CDDROP,D:\WILDCAT\FILES\CDROP70.ZIP CDROP,D:\WILDCAT\FILES\CDROP70.ZIP --------------] FORMAT as FOLLOWS [---------------------- MagicName,d:\path\fileName where Magic Name is a 8 Character Name you want to assign to the actual Path\Filename stored on your HD drive. Separate the MAGIC NAME from the d:\path\filename by a Comma (,). Provide a Complete Drive letter and path to the filename. When CREATING a MAGIC NAME, Try to Keep it within 8 Character positions or LESS, and DO Not USE a NUMBER at the end of the field (like CATCHG2) since it messes with the UUencoding process. The MAGIC Name you pick should represent the File the person is requesting. Like CDDROP for Carrier Droppings, a Program that does a CD bulletin of users who drop carrier.