02/26/95 (Thanks Larry) * Fixed error when PRODUCTS.DAT was not found, and when PRODUCTS.DAT had only one record. (An attempted QUIT from the BROWSE section locked up the BBS). * Corrected ad number in display. * Corrected bug in sales tax calculation for multiple-digit tax rates. (example... 8.25%, 6.75%) 02/27/95 (Whew! Where do I start?) * Online Store offers a Download attachment for any type of file that is offered. GIF/PCX/TXT/FIF/CMP/JPG - You Name It. (Bob?) * MERCHANTS Module: - MERCHANT module now features two different access levels: SYSOP Access - Add/Edit/Delete any merchant profile. MERCHANT Access - Add/Edit merchant's own merchant profile. - Online Store now recognized new merchants (those without a profile in the MERCHANT.DAT file) and allows them to enter their merchant profile on the first visit to the MERCHANT area. As always, the CONTACT listed in the profile must be a valid user name in the Wildcat! database. - Added numerous screen controls to eliminate the unsightly MORE prompts that appeared throughout the application. - Improved screen layout and added dialog box at bottom of menu. * PRODUCTS Module: - Vast improvements in creating and editing new PRODUCTS.DAT files. - "comma","delim" file download is not selectable until a PRODUCTS.DAT exists for the merchant. - Added numerous screen contols to eliminate MORE prompts. - Improved screen layout and added dialog box at bottom of menu. * ORDERS Module: - Misc minor corrections. * VIEWOLS Module: - Numerous improvements. I'm sure there's many, many, many more, but I'm too tired to remember them, much less TYPE them. Later 02/28/95 * Non-merchant callers are now informed that they have insufficient security access to enter MERCHANTS, ORDERS, and PRODUCTS. * Comma-Delim upload/imports now offer the option to APPEND or OVERWRITE existing PRODUCTS.DAT file. * Non-merchant callers can now gain instant upgrades to merchant sec level from within Online Store using credit card transactions. 03/01/95 * Moved ALL FILES to the OLS directory to keep them separate from the mass of files that accumulate in the Wildcat! home directory. Please note that the CFG files (which are created seemlessly) are written to the Wildcat! home directory. No way around that. * Credit Card Expirate Date is now mm/yy, as opposed to mm/dd/yy. * Online security level upgrade module is completely installed. Configuration of this module is automatic. The first time VIEWOLS is run, it will check for the presence of all necessary CFG files. If any of them are missing, VIEWOLS will recognize this, and send you to a configuration module so you can build the CFG file from within VIEWOLS. * Support added for attachment uploads. * Added option on main menu to download INFO.ZIP, a cutomizable information file containing information on your system. You create INFO.ZIP.