HELLO: Hello and welcome to TSTATS v1.63 Before we go any further please read the following..... IMPORTANT: TSTATS requires write access to your ALLFILES.DAT, ALLFILES.IX, ALLUSERS.DAT, ALLUSERS.IX files. This is because it uses the same method of accessing the database's as WildCat! NEW IN v1.63: þ Exclude file area's using ranges, i.e. 5-10 þ Fix for "colour bleeds" in displays þ Fixed to make "normal" colour work in files section DISCLAIMER: The contents of this archive ( program(s) and text ) are provided with no warranty of any kind as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. By using TSTATS you are expressly releasing Matthew Mower from any liability resulting from the use of this product. You use TSTATS entirely at your own risk. NOTICE: Under no circumstances is it legitimate for any user to modify or reverse engineer this product. If you want to know how it's done, mail me. If you want to throw in a virus, or change the copyright, get a life! FREEWARE: This product is copyrighted to the author, who reserves all rights regarding it. It is not public domain, but released as freeware, and us such you are not asked to pay for it. DISTRIBUTION: The latest versions of this and all other products by the author will be available on The Development System BBS. They can be FREQ'd from there (see below for fido address). Under no circumstances may anyone make a charge for these programs without the express permission of the author, unless it be a fair charge for transmission or distribution. PURPOSE: Create a colour semi-3D display file to show who has been using/abusing your board the most. TSTATS now creates a file bulletin as well. This will allow you to generate a coloured bulletin showing which files on your board are most popular (i.e. downloaded most often.) The number of files you include in the bulletin is configurable. This allows you to create more statistics from one program, also, because they will look alike, your bulletins will gain some cohesion, rather than all looking different. Obviously if you dont like the way they appear that doesn't do you much good. If you like the idea, but want the bulletins in a different style/format/colour, mail me and I will try to make it work. If you are a relatively new board, or reset your callers stats regularly (i.e. every month) you may be able to use the single page user report, however if your callers have large values in any of their stats then you will have to use the double page report. I may add a single page report which drops one of the fields so everything isn't so cramped. Rather than imposing colour scheme's as I did in previous versions TSTATS now allows you to choose your own colours. For each section which creates a bulletin there are four parameters which are you can set. Background= Normal= Hilite= Lolite= For each parameter set it to a colour number, from 1 to 15, where the numbers correspond to :- 0 Black 1 Blue 2 Green 3 Cyan 4 Red 5 Magenta 6 Brown 7 White 8 Gray 9 Lt. Blue 10 Lt. Green 11 Lt. Cyan 12 Lt. Red 13 Lt. Magenta 14 Yellow 15 Bright White You still don't have that much control, as I choose HOW the colours are applied, but it is better than anything else I have seen. If anyone has any bright idea's as to how this could be improved I would be pleased to hear them. TO RUN: 1. Edit TSTATS.INI as outlined below 2. Make sure 'WCHOME' points to your MAKEWILD.DAT 3. Run TSTATS.EXE in the directory containing TSTATS.INI TSTATS.INI: Anyone who has every edited a WIN.INI file will be familiar with the TSTATS.INI file, please look at the enclosed file for reference. Three "sections" are required, and control how TSTATS operates and where it puts things. S [TSTATS] This contains general options. At the moment it only includes options to determine what bulletins TSTATS should generate. þ ProcessTopFiles= Set to Y if you want TSTATS to generate a top downloaded files bulletin, set to N otherwise. þ ProcessTopUsers= Set to Y if you want TSTATS to generate a top user bulletin, showing calls, downloads, etc. Set to N otherwise. S [TOPFILES] This section contains the configuration information pertaining to the top downloaded files on your system. þ IgnoreAreas= A comma seperated list of any area's or ranges of area's you do not want included in TSTATS report. This might include private download area's, or a new-user download area for example. e.g. IgnoreAreas=1,2,5-8,15,25-50,150,450-500 þ OutFile= The full pathname of the bulletin you want TSTATS to generate, probably it should point into your bulletins directory. e.g. OutFile=C:\WC30\BULL\BULL5.BBS þ Format= The style/format that TSTATS should use for the file bulletin, which at the moment can only be SIMPLE. This option is included for future additions of style's. e.g. Format=HORIZONTAL þ Maximum= This is the number of files which TSTATS will include in the bulletin, i.e. it will give you the top 'n' files. In this case you would get the top 40 most downloaded files. e.g. Maximum=40 þ Background= þ Normal= þ HiLite= þ LoLite= Colour selections are outlined above. S [TOPUSERS] þ IgnoreProfiles= A comma seperated list containing the names of any security profiles defined in MAKEWILD which you do not want included in your users list. No user with one of these profiles will appear in the list. e.g. IgnoreProfiles=SYSOP,NETSYSOP þ OutFile= The full pathname of the bulletin you want TSTATS to generate, probably it should point into your bulletins directory. e.g. OutFile=C:\WC30\BULL\BULL6.BBS þ Format= The style/format that TSTATS should use for the user bulletin. At the moment you can specify SINGLE for single page output, or DOUBLE for double page. SINGLE tends to look a bit "squashed" but might work if your board is new and the numbers aren't too high. e.g. Format=DOUBLE þ Background= þ Normal= þ HiLite= þ LoLite= Colour selections are outlined above. NOTES: (1) TSTATS uses WC3 @CODES@ to produce coloured effects. SUGGESTIONS & IMPROVEMENTS: Is there another way of presenting this sort of data? Is there other data you want to see? CONTACT: I can be contacted if you have any questions or comments by the following methods. internet email: matt.mower@tpv-online.infocom.co.uk fido netmail: 2:254/225 compuserve mail: 100116,134 ( mark as fao: matt mower ) Or on various WildNet, ILink or Fido conferences, particularly WildCat and Lan conferences. FINALY: PLEASE mail me with any comments and especially bug reports. I would like to support and improve ALL my programs. Thanks for trying TSTATS hope it works for you! Cheers, Matt. Date: 10.02.94