priorities now running) When the application is in background, its assigned priority is equal to the background setting in the PIF. Likewise, when it is in the foreground its assigned priority is equal to the foreground setting in the PIF. The critical thing is that you set the priority for Windows and all running non-Windows applications such that the sum of their applicable priorities always gives a satisfactory amount of CPU Time to TriBBS. The following examples are taken from the Windows Resource Kit. Example #1 Resulting Virtual Machine Priority Setting Processor Time Windows in foreground Foreground = 100 50% Background DOS App #1 Background = 50 25% Background DOS App #2 Background = 50 25% Total = 200 100% Example #2 Virtual Machine Priority Setting Processor Time Windows in foreground Foreground = 100 32% Background DOS App #1 Background = 50 17% Background DOS App #2 Background = 50 17% Background DOS App #3 Background = 50 17% Background DOS App #4 Background = 50 17% Total = 300 100% Example #3 Virtual Machine Priority Setting Processor Time Windows in background Background = 50 25% Foreground DOS App #1 Foreground = 100 50% Background DOS App #1 Background = 50 25% Total = 200 100% Depending on the speed and throughput of a given system, I suggest that all priority settings be selected such that TriBBS gets at least 50% of the CPU Time. There are of course other settings that also need to be adjusted for optimal performance. DB> Donn't blame TriBBS, Windows is a dog under the best conditions. I like TriBBS very much too, but I don't think it is fair to put all of the "blame" for this timeslicing problem on Windows. I think that there are ways that TriBBS could be made more Windows aware, and it could do a better job of managing time slices under Windows. I just hope we don't have to wait for the Windows version of TriBBS before these improvements are made. It is obvious based on the number of units sold that Windows is the dominant environment for the present. I don't think OS/2 will win - even if they give it away (unless they give away good hardware with it). ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6754 of 9263 Date : 05/02/94 21:25 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : All Subject : DOOR.SYS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Following warning was copied from an installation help file for door games published by T&J Software (BBS 717-325-9481). >TRIBBS v5.02+ >============= >* If you use DOOR.SYS, TriBBS reloads this file and will deduct twice > the amount of time that was actually used. Try using another drop > file, or copying the DOOR.SYS to a seperate directory and then > telling the door to look there for it. > >* NOTE: This only applies to doors that you adjust the users time in > the door such as Bordello, Studs, and Studette. Does anyone know how to fix this drop file or work around this problem? If I copy the DOOR.SYS to a different directory, does TriBBS correctly account for the amount of time the user was in the door? ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 6756 of 6756 Date : 05/03/94 23:48 Confer : TriBBS Support - SysOps .... From : Steve Coker To : Larry Walters Subject : Tribbs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LW> I don't think anyone out there is doing it efficiently... There are LW> some who claim to be , but those files ive seen on the bouy are eith LW> too hardware specific or not written by individuals actually running LW> more than one node. LW> LW> The file xfers (background node) *always* slow down to a crawl no ma LW> what the settings... LW> LW> If there is someone running smoothly, let's hear from ya.. Please be LW> specific about the pif and back/fore specs... I am running TriBBS 5.1 beta 17 under Window 3.1. I found the same problem you reported with background file transfers. My testing indicates that the problem is related to (or caused by) use of the internal TriBBS file transfer protocols. The solution I have found is to install the Omen Technology DSZ external protocols. When using Omen's protocols I have not observed such slowdowns. So, in short, I believe the problem is with TriBBS, not with Windows. The following log is from a download using Omen protocols z 21363 57600 bps 1526 cps 0 errors 139 1024 CBBS0394.ZIP -1 z 34106 57600 bps 1795 cps 3 errors 158 1024 DTVPROFT.TXT -1 Compared to these transfer rates, the TriBBS internal protocols slow transfers down to about 900-1000 cps. Conclusion: When using Windows, install external protocols and do not use TriBBS internal file transfer protocols. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 50 of 51 Date : 06/12/94 10:25 Confer : SysOps Issues .............. From : Patrick Driscoll To : All Subject : TriToss v. 1.01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, After putting Mark Goodwin's new program, Tritoss, through the paces, I feel I can offer a review of it. Tritoss is a FTN compatabile mail tosser for TriBBS. It takes the place of GEcho and Tridog and tosses mail directly from the incoming packets into the TriBBS message base. First, the advantages. 1) It's a small program. 2) It has a degree of areafix commands. It could be used to pass mail to other systems without putting it on yours. 3) It is easy to set up, with only to configure files to mess with. Now the disadvantages. 1) It's a memory hog. It will NOT run under desqview or anytime you have anything that uses a decent amount of memory. 2) It is prone to going into a loop. It seems to have problems with deleting mail packets it has already imported and will try to do it again. 3) It does not import netmail messages. You still need Tridog to do that. 4) It is not point aware. In my opinion, Mark should have released Tritoss as beta software first. Tritoss is a little to buggy for me at this time. If you are running a single-node, simple area system, Tritoss should work for you. If you are a serious mail system, I suggest you wait till version 2.xx or even 3.xx before switching over from Gecho/Tridog. Pat --- TriNet: Pat's Place * Summerville, SC * 803-821-8689 ========================================================================