Ultimate Universe is a Tradewars type space game with a much more sophisticated user interface. I'm running this game with Tribbs 5.01 Beta 6 on two nodes under Desqview on a 486/50. Enclosed are the batch files for each node. They require Foyer and BNU, or another fossil driver. I'm using BNU.com. Unzip the game files into their own directory, then follow the docs to configure it. Be sure that you use your batch file(s) to copy door.sys into the game directory when a user wants to play, and give the full path to the game directory in the config screen, including the last "\". Ultimate universe is VERY popular with my game playing users. Most of them "graduate" from Tradewars to UU at some point. Jeb Fulham...The Bunker BBS...Tribbs #339 (508) 778-0515