@Hardware Data and Specifications :6845:crtc ^6845 - Motorola CRT Controller 3B0-3BB Monochrome Monitor Adapter 3D0-3DC Color Graphics Adapter (mapped similarly) 3B0/3D0 port address decodes to 3B4/3D4 3B1/3D1 port address decodes to 3B5/3D5 3B2/3D2 port address decodes to 3B4/3D4 3B3/3D3 port address decodes to 3B5/3D5 3B4/3D4 6845 index register, selects which register [0-11h] is to be accessed through port 3B5/3D5 3B5/3D5 6845 data register [0-11h] selected by port 3B4/3D4, registers 0C-0F may be read. If a read occurs without the adapter installed, FFh is returned. 3B6/3D6 port address decodes to 3B4/3D4 3B7/3D7 port address decodes to 3B5/3D5 3B8/3D8 6845 Mode control register 3B9/3D9 color select register on color adapter 3BA/3DA status register (read only) 3BB/3DB light pen strobe reset 3DC Preset Light pen latch 3DF CRT/CPU page register (PCjr only) %Registers: Accessed through ports 3B5 & 3D5 VALID VALUES % MONO CO40 CO80 GRPH 00 - Horiz. total characters 61 38 71 38 01 - Horiz. displayed characters per line 50 28 50 28 02 - Horiz. synch position 52 2D 5A 2D 03 - Horiz. synch width in characters 0F 0A 0A 0A 04 - Vert. total lines 19 1F 1F 7F 05 - Vert. total adjust (scan lines) 06 06 06 06 06 - Vert. displayed rows 19 19 19 64 07 - Vert. Synch position (character rows) 19 1C 1C 70 08 - Interlace mode 02 02 02 02 09 - Maximum scan line address 0D 07 07 01 0A - Cursor start (scan line) 0B 06 06 06 0B - Cursor end (scan line) 0C 07 07 07 0C - Start address (MSB) 00 00 00 00 0D - Start address (LSB) 00 00 00 00 0E - Cursor address (MSB) (read/write) 00 -- -- -- 0F - Cursor address (LSB) (read/write) 00 -- -- -- 10 - Light pen (MSB) (read only) -- -- -- -- 11 - Light pen (LSB) (read only) -- -- -- -- - Registers 00-0D are write only, registers 0E-0F are read/write and registers 10-11 are read only - Cursor address is calculated with using the following (row*80)+col ^6845 - Port 3B8 (Monochrome) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3B8 CRT Control Port ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = 80x25 text ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable video signal ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = blinking on ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ^6845 - Port 3D8 (Color) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3D8 Mode Select Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = 80x25 text, 0 = 40x25 text ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = 320x200 graphics, 0 = text ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = B/W, 0 = color ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable video signal ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = 640x200 B/W graphics ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = blink, 0 = no blink ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ^6845 - Port 3D9 Color Text Modes ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3D9 Color Select Register (3B9 not used) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ screen/boarder RGB ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ select intensity setting ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ background intensity ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ^6845 - Port 3D9 Color Graphics Modes ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3D9 Color Select Register (3B9 not used) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ RGB for background ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ intensity ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = palette 1, 0=palette 0 (see below) ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused Palette 0 = green, red, brown Palette 1 = cyan, magenta, white ^6845 - Port 3DA Status Register ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3DA Status Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = display enable, RAM access is OK ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = light pen trigger set ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = light pen on, 1 = light pen off ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = vertical retrace, RAM access OK for next 1.25ms ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused :765:fdc:nec 765:8272:floppy controller ^NEC æPD765 - Floppy Disk Controller - 8272A %PS/2 FDC Diskette Status Register A at 3F0h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3F0h PS/2 Disk Status Register A (read-only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ direction ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ write protect ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ index ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ head 1 select ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ track 0 ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ step ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ second drive installed ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ interrupt pending %PS/2 FDC Diskette Status Register B at 3F1h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3F1h PS/2 Disk Status Register B (read-only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ motor enable 0 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ motor enable 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ write enable ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ read data (toggles w/positive transition in -RD DATA) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ write data (toggles w/positive transition in WR DATA) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ drive select ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ reserved %FDC Digital Output Register at 3F2h (all systems) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ port 3F2h (write only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ floppy drive select (0=A, 1=B, 2=floppy C, ...) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = FDC enable, 0 = hold FDC at reset ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = DMA & I/O interface enabled (reserved PS/2) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = turn floppy drive A motor on ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = turn floppy drive B motor on ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = turn floppy drive C motor on; (reserved PS/2) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = turn floppy drive D motor on; (reserved PS/2) - used to control drive motors, drive selection, and feature enable - PS/2 only uses bit 0 for floppy drive select; bit 1 is reserved - PS/2 only uses bits 5 & 4 for motor enable; bits 7&6 are reserved - all DOR bits are cleared during controller reset %FDC Main Status Register at 3F4h (all systems) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ port 3F4h (read only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ floppy drive 0 in seek mode/busy ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ floppy drive 1 in seek mode/busy ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ floppy drive 2 in seek mode/busy (reserved PS/2) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ floppy drive 3 in seek mode/busy (reserved PS/2) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDC read or write command in progress ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDC is in non-DMA mode ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I/O direction; 1 = FDC to CPU; 0 = CPU to FDC ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data reg ready for I/O to/from CPU (request for master) %FDC Command Status Register 0 at 3F5h (all systems) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Command Status Register 0 at port 3F5h ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ unit selected at interrupt (0=A, 1=B, 2=...) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ head number at interrupt (head 0 or 1) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ not ready on read/write or SS access to head 1 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ equipment check (see note) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ set to 1 when FDD completes a seek command ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ last command status (see below) %Bits % 76 Last Command Status 00 command terminated successfully 01 command execution started but terminated abnormally 10 invalid command issued 11 command terminated abnormally due to a change in state of the Ready Signal from the FDC (reserved on PS/2) - equipment check can occur if FDD signals a fault or track zero is not found after 77 steps on a recalibrate command - PS/2 only uses bits 1-0 for drive (values are 01b and 10b) %FDC Command Status Register 1 at 3F5h (all systems) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Command Status Register 1 at port 3F5h ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ FDC cannot find ID address mark (see reg 2) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ write protect detected during write ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDC cannot find sector ID ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused (always zero) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ over-run; FDC not serviced in reasonable time ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data error (CRC) in ID field or data field ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused (always zero) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ end of cylinder; sector# greater than sectors/track - bit 0 of Status Register 1 and bit 4 of Status Register 2 are related and mimic each other %FDC Command Status Register 2 at 3F5h (all systems) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Command Status Register 2 at port 3F5h ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ missing address mark in data field ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ bad cylinder, ID not found and Cyl Id=FFh ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ scan command failed, sector not found in cylinder ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ scan command equal condition satisfied ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ wrong cylinder detected ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CRC error detected in sector data ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ sector with deleted data address mark detected ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused (always zero) - bit 0 of Status Register 1 and bit 4 of Status Register 2 are related and mimic each other %FDC Command Status Register 3 at 3F5h (FDD status, all systems) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Floppy Disk Drive Status at port 3F5h ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ FDD unit selected status (0=A, 1=B, 2=...) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDD side head select status (0=head 0, 1=head 1) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDD two sided status signal ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDD track zero status signal ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDD ready status signal ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDD write protect status signal ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FDD fault status signal %PS/2 FDC Digital Input Register at 3F7h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3F7h PS/2 Digital Input Register (read only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ high density select ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ reserved ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ diskette change %PS/2 FDC Configuration Control Register at 3F7h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 3F7h PS/2 Config. Control Register (write only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄ DRC1, DRC0 (see below) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ reserved DRC1 DRC0 0 0 500000 bit per second mode 0 1 reserved 1 0 250000 bit per second mode 1 1 reserved - Digital Input Register is used to sense the state of the (-diskette change) and the (-high density select) signals - Configuration Control Register is used to set the transfer rate ^FDC Programming Considerations %Three phases of command execution: 1. Command phase; commands are sent from the CPU to the FDC via port 3F5h; bit 6 of the Status Register at 3F4h must be zero 2. Execution phase; FDC executes instruction & generates INT 6 3. Result phase; status and other information is available to CPU; INT 6 sets bit 7 of BIOS Data Area location 40:3E which can be polled for completion status %Example of a read operation: 1. turn disk motor on and set delay time for drive spin up 2. perform seek operation; wait for disk interrupt 3. prepare DMA chip to move data to memory 4. send read command and wait for transfer complete interrupt 5. read status information 6. turn disk motor off ^Floppy Diskette Controller Operations (15 commands) %Read Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF SK 0 0 1 1 0 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: data length (if cmd byte 5==0) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Read Deleted Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF SK 0 1 1 0 0 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: data length (if cmd byte 5==0) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Write Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF 0 0 0 1 0 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: data length (if cmd byte 5==0) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Write Deleted Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF 0 0 1 0 0 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: data length (if cmd byte 5==0) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Read a Track D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 %(Diagnostic) command byte 0: 0 MF SK 0 0 0 1 0 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: data length (if cmd byte 5==0) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Read ID D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: 0 MF 0 0 1 0 1 0 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Format a Track D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 %(Write Sector IDs) command byte 0: 0 MF 0 0 1 1 0 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: bytes per sector command byte 3: sectors per track command byte 4: gap 3 length command byte 5: filler pattern to write in each byte result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Scan Equal D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF SK 1 0 0 0 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: scan test (1=scan contiguous, 2=scan alternate) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Scan Low or Equal D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF SK 1 1 0 0 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: scan test (1=scan contiguous, 2=scan alternate) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Scan High or Equal D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: MT MF SK 1 1 1 0 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: cylinder number command byte 3: head number command byte 4: sector number command byte 5: bytes per sector command byte 6: end of track (last sector in track) command byte 7: gap 3 length command byte 8: scan test (1=scan contiguous, 2=scan alternate) result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: status register 1 result byte 2: status register 2 result byte 3: cylinder number result byte 4: head number result byte 5: sector number result byte 6: bytes per sector %Recalibrate D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? 0 US1 US0 returns nothing %Sense Interrupt D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 % Status command byte 0: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 result byte 0: status register 0 result byte 1: present cylinder number %Specify Step & D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 % Head Load command byte 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 command byte 1: step rate time ³ head unload time command byte 2: ÄÄÄÄÄÄhead load timeÄÄÄÄÄÄ ND returns nothing %Sense Drive D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 % Status command byte 0: 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 result byte 0: status register 3 %Seek D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 command byte 1: ? ? ? ? ? HD US1 US0 command byte 2: new cylinder number returns nothing %æPD765 Version D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 command byte 0: ? ? ? 1 0 0 0 0 result byte 0: status register 0 90h = æPD765B; 80h = æPD765A or æPD765A-2 %Invalid Command result byte 0: status register 0 (value of 80h) %Key to Abbreviations HD = Head Number Selected SK = SKip Deleted-data address mark MT = Multi-Track US0 = drive select bit 0 MF = MFM mode US1 = drive select bit 1 ND = Non-DMA mode Head Load Time = 2 to 254ms in 2ms increments Head Unload Time = 16 to 240ms in 16ms increments Step Rate Time = 1 to 16ms in 1ms increments - PS/2 systems use the 8272A diskette controller which is software and port compatible with the NEC æPD765 - accessed through ports 3F0h-3F7h; NEC æPD765 is accessed through ports 3F2h, 3F4h and 3F5h; the 8272A uses ports 3F0h, 3F1h, 3F2h, 3F4h, 3F5h and 3F7h - data, command and status registers are all accessed through port 3F5h a register stack with one address presented to the bus - bit 7 of BIOS Data Area byte 40:3E can be polled to determine if a disk operation has completed; this bit is set by the interrupt handler when the operation has completed; it should be reset before continuing on with the next FDC operation - see 8237 BDA INT TABLE INT 13 :8042:keyboard controller ^8042 - Keyboard Controller (AT,PS2) %8042 Status Register (port 64h read) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 8042 Status Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ output register (60h) has data for system ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ input register (60h/64h) has data for 8042 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ system flag (set to 0 after power on reset) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data in input register is command (1) or data (0) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=keyboard enabled, 0=keyboard disabled (via switch) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=transmit timeout (data transmit not complete) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=receive timeout (data transmit not complete) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=even parity rec'd, 0=odd parity rec'd (should be odd) %Port Mode Description 64h read 8042 status register. Can be read at any time. See table above for more information. 64h write 8042 command register. Writing this port sets Bit 3 of the status register to 1 and the byte is treated as a controller command. Devices attached to the 8042 should be disabled before issuing commands that return data since data in the output register will be overwritten. 60h read 8042 output register (should only be read if Bit 0 of status port is set to 1) 60h write 8042 data register. Data should only be written if Bit 1 of the status register is zero (register is empty). When this port is written Bit 3 of the status register is set to zero and the byte is treated as a data. The 8042 uses this byte if it's expecting data for a previous command, otherwise the data is written directly to the keyboard. See KEYBOARD COMMANDS for information on programming the actual keyboard hardware. ^8042 Commands Related to PC Systems (Port 64h) %Command Description 20 Read 8042 Command Byte: current 8042 command byte is placed in port 60h. 60 Write 8042 Command Byte: next data byte written to port 60h is placed in 8042 command register. Format: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 8042 Command Byte ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=enable output register full interrupt ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ should be 0 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=set status register system, 0=clear ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=override keyboard inhibit, 0=allow inhibit ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ disable keyboard I/O by driving clock line low ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ disable auxiliary device, drives clock line low ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ IBM scancode translation 0=AT, 1=PC/XT ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved, should be 0 A4 Password Installed Test: returned data can be read from port 60h; FA=password installed, F1=no password A5 Load Security: bytes written to port 60h will be read until a null (0) is found. A6 Enable Security: works only if a password is already loaded A7 Disable Auxiliary Interface: sets Bit 5 of command register stopping auxiliary I/O by driving the clock line low A8 Enable Auxiliary Interface: clears Bit 5 of command register A9 Auxiliary Interface Test: clock and data lines are tested; results placed at port 60h are listed below: 00 no error 01 keyboard clock line is stuck low 02 keyboard clock line is stuck high 03 keyboard data line is stuck low 04 keyboard data line is stuck high AA Self Test: diagnostic result placed at port 60h, 55h=OK AB Keyboard Interface Test: clock and data lines are tested; results placed at port 60h are listed above with command A9 AC Diagnostic Dump: sends 16 bytes of 8042's RAM, current input port state, current output port state and 8042 program status word to port 60h in scan-code format. AD Disable Keyboard Interface: sets Bit 4 of command register stopping keyboard I/O by driving the clock line low AE Enable Keyboard Interface: clears Bit 4 of command register enabling keyboard interface. C0 Read Input Port: data is read from its input port (which is inaccessible to the data bus) and written to output register at port 60h; output register should be empty before call. ³7³6³5³4³3-0³ 8042 Input Port ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ undefined ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=enable 2nd 256K of motherboard RAM, 0=disable ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=manufacturing jumper not installed, 0=installed ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=primary display is MDA, 0=primary display is CGA ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=keyboard not inhibited, 0=keyboard inhibited C1 Poll Input Port Low Bits: Bits 0-3 of port 1 placed in status Bits 4-7 C2 Poll Input Port High Bits: Bits 4-7 of port 1 placed in status Bits 4-7 D0 Read Output Port: data is read from 8042 output port (which is inaccessible to the data bus) and placed in output register; the output register should be empty. (see command D1 below) D1 Write Output Port: next byte written to port 60h is placed in the 8042 output port (which is inaccessible to the data bus) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 8042 Output Port ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ system reset line ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ gate A20 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ undefined ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ output buffer full ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ input buffer empty ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ keyboard clock (output) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ keyboard data (output) D2 Write Keyboard Output Register: next data byte written to port 60h input register is written to port 60h output register as if initiated by a device; invokes interrupt if enabled D3 Write Auxiliary Output Register: next data byte written to port 60h input register is written to port 60h output register as if initiated by a device; invokes interrupt if enabled D4 Write Auxiliary Device: next data byte written to input register a port at 60h is sent to auxiliary device E0 Read Test Inputs: 8042 reads its T0 and T1 inputs; data is placed in output register; Bit 0 is T0, Bit 1 is T1: ³1³0³ Test Input Port Bits ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ keyboard clock ÀÄÄÄÄÄ keyboard data Fx Pulse Output Port: Bits 0-3 of the 8042 output port can be pulsed low for 6 æs; Bits 0-3 of command indicate which Bits should be pulsed; 0=pulse, 1=don't pulse; pulsing Bit 0 results in CPU reset since it is connected to system reset line. - PC systems previous to the AT use the 8255 PPI as a keyboard controller and use the keyboard's internal 8048. - the keyboard's internal controller buffers up to 16 bytes of make/break code information. This is common among all PC systems and shouldn't be confused with the (32 byte) keyboard buffer maintained by the BIOS. - see KEYBOARD COMMANDS for information on programming the keyboards internal microprocessor. :8250:16450:16550:uart ^UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter %Port 3F8 - Baud Rate Divisor LSB if bit 7 of LCR is set (read/write) % Transmit/Receive Buffer (read/write) %Port 3F9 - Baud Rate Divisor MSB if bit 7 of LCR is set (read/write) % Interrupt Enable Register - IER (read/write) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2F9, 3F9: Interrupt Enable Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable data available int (and 16550 Timeout) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable THRE interrupt ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable lines status interrupt ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable modem-status-change interrupt ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ always zero - 16550 will interrupt if data exists in the FIFO and isn't read within the time it takes to receive four bytes or if no data is received within the time it takes to receive four bytes. ^Port 3FA - Interrupt Identification Register - IIR (read only) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2FA, 3FA Interrupt ID Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = no int. pending, 0=int. pending ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ Interrupt Id bits (see below) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 16550 1 = timeout int. pending, 0 for 8250/16450 ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ always zero ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 16550 set to 1 if FIFO queues are enabled %Bits % 21 Meaning Priority To reset 00 modem-status-change lowest read MSR 01 transmit-register-empty low read IIR / write THR 10 data-available high read rec buffer reg 11 line-status highest read LSR - interrupt pending flag uses reverse logic, 0 = pending, 1 = none - interrupt will occur if any of the line status bits are set - THRE bit is set when THRE register is emptied into the TSR ^Port 3FA - 16550 FIFO Control Register - FCR (write only) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2FA, 3FA FIFO Control Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = enable clear XMIT and RCVR FIFO queues ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = clear RCVR FIFO ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = clear XMIT FIFO ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = change RXRDY & TXRDY pins from mode 0 to mode 1 ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved (always zero) ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ trigger level for RCVR FIFO interrupt %Bits RCVR FIFO % 76 Trigger Level 00 1 byte 01 4 bytes 10 8 bytes 11 14 bytes - Bit 0 must be set in order to write to other FCR bits - Bit 1 when set to 1 the RCVR FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset. The receiver shift register is not cleared. - Bit 2 when set to 1 the XMIT FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset. The transmit shift register is not cleared. ^Port 3FB - Line Control Register - LCR (read/write) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2FB, 3FB Line Control Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ word length select bits (see below) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 1.5 or 2 (see note) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = no parity, 1 = parity (PEN) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = odd parity, 1 = even (EPS) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = parity disabled, 1 = enabled ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = turn break off, 1 = force spacing break state ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = baud rate divisor (DLAB); 0 = RBR, THR or IER %Bits % 10 Word length bits 00 = 5 bits per character 01 = 6 bits per character 10 = 7 bits per character 11 = 8 bits per character - stop bits = 1.5 for 5 bit words or 2 for 6, 7 or 8 bit words - bit 7 changes the mode of registers 3F8 and 3F9. If set these registers become the LSB and MSB of the baud rate divisor. Otherwise 3F8 is the Transmit/Receive Buffer Register and 3F9 is the Interrupt Enable Register. ^Port 3FC - Modem Control Register - MCR (read/write) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2FC, 3FC Modem Control Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = activate DTR ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = activate RTS ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ OUT1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ OUT2 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = normal, 1 = loop back test ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ always zero - If bit 4 is set, data from the Transmit Shift Register is received in the Receiver Shift Register. The SOUT line is set to logic high, the SIN line and control lines are disconnected. CTS, DSR, RI and CD inputs are disconnected. DTR, RTS, OUT1 and OUT2 are then connected internally. ^Port 3FD - Line Status Register - LSR (read only) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2FD, 3FD Line Status Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = data ready ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = overrun error (OE) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = parity error (PE) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = framing error (FE) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = break interrupt (BI) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = transmitter holding register empty (THRE) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = transmitter shift register empty (TSRE) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = 16550 PE/FE/Break in FIFO queue, 0 for 8250 & 16450 - Bit 0 is set when a byte is placed in the Receiver Buffer Register and cleared when the byte is read by the CPU (or when the CPU clears the FIFO for the 16550). Results in Receive Data Available Interrupts if enabled. - Bits 1-4 indicate errors and result in Line Status Interrupts if enabled. - Bit 1 is set when a second byte is received before the byte in the Receiver Buffer Register is read by the CPU (the 16550 in FIFO mode sets this bit when the queue is full and the byte in the Receiver Shift Register hasn't been moved into the queue). This bit is reset when the CPU reads the LSR - Bit 2 is set whenever a byte is received that doesn't match the requested parity. Reset upon reading the LSR. (The 16550 maintains parity information with each byte and sets bit 2 only when the byte is at the top of the FIFO queue.) - Bit 3 is set when a character is received without proper stop bits. Upon detecting a framing error the UART attempts to resynchronize. Reset by reading the LSR. (The 16550 maintains this information with each byte and sets bit 3 only when the byte is at the top of the FIFO queue.) - Bit 4 is set when a break condition is sensed (when space is detected for longer than 1 fullword). A zero byte is placed in the Receiver Buffer Register (or 16550 FIFO). Reset by reading the LSR. (The 16550 maintains this information with each byte and sets bit 4 only when the byte is at the top of the FIFO queue.) - Bit 5 is set when the Transmit Holding Register shifts a byte into the Transmit Shift Register (or XMIT FIFO queue is empty for 16550) and is cleared when a byte is written to the THR (or the XMIT FIFO). Results in Transmit Holding Register Empty interrupts if enabled. - Bit 6 is set when both the Transmitter Holding Register and the Transmitter Shift Register are empty. On the 16550, when the XMIT FIFO and Transmitter Shift Register are empty. - Bit 7 is 16550 specific and indicates there is a byte in the FIFO queue that was received with a Parity, Framing or Break error. ^Port 3FE - Modem Status Register - MSR ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ 2FE, 3FE Modem Status Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = DCTS Delta CTS (CTS changed) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = DDSR Delta DSR (DSR changed) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = RI ring indicator changed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = DDCD Delta Data Carrier Detect (DCD changed) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = CTS ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = DSR ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = ring indicator (RI) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = receive line signal detect - Bits 0-3 are reset when the CPU read the MSR - Bit 4 is the Modem Control Register RTS during loopback test - Bit 5 is the Modem Control Register DTR during loopback test - Bit 6 is the Modem Control Register OUT1 during loopback test - Bit 7 is the Modem Control Register OUT2 during loopback test ^Port 3FF/2FF - Scratch Pad Register (read/write) %Programming considerations: - 8250's, 16450's are essentially identical to program - 16550's is pin and software compatible with the 16450 but has an internal FIFO queue that may be enabled/disabled by software - PCs are capable of 38.4Kb, while AT's are capable of 115.2Kb - receiver checks only the first stop bit of each character regardless of the number of stop bits specified - Older 8250 and 16450 UARTs may lose THRE interrupt if the THRE and Receive Data (RD) or the Line Status (LS) interrupts occur simultaneously during a full duplex transmission. RD and LS have higher priority than THRE which causes the lower priority interrupt to be lost. The following are 3 method used to avoid this problem: 1. Disable/re-enable THRE interrupt via the IER after processing Receive Data & Line Status interrupts. 2. While inside the RD and LS interrupt routines check the LSR THRE bit and set a flag that a THRE interrupt was waiting. 3. Poll the LSR THRE bit instead of using the IRR. - data loss can occur without overrun or framing errors if the interrupts are serviced to slowly - - see INT TABLE or IRQ for interrupt assignments - see PORTS for COMx port assignment (3F8,2F8,3E8,2E8,3220...) :8253:8254:pit:timer ^8253/8254 PIT - Programmable Interval Timer Port 40h, 8253 Counter 0 Time of Day Clock (normally mode 3) Port 41h, 8253 Counter 1 RAM Refresh Counter (normally mode 2) Port 42h, 8253 Counter 2 Cassette and Speaker Functions Port 43h, 8253 Mode Control Register, data format: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Mode Control Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 0=16 binary counter, 1=4 decade BCD counter ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ counter mode bits ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ read/write/latch format bits ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ counter select bits (also 8254 read back command) %Bits % 76 Counter Select Bits 00 select counter 0 01 select counter 1 10 select counter 2 11 read back command (8254 only, illegal on 8253, see below) %Bits % 54 Read/Write/Latch Format Bits 00 latch present counter value 01 read/write of MSB only 10 read/write of LSB only 11 read/write LSB, followed by write of MSB %Bits %321 Counter Mode Bits 000 mode 0, interrupt on terminal count; countdown, interrupt, then wait for a new mode or count; loading a new count in the middle of a count stops the countdown 001 mode 1, programmable one-shot; countdown with optional restart; reloading the counter will not affect the countdown until after the following trigger 010 mode 2, rate generator; generate one pulse after 'count' CLK cycles; output remains high until after the new countdown has begun; reloading the count mid-period does not take affect until after the period 011 mode 3, square wave rate generator; generate one pulse after 'count' CLK cycles; output remains high until 1/2 of the next countdown; it does this by decrementing by 2 until zero, at which time it lowers the output signal, reloads the counter and counts down again until interrupting at 0; reloading the count mid-period does not take affect until after the period 100 mode 4, software triggered strobe; countdown with output high until counter zero; at zero output goes low for one CLK period; countdown is triggered by loading counter; reloading counter takes effect on next CLK pulse 101 mode 5, hardware triggered strobe; countdown after triggering with output high until counter zero; at zero output goes low for one CLK period %Read Back Command Format (8254 only) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Read Back Command (written to Mode Control Reg) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ must be zero ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ select counter 0 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ select counter 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ select counter 2 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = latch status of selected counters ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = latch count of selected counters ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 11 = read back command %Read Back Command Status (8254 only, read from counter register) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Read Back Command Status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 0=16 binary counter, 1=4 decade BCD counter ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ counter mode bits (see Mode Control Reg above) ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ read/write/latch format (see Mode Control Reg) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=null count (no count set), 0=count available ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ state of OUT pin (1=high, 0=low) - the 8253 is used on the PC & XT, while the 8254 is used on the AT+ - all counters are decrementing and fully independent - the PIT is tied to 3 clock lines all generating 1.19318 MHz. - the value of 1.19318MHz is derived from (4.77/4 MHz) and has it's roots based on NTSC frequencies - counters are 16 bit quantities which are decremented and then tested against zero. Valid range is (0-65535). To get a value of 65536 clocks you must specify 0 as the default count since 65536 is a 17 bit value. - reading by latching the count doesn't disturb the countdown but reading the port directly does; except when using the 8254 Read Back Command - counter 0 is the time of day interrupt and is generated approximately 18.2 times per sec. The value 18.2 is derived from the frequency 1.10318/65536 (the normal default count). - counter 1 is normally set to 18 (dec.) and signals the 8237 to do a RAM refresh approximately every 15æs - counter 2 is normally used to generate tones from the speaker but can be used as a regular counter when used in conjunction with the 8255 - newly loaded counters don't take effect until after a an output pulse or input CLK cycle depending on the mode - the 8253 has a max input clock rate of 2.6MHz, the 8254 has max input clock rate of 10MHz %Programming considerations: 1. load Mode Control Register 2. let bus settle (jmp $+2) 3. write counter value 4. if counter 0 is modified, an INT 8 handler must be written to call the original INT 8 handler every 18.2 seconds. When it does call the original INT 8 handler it must NOT send and EOI to the 8259 for the timer interrupt, since the original INT 8 handler will send the EOI also. %Example code: countdown equ 8000h ; approx 36 interrupts per second cli mov al,00110110b ; bit 7,6 = (00) timer counter 0 ; bit 5,4 = (11) write LSB then MSB ; bit 3-1 = (011) generate square wave ; bit 0 = (0) binary counter out 43h,al ; prep PIT, counter 0, square wave&init count jmp $+2 mov cx,countdown ; default is 0x0000 (65536) (18.2 per sec) ; interrupts when counter decrements to 0 mov al,cl ; send LSB of timer count out 40h,al jmp $+2 mov al,ch ; send MSB of timer count out 40h,al jmp $+2 sti :8259:pic ^8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) %Initialization Command Word 1 at Port 20h and A0h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ICW1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=ICW4 is needed, 0=no ICW4 needed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=single 8259, 0=cascading 8259's ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=4 byte interrupt vectors, 0=8 byte int vectors ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=level triggered mode, 0=edge triggered mode ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be 1 for ICW1 (port must also be 20h or A0h) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be zero for PC systems %Initialization Command Word 2 at Port 21h and A1h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ICW2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ 000= on 80x86 systems ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A7-A3 of 80x86 interrupt vector %Initialization Command Word 3 at Port 21h and A1h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ICW3 for Master Device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 0 has slave, 0=no slave ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 1 has slave, 0=no slave ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 2 has slave, 0=no slave ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 3 has slave, 0=no slave ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 4 has slave, 0=no slave ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 5 has slave, 0=no slave ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 6 has slave, 0=no slave ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=interrupt request 7 has slave, 0=no slave ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ICW3 for Slave Device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ master interrupt request slave is attached to ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be zero %Initialization Command Word 4 at Port 21h and A1h ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ICW4 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 for 80x86 mode, 0 = MCS 80/85 mode ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = auto EOI, 0=normal EOI ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ slave/master buffered mode (see below) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = special fully nested mode (SFNM), 0=sequential ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused (set to zero) %Bits % 32 Buffering Mode 00 not buffered 01 not buffered 10 buffered mode slave (PC mode) 11 buffered mode master (PC mode) %Operation Control Word 1 / Interrupt Mask Reg. (Ports 21h & A1h) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ OCW1 - IMR Interrupt Mask Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ0, 1 = mask off ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ1, 1 = mask off ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ2, 1 = mask off ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ3, 1 = mask off ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ4, 1 = mask off ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ5, 1 = mask off ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ6, 1 = mask off ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = service IRQ7, 1 = mask off %Operation Control Word 2 / Interrupt Command Reg. (Ports 20h & A0h) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ OCW2 - ICR Interrupt Command Register ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ interrupt request level to act upon ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be 0 for OCW2 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be 0 for OCW2 ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ EOI type (see table) %Bits %765 EOI - End Of Interrupt code (PC specific) 001 non-specific EOI command 010 NOP 011 specific EOI command 100 rotate in automatic EOI mode 101 rotate on non-specific EOI command 110 set priority command (uses bits 2-0) 111 rotate on specific EOI command %Operation Control Word 3 (Ports 20h & A0h) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ OCW3 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1=read IRR on next read, 0=read ISR on next read ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=act on value of bit 0, 0=no action if bit 0 set ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=poll command issued, 0=no poll command issued ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be 1 for OCW3 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ must be 0 for OCW3 ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=set special mask, 0=reset special mask ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=act on value of bit 5, 0=no action if bit 5 set ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ not used (zero) %Other Registers IRR - Interrupt Request Register, maintains a bit vector indicating which IRQ hardware events are awaiting service. Highest level interrupt is reset when the CPU acknowledges interrupt. ISR - In Service Register, tracks IRQ line currently being serviced. Updated by EOI command. ^Hardware Interrupt Sequence of Events: 1. 8259 IRQ signal is raised high by hardware setting the corresponding IRR bits true. 2. PIC evaluates the interrupt requests and signals the CPU where appropriate. 3. CPU acknowledges the INT by pulsing INTA (inverted) 4. INTA signal from CPU is received by the PIC, which then sets the highest priority ISR bit, and clears the corresponding IRR bit 5. CPU sends a second INTA pulse which causes the PIC to send the interrupt ID byte onto the bus. CPU begins interrupt processing. 6. Interrupts of lower and equal priority are blocked until a Non-Specific EOI (20h) is sent to the command port. ^Initialization Procedure %Initialization 1. write ICW1 to port 20h 2. write ICW2 to port 21h 3. if ICW1 bit D1=1 do nothing if ICW1 bit D1=0 write ICW3 to port 20h 4. write ICW4 to port 21h 5. OCW's can follow in any order ^8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller Notes - Operation Command Word (OCW), commands that set the 8259 in various interrupt modes. These can be written to the 8259 anytime after initialization. - The 8259 differentiates between the OCW1, OCW2 and OCW3 by the port address and the value of the data bits D4 and D3. ICW2 through ICW4 are order related and must follow ICW1. ICW1 is identified by an even port number and data bit D4 set to 1. - PCs operate in fully nested mode, where a Non-Specific EOI resets the interrupt identified by the highest bit value in the ISR - 8259s can be chained together where the INT pin (output) of a slave 8259 can be used as the input to an IRQ line allowing up to 64 priority vectored interrupts. AT level machines use two 8259's for a total of 16 hardware interrupt levels - the first 8259 ports are located at 20h and 21h - the second 8259 ports are located at A0h and A1h - PC and AT interrupts are Edge Triggered while PS/2's are Level Triggered - some ASIC chips designed for Tandy 1000 Systems malfunction if specific and non-specific EOIs are mixed - for a more in-depth discussion of the 8259, see Intel's "Micro- processor and Peripherals Handbook, Volume I" - see PORTS and INT TABLE :capacitor values ^Ceramic File Capacitor Color Code Chart % Color Digit Multiplier Black 0 1 Brown 1 10 Red 2 100 Gold ñ 5% tolerance Orange 3 1,000 Silver ñ10% tolerance Yellow 4 10,000 White ñ10% tolerance Green 5 100,000 Blue 6 1,000,000 Violet 7 Gray 8 White 9 % ÕÍÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛ±ÛÛ²ÛÛ°ÛÛ±ÛÛÛÛ͸ % Á Á ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ tolerance/temperature dependance ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ picofarad value multiplier ÀÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ first 2 digits of picofarad value :cmos ram:cmos clock:rtc ^CMOS RTC - Real Time Clock and Memory (ports 70h & 71h) %Reg# Description 00 RTC seconds 01 RTC seconds alarm 02 RTC minutes 03 RTC minutes alarm 04 RTC hours 05 RTC hours alarm 06 RTC day of week 07 RTC day of month 08 RTC month 09 RTC year 0A RTC Status register A: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ RTC Status Register A ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ rate selection Bits for divider output ³ ³ ³ ³ frequency (set to 0110 = 1.024kHz, 976.562æs) ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 22 stage divider, time base being used; ³ (initialized to 010 = 32.768kHz) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=time update in progress, 0=time/date available 0B RTC Status register B: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ RTC Status Register B ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=enable daylight savings, 0=disable (default) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=24 hour mode, 0=12 hour mode (24 default) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=time/date in binary, 0=BCD (BCD default) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=enable square wave frequency, 0=disable ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=enable update ended interrupt, 0=disable ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=enable alarm interrupt, 0=disable ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=enable periodic interrupt, 0=disable ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=disable clock update, 0=update count normally 0C RTC Status register C (read only): ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ RTC Status Register C (read only) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ reserved (set to 0) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ update ended interrupt enabled ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ alarm interrupt enabled ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ periodic interrupt enabled ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ IRQF flag 0D RTC Status register D (read only): ³7³6-0³ RTC Status Register D (read only) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ reserved (set to 0) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=CMOS RAM has power, 0=CMOS RAM has lost power 0E Diagnostic status byte: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Diagnostic Status Byte ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=time is invalid, 0=ok (POST validity check) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=fixed disk 0 failed initialization, 0=ok ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=memory size doesn't match config info, 0=ok ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=invalid config info found, 0=ok (see below) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=config record checksum is bad, 0=ok ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=RTC lost power, 0=power state stable 0F Shutdown status byte: 0 soft reset or unexpected shutdown 1 shut down after memory size determination 2 shut down after memory test 3 shut down with memory error 4 shut down with boot loader request 5 JMP DWORD request with INT init 6 protected mode test 7 passed 7 protected mode test 7 failed 8 protected mode test1 failed 9 block move shutdown request A JMP DWORD request without INT init 10 Diskette drive type for A: and B: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Diskette drive type for A: and B: ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ second diskette type ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ first diskette type 0000 no drive installed 0001 DSDD 48 TPI drive 0010 DSQD 96 TPI drive other values are reserved 11 Reserved 12 Fixed disk drive type for drive 0 and drive 1 ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Diskette drive type for A: and B: ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ second hard disk drive code (0000=no disk) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ first hard disk drive code (0000=no disk) 13 Reserved 14 Equipment byte ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Equipment byte ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=diskette drives installed, 0=none ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=math coprocessor installed, 0=none ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ primary display ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ number of diskette drives installed % Bits Bits % 54 Primary Display 76 Number of Drives 00 reserved 00 1 diskette drive 01 40 column color 01 2 diskette drives 10 80 column color 10 reserved 11 monochrome 11 reserved 15 LSB of system base memory in 1k blocks 16 MSB of system base memory in 1k blocks 17 LSB of total extended memory in 1k blocks 18 MSB of total extended memory in 1k blocks 19 Drive C extension byte (reserved AT) 1A Drive D extension byte (reserved AT) 1B 13 bytes reserved 2E CMOS checksum of bytes 10h-20h (MSB) 2F CMOS checksum of bytes 10h-20h (LSB) 30 LSB of extended memory size found above 1 megabyte during POST 31 MSB of extended memory size found above 1 megabyte during POST 32 Date century byte in BCD ( BIOS interface to read and set) 33 Information flags (set during power-on) ³7³6³5-0³ Information Flags ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ initial setup message flag ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=IBM 128k expansion installed, 0=none 34 12 bytes reserved %Programming Considerations: Write CMOS address to read or write to port 70h Read/write port 71h to get/set data - the information here is only applicable to AT and PS/2 systems - INT 1A is used to read/set the Time of Day and Alarm. To use the alarm, INT 4A must be a valid interrupt service routine. - configuration settings are maintained using the Motorola MC146818 Real Time Clock. Each of this chips 64 memory registers is used for storage (0-3F). - Bit 5 of the diagnostic (0Eh) status byte is set during a power on test. This Bit is set if no floppy disks are found or the display doesn't match the system display switch setting. - all addresses sent to port 70h have Bits 7&6 clear since Bit 7 of port 70h is used to enable/disable NMI. Setting this Bit 7 enables NMI, clearing this Bit disables NMI. - when masking the NMI through using port 70H, port 71H should be read immediately after or the RTC may be left in an unknown state. This wont affect the PS/2 watchdog timer or system channel timeout. - see INT 1A :epson printer codes ^Epson FX Printer Codes %Printer Operation: %Decimal ASCII Description 7 BEL Beeper 17 DC1 Select printer 19 DC3 Deselect printer 27 25 48 ESC EM 0 Turn cut sheet feeder control off 27 25 52 ESC EM 4 Turn cut sheet feeder control on 27 56 ESC 8 Disable paper out sensor 27 57 ESC 9 Enable paper out sensor 27 60 ESC < Select unidirectional mode for one line 27 64 ESC @ Initialize printer 27 85 48 ESC U 0 Cancel unidirectional mode 27 85 49 ESC U 1 Select unidirectional mode 27 115 48 ESC s 0 Turn half speed mode off 27 115 49 ESC s 1 Turn half speed mode on %Vertical/Horizontal Motion: %Decimal ASCII Description 8 BS Backspace 9 HT Horizontal tab 10 LF Line Feed 11 VT Vertical Tab 12 FF Form Feed 27 47 c ESC / c Select vertical tab channel (c=0..7) 27 48 ESC 0 Select 8 lines per inch 27 49 ESC 1 Select 7/72 inch line spacing 27 50 ESC 2 Select 6 lines per inch 27 51 n ESC 3 n Select n/216 inch line spacing (n=0..255) 27 65 n ESC A n Select n/72 inch line spacing (n=0..85) 27 66 0 ESC B NUL Clear Vertical tabs 27 66 tabs ESC B tabs Select up to 16 vertical tabs where tabs are ascending values from 1..255 ending with NUL 27 67 n ESC C n Select page length in lines (n=1..127) 27 67 48 n ESC C 0 n Select page length in inches (n=1..22) 27 68 0 ESC D NUL Clears all horizontal tables 27 68 tabs 0 ESC D tabs NUL Sets up to 32 horizontal tabs with ascending values 1-137. NUL or a value less than previous tab ends command. 27 74 n ESC J n Immediate n/216 inch line feed (n=0..255) 27 78 n ESC N n Select skip over perforation (n=1..127) 27 79 ESC O Cancel skip over perforation 27 81 n ESC Q n Set right margin (n=column) 27 98 b c 0 ESC b c NUL Clear vertical tabs in channel (c=0..7) 27 98 c tabs ESC b c tabs Select up to 16 vertical tabs in channels (c=0..7) where tabs are ascending values from 1..255 ending with NUL 27 101 48 s ESC e 0 s Set horizontal tab to increments of 's' 27 101 49 s ESC e 1 s Set vertical tab to increments of 's' 27 102 48 s ESC f 0 s Set horizontal skip to increments of 's' 27 102 49 s ESC f 1 s Set vertical skip to increments of 's' 27 106 n ESC j n Reverse linefeed (n/216 inch after buffer) 27 108 n ESC l n Set left margin (n=column) %Printing Style: %Decimal ASCII Description 27 33 n ESC ! n Master select where n is a combination of: 0 Pica 16 Double Strike 1 Elite 32 Double Wide 4 Condensed 64 Italic 8 Emphasized 128 Underline Pica & Elite and Condensed/Emphasized are mutually exclusive 27 107 48 ESC k 0 Select NLQ Roman font 27 107 49 ESC k 1 Select NLQ Sans Serif font 27 120 48 ESC x 0 Select draft mode 27 120 49 ESC x 1 Select NLQ mode %Print Size and Character Width: %Decimal ASCII Description 14 SO Select double width for one line 15 SI Select condensed mode 18 DC2 Cancel condensed mode 20 DC4 Cancel one line double width mode 27 14 ESC SO Double width for one line (duplicate) 27 15 ESC SI Select condensed mode (duplicate) 27 77 ESC M Select elite width (12 cpi) 27 80 ESC P Select pica width (10 cpi) 27 87 48 ESC W 0 Cancel double width mode 27 87 49 ESC W 1 Select double width mode %Print Enhancement: %Decimal ASCII Description 27 45 48 ESC - 0 Cancel underlining 27 45 49 ESC - 1 Select underlining 27 69 ESC E Select emphasized mode 27 70 ESC F Cancel emphasized mode 27 71 ESC G Select double strike mode 27 72 ESC H Cancel double strike mode 27 83 48 ESC S 0 Select superscript 27 83 49 ESC S 1 Select subscript 27 84 ESC T Cancel superscript/subscript %Character Sets: %Decimal ASCII Description 27 52 ESC 4 Select italic mode 27 53 ESC 5 Cancel italic mode 27 54 ESC 6 Enable printing of characters (128-159,255) 27 55 ESC 7 Cancel [ESC 6] command 27 82 n ESC R n Select International character set where numeric 'n' is: 0 USA 7 Spain I 1 France 8 Japan 2 Germany 9 Norway 3 United Kingdom 10 Denmark II 4 Denmark I 11 Spain II 5 Sweden 12 Latin America 6 Italy 27 116 0 ESC t NUL Select italic character set 27 116 1 ESC t SOH Select Epson character set %User Defined Characters: %Decimal ASCII Description 27 37 0 ESC % NUL Selects normal character set 27 37 1 ESC % SOH Selects user defined set 27 38 0 ESC & NUL ? Select user defined chars (see manual) 27 58 0 0 0 ESC : NUL NUL NUL Copy ROM into RAM %Graphics Character Sets: %Decimal ASCII Description 27 42 0 n1 n2 ESC * NUL n1 n2 Select single density graphics 27 42 1 n1 n2 ESC * SOH n1 n2 Select double density graphics 27 63 s n ESC ? s n Reassign graphics mode 's'=(K,L,Y or Z) to mode 'n'=(0..6) 27 75 n1 n2 ESC K n1 n2 Single density graphics (60 dpi) 27 76 n1 n2 ESC L n1 n2 Double density graphics (120 dpi) 27 89 n1 n2 ESC Y n1 n2 Hi-speed double den graphics (120 dpi) 27 90 n1 n2 ESC Z n1 n2 Quad density graphics (240 dpi) 27 94 m n1 n2 ESC ^ m n1 n2 Select 9 pin graphics mode number of columns = n1 + (n2 * 256) %Other: %Decimal ASCII Description 13 CR Carriage Return 24 CAN Cancel text in line (but not control codes) 127 DEL Delete character (but not control codes) 27 32 n ESC SP n Space in n/72 inch following each NLQ char 27 35 ESC # MSB control sequence cancel 27 36 ESC $ Select absolute dot position 27 61 ESC = MSB = 0 27 62 ESC > MSB = 1 27 73 48 ESC I 0 Cancel above [ESC I 1] 27 73 49 ESC I 1 Printable codes expansion (0-31,128-159) 27 92 ESC \ Select relative dot position 27 97 n ESC a n NLQ justification where numeric 'n' is: 0 left justification (default) 1 center 2 right justification 3 full justification 27 112 ESC p Select/cancel proportional mode - the codes listed are relative to the Epson LX 800 - in several situations where a numeric value of zero or one is required, the ASCII value of the number can be substituted :hard disks drives:drive specifications:disk drives:hard drives ^Hard Drive Specifications % Avg Miscellaneous %Manufacturer MB Cyl Hds Access Information Alloy ID-160 125 30 Atasi AT3020 635 3 Wedge servo Atasi AT3033 635 5 Wedge servo Atasi AT3046 635 7 Atasi AT3051 703 7 Atasi AT3085 1024 8 Bull D530 987 3 Bull D550 987 5 Bull D570 987 7 Bull D585 987 7 Bull D530 1166 3 CDC Wren I 9415-21 697 3 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren I 9415-36 697 5 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-25 615 4 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-30 989 3 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-38 733 5 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-48 925 5 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-51 42 989 5 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-67 925 7 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9415-86 69 925 9 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren II 9416-182 144 969 9 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CDC Wren V 380 15 16 ESDI/SCSI CDC Wren V 702 15 16 ESDI/SCSI CDC Wren VI 766 15 16.5 ESDI/SCSI CDC Wren VII 1.2G 15 16.5 SCSI CMI CM3426 612 4 CMI CM5205 256 4 CMI CM5410 256 4 CMI CM5616 256 4 CMI CM6426 615 4 CMI CM6426S 640 4 CMI CM6640 640 4 CMS F40-K 42 1024 5 22 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CMS F60-K 42 1024 7 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CMS F70-K 42 1024 8 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil CMS F80-K 42 1024 9 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Columbia SCSI 42 834 3 19 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Core AT40F 40 564 4 10 ESDI, MFM, Voice coil Core AT43 43 988 5 20 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Core HC150 150 1024+ 18 ESDI Emerald DOS 150-3000 150 1024+ ESDI Emulex ATS-170 142 1022 SCSI & ESDI Emulex ATS-380 310 1222 SCSI & ESDI FlashCard 49 49 615 6 28 STnnn, RLL, Voice coil Fuji 302-13 10 612 2 Fuji 302-26 20 612 4 Fujitsu M2230AS 320 2 Fujitsu M2233AS 10 320 4 Fujitsu M2234AS 320 6 Fujitsu M2235AS 21 320 8 56 Fujitsu M2241AS 754 4 Fujitsu M2242AS 43 754 7 33 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Fujitsu M2243AS 72 754 11 33 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Fujitsu M2263 778u 14 16 ESDI/SCSI Hitachi DK511-5 699 7 Hitachi DK511-8 823 10 Hitachi DK515C-78 780u 8 16 SCSI Hitachi DK515-78 780u 8 16 ESDI IMI 5006H 306 2 IMI 5012H 306 4 IMI 5018H 306 6 Irwin 416 819 2 Irwin 510 628 2 HD/tape Irwin 516 819 2 HD/tape Irwin 561 180 4 Kalok KL320 26u 615 4 40 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Kalok KL330 38u 615 4 40 STnnn, RLL, Band stepper Maxtor XT1065 52 918 7 28 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT1085 68 1024 8 28 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT1105 83 918 11 28 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT1140 112 918 15 28 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT1190 150 1224 28 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT2085 1224 7 28 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT2140 1224 11 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT2190 160 1224 15 STnnn, Voice coil Maxtor XT4170E 179u 1224 7 14 ESDI, MFM, Voice coil Maxtor XT4230E 231u 1224 9 16 ESDI, MFM, Voice coil Maxtor XT4380E 384u 1224 15 16 ESDI, MFM, Voice coil Maxtor XT4380S 384u 1224 16 SCSI, MFM, Voice coil Maxtor XT8380E 410u 14.5 ESDI Maxtor XT8380S 410u 14.5 SCSI Maxtor XT8760E 768u 16.5 ESDI Maxtor XT8760S 768u 16.5 SCSI Micropolis 1302 830 3 Micropolis 1303 830 5 Micropolis 1304 830 6 Micropolis 1323 1024 4 Micropolis 1323A 1024 5 Micropolis 1324 1024 6 Micropolis 1324A 1024 7 Micropolis 1325 1024 8 Micropolis 1333A 44 1024 5 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Micropolis 1335 71 1024 8 30 Micropolis 1355 142 1022 Micropolis 1518 1.2Gu 15 14 ESDI Micropolis 1558 382u 15 18 ESDI Micropolis 1568 765u 15 16 ESDI Micropolis 1578 382u 15 18 SCSI Micropolis 1588 765u 15 16 SCSI Micropolis 1598 1.2Gu 15 14 SCSI Microscience HH312 10 306 4 Microscience HH325 20 612 4 Microscience HH612 10 306 4 Microscience HH725 21 612 4 Band stepper Microscience HH1050 44 1024 5 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Miniscribe 1006 306 2 Miniscribe 1012 306 4 Miniscribe 2006 306 2 Miniscribe 3012 10 612 4 Miniscribe 3053 44 1024 6 25 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Miniscribe 3212 10 612 4 Miniscribe 3412 306 4 Miniscribe 3425 20 615 4 Miniscribe 3438 31.2 615 4 Miniscribe 3650 50u 809 6 61 STnnn, MFM, linear drive Miniscribe 3650F 50u 809 6 46 STnnn, MFM, linear drive Miniscribe 3675 75u 809 6 61 STnnn, MFM, linear drive Miniscribe 4010 480 2 Miniscribe 4020 480 4 Miniscribe 6032 26 1024 3 Miniscribe 6053 43 1024 5 Miniscribe 6085 71 1024 8 Miniscribe 6128 104 1024 8 Miniscribe 8051A 51u 745 4 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Miniscribe 8212 615 2 Miniscribe 8425 615 4 Miniscribe 8438 31.2 615 4 Miniscribe 9380E 382u 1224 15 16 ESDI, RLL, Voice coil Miniscribe 9380S 382u 1224 15 16 SCSI, RLL, Voice coil Miniscribe 9780E 781u 15 17 ESDI, Voice coil Mitsubisi MR535 42 981 6 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil NEC D5662 385u 18 ESDI NEC D5682 765u 18 16 ESDI NEC D5862 385u 18 SCSI NEC D5882 765u 18 16 SCSI NEC 5124 310 4 NEC 5126 612 4 NEC 5146 615 8 Newberry Penny 340 615 8 Northgate Turbo 42 809 6 36 STnnn, RLL, Voice coil Plus Hardcard 40 42 612 4 40 STnnn, RLL, Voice coil Priam ID45ATD2 42 1166 5 20 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Priam ID130 130 1224 STnnn Priam ID40 987 5 Priam ID60 987 7 Priam V130 987 3 STnnn Priam V185 1166 7 Priam 638 382u 15 18 ESDI Priam 676 765u 15 14 ESDI Priam 738 382u 15 18 SCSI Priam 776 765u 15 14 SCSI Quadram Q520 512 4 Quadram Q530 512 6 Quadram Q540 512 8 Rodime RO101 192 2 Rodime RO102 192 4 Rodime RO103 192 6 Rodime RO104 192 8 Rodime RO201 320 2 Rodime RO202 320 4 Rodime RO203 320 6 Rodime RO204 320 8 Rodime RO201E 640 2 Rodime RO202E 640 4 Rodime RO203E 33 640 6 Rodime RO204E 640 8 Rodime RO252 10 306 4 Rodime RO352 10 306 4 Rodime RO3055 45 872 7 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil RMS 503 153 2 RMS 506 153 4 RMS 512 153 8 Seagate ST125 21 615 4 28 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST125N 22 407 4 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST138 32 615 6 28 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST138N 31 615 4 28 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST138R 33 615 4 28 STnnn, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST151 43 977 5 STnnn, MFM, Voice Coil Seagate ST157N 49 615 6 28 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST157R 49 615 6 28 STnnn, RLL, Voice Coil Seagate ST177N 61 921 5 SCSI, RLL, Voice Coil Seagate ST206 306 2 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST213 11 615 2 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST225 21 615 4 65 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST225N 21 615 4 65 SCSI, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST225R 21 667 2 STnnn, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST238R 31 615 4 65 STnnn, RLL, Band Stepper Seagate ST250R 42 667 4 STnnn, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST251 42 820 6 40 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST251-1 43 820 6 28 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST251N0 43 820 4 40 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST251N1 43 630 4 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST251R 43 820 6 40 STnnn, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST277 66 820 6 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST277N0 65 820 6 40 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST277N1 65 628 6 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST277R 65 820 6 40 STnnn, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST296N 85 820 6 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Seagate ST406 5 306 2 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST412 10 306 4 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST419 15 306 6 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST425 20 306 8 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST506 5 153 4 STnnn, MFM, Band stepper Seagate ST1096N 84 906 7 SCSI, RLL, Voice coil Seagate ST4026 21 615 4 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Seagate ST4038 32 733 5 40 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Seagate ST4051 43 977 5 40 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Seagate ST4053 44 1024 5 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Seagate ST4077R 65 1024 5 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Seagate ST4096 80 1024 9 28 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Seagate ST4144R 122 1024 9 28 STnnn, RLL, Voice coil Shugart SA 604 160 4 Shugart SA 606 160 6 Shugart SA 612 306 4 Shugart SA 712 320 4 SPC Scorecard 44 44 753 7 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Syquest SQ306RD 306 2 Syquest SQ312RD 615 2 Syquest SQ325F 612 4 Syquest SQ338F 612 6 Tandon TM252 10 306 4 Tandon TM262 20 615 4 Tandon TAN501 306 2 Tandon TAN502 306 4 Tandon TAN503 306 6 Tandon TM602S 153 4 Tandon TM603S 153 6 Tandon TM603SE 230 6 Tandon TM702AT 615 4 Tandon TM703 695 5 Tandon TM703AT 733 5 Tandon TM755 981 5 Tandy SCSI 80 823 6 28 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper Toshiba MK53F 830 5 Toshiba MK54F 49 830 7 25 STnnn, MFM, Voice coil Toshiba MK56F 72 830 10 25 Toshiba MK134FA 733 7 25 STnnn Toshiba MK358FA 765u 15 16 ESDI Toshiba MK358FB 765u 15 16 SCSI Tulin 226 640 4 Tulin 240 640 6 Tulin 326 20 640 4 Tulin 340 30 640 6 Western Dig. 93024A 21.6 28 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93024X 21.6 39 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93028A 21.6 69 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93028X 21.6 70 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93034X 32.4 39 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93038X 32.4 70 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93044A 43.2 28 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93044X 43.2 39 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93048A 43.2 69 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. 93048X 43.2 70 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. AC140 42.5 19 STnnn, MFM Western Dig. AC280 85.1 19 STnnn, MFM - STnnn indicates Seagate ST412/ST506 compatible - 'u' in filesize indicates unformatted spec - formatted capacity is related to BIOS and my vary with different BIOS and OEM versions - read/write heads should normally never touch hard disk media - Standard AT hard disk controllers do not use DMA for disk I/O due to the slow speed of the 8 Bit DMA chips used. Port I/O is used instead for an actual increase in performance. - DOS version and disk size determine cluster size. DOS 2.x always has cluster size of 8K, while DOS 3.x+ has variable cluster sizes: 2 - 16 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 8K 16 - 128 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 2K 128 - 256 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 4K 256 - 512 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 8K :hayes modem info:modem commands ^Hayes Command Set / Register Formats +++ standard escape sequence (see S2 below) Comma standard pause character (see S8 below) AT standard attention sequence ATA force immediate answer ATC0 transmitter off ATC1 transmitter on ATD dial (ATD number) ATDP pulse dial (ATDP number) ATDT tone dial (ATDT number) ATE0 disable local character echo ATE1 enable local character echo ATF0 Half Duplex (modem echoes characters) ATF1 Full Duplex (modem does not echo characters) ATH0 force line on hook ATH1 force line off hook ATH2 force line special off hook (used for HAM radio) ATI0 request product code, formatted PPR, PP=prod., R=rev. ATI1 request ROM check sum ATL1 speaker volume low (modem specific) ATL2 speaker volume medium (modem specific) ATL3 speaker volume high (modem specific) ATM0 speaker always off ATM1 speaker on except while carrier present ATM2 speaker always on ATM3 speaker on except while dialing and carrier present ATO force modem into on-line state ATP sets modem to default pulse dial ATQ0 modem returns result codes ATQ1 modem does not return result codes ATR sets modem to answer mode after dialing out ATSn where Sn is S register number 'n' (see registers below) ATT sets modem to default tone dial ATV0 send numeric codes ATV1 send word result codes ATX0 basic result code set "CONNECT", no dial tone detect ATX1 extended result code set "CONNECT 1200", no dialtone detect ATX2 wait for dial tone, extended result codes ATX3 detect busy signal, extended result codes ATX4 wait for dial tone, detect busy, extended result codes ATZ reset to power up condition ^Hayes 2400 Compatible Modem Commands ATB0 CCITT V.22 at 1200 bps ATB1 BELL 212A at 1200 bps AT&C DCD always on AT&C1 DCD on while carrier present AT&D DTR ignored AT&D1 DTR fail disconnect enabled AT&D2 DTR fail disconnect enabled (auto answer off) AT&D3 DTR fail disconnect enabled (reset modem) AT&F restore to factory configuration AT&G no guard tone AT&G1 550 Hz guard tone AT&G2 1800 Hz guard tone AT&J RJ11/RJ41S/RJ45 jack AT&J2 RJ12/RJ13 jack AT&L regular phone line AT&L1 leased line AT&M async operation AT&M1 async/sync operation AT&M2 sync auto dial AT&M3 sync manual dial AT&P 39/61 pulse make/break ratio AT&P1 33/67 pulse make/break ratio AT&T4 grant RDL test request AT&T5 deny RDL test request AT&W write current registers to non-volatile memory AT&X sync clock internal AT&X1 sync clock external AT&X2 sync clock slaved AT&Z store dial command line ^Hayes Compatible Modem Registers Not all modems support all of these registers and some modems have registers other than those listed here. Also note, some are read only. to set a register use: AT Sr=## (cr) to read the register: AT Sr? (cr) Where "r" is the register and (cr) is a carriage return %The following represent conventions used in the tables below: () indicates defaults for Smartmodem 1200 ** indicates possible inconsistencies across modems %Reg Values Register function S0 0-255 ring to answer on (0=don't answer) S1 0-255 ring count (clear after 8 sec) (read only) S2 0-255 escape char, normally "+", 128-255 disable escape S3 0-127 end of line character (0x0D/CR) S4 0-127 line feed character (0x0A/LF) S5 0-32,127 backspace character (0x08/BS) S6 2-255 pause before dialing in seconds (2) S7 1-255 wait for carrier in seconds (30) S8 0-255 pause for comma in dial string in seconds (2) S9 1-255 carrier detect response time in 1/10 second (6) S10 1-255 carrier loss delay in 1/10 second, 255=ignore CD (7) S11 50-255 touch tone dial speed, in milliseconds (70) S12 20-255 escape guard time, in 1/50 second,0=no delay (50) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S13 power up async data format ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ result code, 0=basic, 1=extended ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ parity, 0=disabled, 1=enabled ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ parity, 0=odd ,1=even ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bits, 0=7 bits, 1=8 bits ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ undefined ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ buffer ovfw flag, 0=disabled,1=enabled ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 8th bit, 0=space,1=mark (8 bit only) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S14 option register status data format ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ unused ** ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ local echo, 0=disabled, 1=enabled ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ result codes, 0=enabled,1=disabled ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ result codes, 0=numeric,1=word ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ command recognition, 0=enable,1=disable ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ dial method, 0=touch tone, 1=pulse ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ** ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0=answer, 1=originate ** S15 flag register ** ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S16 test status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ analog loop, 0=inactive, 1=active ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ digital loop, 0=inactive, 1=active ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ remote req digital loop,0=inact.,1=active ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ remote digital loop,0=inact.,1=active ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ self test RDL, 0=inactive, 1=active ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ self test analog loop,0=inactive,1=active ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused S18 0-255 remote test timer in seconds ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S21 option status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ jack type, 0=RJ11,RJ41,RJ45,1=RJ12,RJ13 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ CTS state, 0=follows RTS, 1=forced on ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DTR modem behavior (see below) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DCD, 0=forced on, 1=follows carrier ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DSR, 0=forced on, 1=behaves normally ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ long space disconnect,0=disabled,1=enabled %Bits % 43 DTR Modem Behavior Bits 00 ignore DTR 01 assume command state when DTR drops 10 assume command state and disable auto-answer when DTR drops 11 reset when DTR drops ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S22 option status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ speaker volume, 01=low,10=med,11=high ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ speaker setting (see below) ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ X command in effect ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ make/break ratio, 0=39/61, 1=33/67 %Bits % 32 S22 Speaker Setting 00 speaker always off 01 speaker on until carrier detected 10 speaker always on 11 speaker off during dialing, then on until CD %Bits %654 S22 X Command in Effect 100 X1 command in effect 101 X2 command in effect 110 X3 command in effect 111 X4 command in effect ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S23 option status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ remote dig.loop request,0=denied,1=ok ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ baud rate (see table) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ parity (see table) ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ guard tone setting %Bits % 21 S23 Baud Rate Table 00 0-300 bps 01 600 bps 10 1200 bps 11 2400 bps %Bits % 54 S23 Parity Setting 00 even parity 01 parity bit always 0 10 odd parity 11 parity bit always 1 %Bits % 76 S23 Guard Tone Setting 00 no guard tones 01 550 hz guard tone 10 1800 hz guard tone S25 0-255 DTR detect delay in seconds (5) S26 0-255 RTS to CTS delay in milliseconds (1) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ S27 option status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ synch/async mode (see table) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ phone line, 0= public, 1=leased ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ clock type (see table) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ protocol, 0=CCITT V.22, 1=Bell 212A ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused %Bits % 10 S27 Sync/Async mode 00 asynchronous mode 01 async/sync mode 10 sync auto-dial 11 sync manual dial %Bits % 45 S27 Clock Type 00 internal clock used 01 external clock used 10 slaved clock used :game port:joystick ^Joystick / Game Port (201h) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Port at 201h used with Joysticks ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ joystick a, x coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ joystick a, y coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ joystick b, x coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ joystick b, y coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ joystick a, button 1 (0=pressed) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ joystick a, button 2 (0=pressed) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ joystick b, button 1 (0=pressed) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ joystick b, button 2 (0=pressed) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Port at 201h used with Paddles ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ paddle a coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ paddle b coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ paddle c coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ paddle d coord (0 = timing active) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ paddle a, button (0=pressed) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ paddle b, button (0=pressed) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ paddle c, button (0=pressed) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ paddle d, button (0=pressed) - accessed through port 201h - bits 3-0 are resistive inputs with the length of the pulse determined by 0-100K ohm resistive load. Use this formula: %time = 24.2æ + ( 0.011æ * resistance ) or %resistance = ( time - 24.2 ) / 0.011 - a read should be immediately preceded by a write (any data) to start timing for the resistive values. :laserjet:hp laserjet ^Hewlett Packard Laserjet Printer Control Codes %Printer Control and Orientation ESC E Reset printer ESC z Self Test ESC &l0O Portrait orientation ESC &l1O Landscape orientation ESC (s0P Select fixed space font ESC (s1P Select proportional font ESC (s0S Set upright character orientation ESC (s1S Set Italic character orientation ESC &l#X Select '#' number of copies ESC &l0H Eject page ESC &l1H Feed paper from tray ESC &l2H Feed paper manually ESC &l3H Feed envelope ESC &l0T Default stacking position ESC &l1T Togglestacking position %8 Bit Symbol Set Selection ESC (8U Select Roman 8 symbol set ESC (8K Select Kana 8 symbol set ESC (8M Select Math 8 symbol set %7 Bit Symbol Set Selection ESC (0U Select USASCII symbol set ESC (0B Select Line Draw symbol set ESC (0A Select Math symbol set ESC (0M Select Math 7 symbol set ESC (0Q Select Math 8a symbol set ESC (1Q Select Math 8b symbol set ESC (1U Select US Legal symbol set ESC (0E Select Roman Extension symbol set ESC (0D Select ISO Denmark/Norway symbol set ESC (1E Select ISO United Kingdom symbol set ESC (0F Select ISO France symbol set ESC (0G Select ISO German symbol set ESC (0I Select ISO Italy symbol set ESC (0S Select ISO Sweden/Finland symbol set ESC (1S Select ISO Spain symbol set ESC (15U Select PiFont symbol set ESC (2Q Select PiFonta symbol set %Font Management ESC (s3T Select Courier font ESC (s0T Select Line Printer font ESC (s1T Select Pica font ESC (s2T Select Elite font ESC (s4T Select Helvetica font ESC (s5T Select Times Roman (TMS RMN) font ESC (s6T Select Gothic font ESC (s7T Select Script font ESC (s8T Select Prestige font ESC *c#D Specify font ID '#' ESC *c#E Specify character code '#' ESC *c0F Delete all fonts, including permanent ESC *c1F Delete all temporary fonts ESC *c2F Delete last font ID specified ESC *c3F Delete last character code and font ID specified ESC *c4F Make last font ID temporary ESC *c5F Make last font ID permanent ESC *c6F Copy or assign last font ID specified ESC *c7F Reestablish ROM ESC *c8F Set primary font ESC *c9F Set secondary font ESC *c10F Set primary and secondary font default ESC )s#W Create font header ESC (s#W Download character ESC (#X Designate downloaded font as primary ESC )#X Designate downloaded font as secondary ESC (#@ Primary font default (see printer manual) ESC )#@ Secondary font default(see printer manual) %Pitch and Point Selection ESC (s10H Set 10 pitch ESC (s12H Set 12 pitch ESC (s16.6H Set 16.66 pitch ESC (s7V Set point size to 7 ESC (s8V Set point size to 8 ESC (s8.5V Set point size to 8.5 ESC (s10V Set point size to 10 ESC (s12V Set point size to 12 ESC (s14.4V Set point size to 14.4 %Page Dimensions ESC &l#P Set page length to '#' lines ESC &l#E Set top margin to '#' lines ESC &l#F Set text length to '#' lines ESC 9 Clear margins ESC &a#L Set left margin to column '#' ESC &a#M Set right margin to column '#' ESC &l#C Set vertical motion index to '#' 1/48" increments ESC &l#D Set lines per inch to '#', valid values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 or 24 ESC &k#H Set horizontal motion index where # is derived using # = (120.0 / cpi) (1/10 precision) %Cursor Positioning ESC &a#R Move to row '#' ESC &a#C Move to col '#' ESC &a#H Move to horizontal position '#' in decipoints ESC &a#V Move to vertical position '#' in decipoints ESC *p#X Move to horizontal position '#' in dots ESC *p#Y Move to vertical position '#' in dots ESC &f0S Push cursor position ESC &f1 Pop cursor position %Raster Graphics ESC *t75R Select 75 dots per inch graphics mode ESC *t100R Select 100 dots per inch graphics mode ESC *t150R Select 150 dots per inch graphics mode ESC *t300R Select 300 dots per inch graphics mode ESC *r0A Start graphics at left most position ESC *r1A Start graphics at current cursor ESC *b#W Transfer '#' byte raster image as stream "" ESC *rB End graphics %Advanced Graphics ESC *c#A Set horizontal rule/pattern size in dots ESC *c#H Set horizontal rule/pattern size in decipoints ESC *c#B Set vertical rule/pattern size in dots ESC *c#V Set vertical rule/pattern size in decipoints ESC *c0P Select black rule ESC *c2P Select gray scale pattern ESC *c3P Select HP-Defined pattern ESC *c#G Set grey scale pattern, where # is a value between [0..6] for HP defined patterns and [0..100] to specify percentage gray scaling. The mode depends on the rule/pattern selected using ESC *c?P ESC *c1G Vertical lines pattern ESC *c2G Horizontal lines pattern ESC *c3G Diagonal lines pattern (upward left to right) ESC *c4G Diagonal lines pattern (downward left to right) ESC *c5G Horizontal/vertical grid lines pattern ESC *c6G Diagonal grid pattern ESC *c#G Set gray scaling to '#' percent %Macro commands ESC &f#Y Identify macro as ID "#' ESC &f0X Start macro definition ESC &f1X Stop macro definition ESC &f2X Execute macro ESC &f3X Call macro ESC &f4X Enable auto macro overlay ESC &f5X Disable auto macro overlay ESC &f6X Delete all macros ESC &f7X Delete all temporary macros ESC &f8X Delete macro ID ESC &f9X Make macro temporary ESC &f10X Make macro permanent %Miscellaneous ESC (s#B Set stroke weight '#'=(7..-7), 7=bold, -7=light ESC &dD Set underline on ESC &d@ Set underline off ESC = Half line feed ESC Y Turn display functions mode on ESC Z Turn display functions mode off (default) ESC &p#X Disable command interpretation for the '#' bytes following this command ESC &l0L Disable perforation skip ESC &l1L Enable perforation skip ESC &k0G Set line terminators to CR=CR, LF=LF, FF=FF ESC &k1G Set line terminators to CR=CR+LF, LF=LF, FF=FF ESC &k2G Set line terminators to CR=CR, LF=CR+LF, FF=CR+FF ESC &k3G Set line terminators to CR=CR+LF, LF=CR+LF, FF=CR+FF ESC &s0C Enable end of line wrap ESC &s1C Disable end of line wrap %Escape sequence combination rules: 1. The first 2 characters following the ESC must be the same. 2. The final character in any sequence other than the last must be changed to lower case. 3. The last character in the complete sequence must be changed to upper case. 4. Escape sequences must be specified in the order in which they should be performed. - the space following ESC is not included in the string :keyboard commands ^Keyboard Commands & Responses ^Commands System Issues to Keyboard (via 8042 port 60h) ED Set/Reset Mode Indicators, keyboard responds with ACK then waits for a following option byte. When the option byte is received the keyboard again ACK's and then sets the LED's accordingly. Scanning is resumed if scanning was enabled. If another command is received instead of the option byte (high bit set on) this command is terminated. Hardware defaults to these indicators turned off. ³7-3³2³1³0³ Keyboard Status Indicator Option Byte ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ Scroll-Lock indicator (0=off, 1=on) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ Num-Lock indicator (0=off, 1=on) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Caps-Lock indicator (0=off, 1=on) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved (must be zero) EE Diagnostic Echo, keyboard echoes the EE byte back to the system without an acknowledgement. F0 PS/2 Select/Read Alternate Scan Code Sets, instructs keyboard to use one of the three make/break scan code sets. Keyboard responds by clearing the output buffer/typematic key and then transmits an ACK. The system must follow up by sending an option byte which will again be ACK'ed by the keyboard: 00 return byte indicating scan code set in use 01 select scan code set 1 (used on PC & XT) 02 select scan code set 2 03 select scan code set 3 F2 PS/2 Read Keyboard ID, keyboard responds with an ACK and a two byte keyboard ID of 83AB. F3 Set Typematic Rate/Delay, keyboard responds with ACK and waits for rate/delay byte. Upon receipt of the rate/delay byte the keyboard responds with an ACK, then sets the new typematic values and scanning continues if scanning was enabled. ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Typematic Rate/Delay Option Byte ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÅÄÅÄÅÄÅÄÄÄÄ typematic rate indicator (see INT 16,3) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄ A in period formula (see below) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ B is period formula (see below) ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ typematic delay ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ always zero delay = (rate+1) * 250 (in milliseconds) rate = (8+A) * (2**B) * 4.17 (in seconds, ñ 20%) Defaults to 10.9 characters per second and a 500ms delay. If a command byte (byte with high bit set) is received instead of an option byte this command is cancelled. F4 Enable Keyboard, cause the keyboard to clear its output buffer and last typematic key and then respond with an ACK. The keyboard then begins scanning. F5 Default w/Disable, resets keyboard to power-on condition by clearing the output buffer, resetting typematic rate/delay, resetting last typematic key and setting default key types. The keyboard responds with an ACK and waits for the next instruction. F6 Set Default, resets to power-on condition by clearing the output buffer, resetting typematic rate/delay and last typematic key and sets default key types. The keyboard responds with an ACK and continues scanning. F7 PS/2 Set All Keys to Typematic, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and setting the key type to Typematic. Scanning continues if scanning was enabled. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. F8 PS/2 Set All Keys to Make/Break, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and setting the key type to Make/Break. Scanning continues if scanning was enabled. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. F9 PS/2 Set All Keys to Make, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and setting the key type to Make. Scanning continues if scanning was enabled. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. FA PS/2 Set All Keys to Typematic Make/Break, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and setting the key type to Typematic Make/Break. Scanning continues if scanning was enabled. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. FB PS/2 Set Key Type to Typematic, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and then waiting for the key ID (make code from Scan Code Set 3). The specified key type is then set to typematic. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. FC PS/2 Set Key Type to Make/Break, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and then waiting for the key ID (make code from Scan Code Set 3). The specified key type is then set to Make/Break. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. FD PS/2 Set Key Type to Make, keyboard responds by sending an ACK, clearing its output buffer and then waiting for the key ID (make code from Scan Code Set 3). The specified key type is then set to Make. This command may be sent while using any Scan Code Set but only has effect when Scan Code Set 3 is in use. FE Resend, should be sent when a transmission error is detected from the keyboard FF Reset, Keyboard sends ACK and waits for system to receive it then begins a program reset and Basic Assurance Test (BAT). Keyboard returns a one byte completion code then sets default Scan Code Set 2. ^Keyboard Responses to System (via 8042 port 60h) 00 Key Detection Error or Overrun Error for Scan Code Set 1, replaces last key in the keyboard buffer if the buffer is full. AA BAT Completion Code, keyboard sends this to indicate the keyboard test was successful. EE Echo Response, response to the Echo command. F0 Break Code Prefix in Scan Code Sets 2 and 3. FA Acknowledge, keyboard sends this whenever a valid command or data byte is received (except on Echo and Resend commands). FC BAT Failure Code, keyboard sends this to indicate the keyboard test failed and stops scanning until a response or reset is sent. FE Resend, keyboard request resend of data when data sent to it is invalid or arrives with invalid parity. FF Key Detection Error or Overrun Error for Scan Code Set 2 or 3, replaces last key in the keyboard buffer if the buffer is full. id Keyboard ID Response, keyboard sends a two byte ID after ACK'ing the Read ID command. The byte stream contains 83AB in LSB, MSB order. The keyboard then resumes scanning. - command F7 through FD are NOP's on the AT and are ACK'ed but not acted upon - see 8042 MAKE CODES BREAK CODES INT 16,3 :parallel port:printer port ^Parallel Printer Port %Port 3BC printer data output (readable) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ports 278, 378, 3BC ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ data bit 0, hardware pin 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 1, hardware pin 3 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 2, hardware pin 4 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 3, hardware pin 5 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 4, hardware pin 6 ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 5, hardware pin 7 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 6, hardware pin 8 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data bit 7, hardware pin 9 %Port 3BD printer status register (Parallel Printer Port) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ports 279, 379, 3BD ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = time-out ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = error, pin 15 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = on-line, pin 13 ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = out of paper, pin 12 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = Acknowledge, pin 10 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = busy, pin 11 %Port 3BE printer control register (Parallel Printer Port) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ ports 27A, 37A, 3BE ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = output data to printer, (pin 1) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = auto line feed, (pin 14) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = initialize printer, (pin 16) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = printer reads output, (pin 17) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = IRQ disable,1=IRQ enable for ACK ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused :ports:port addresses:hardware ports ^PORTS Common I/O Port Addresses Port addresses are not always constant across PC, AT and PS2 Unless marked, port addresses are relative to PC and XT only %000-00F 8237 DMA controller 000 Channel 0 address register 001 Channel 0 word count 002 Channel 1 address register 003 Channel 1 word count 004 Channel 2 address register 005 Channel 2 word count 006 Channel 3 address register 007 Channel 3 word count 008 Status/command register 009 Request register 00A Mask register 00B Mode register 00C Clear MSB/LSB flip flop 00D Master clear temp register 00E Clear mask register 00F Multiple mask register %010-01F 8237 DMA Controller (PS2 model 60 & 80), reserved (AT) %020-02F 8259A Master Programmable Interrupt Controller 020 8259 Command port (see 8259) 021 8259 Interrupt mask register (see 8259) %030-03F 8259A Slave Programmable Interrupt Controller (AT,PS2) %040-05F 8253 or 8254 Programmable Interval Timer (PIT, see 8253) 040 8253 channel 0, counter divisor 041 8253 channel 1, RAM refresh counter 042 8253 channel 2, Cassette and speaker functions 043 8253 mode control (see 8253) 044 8254 PS/2 extended timer 047 8254 Channel 3 control byte %060-067 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PC,XT, PCjr) 060 8255 Port A keyboard input/output buffer (output PCjr) 061 8255 Port B output 062 8255 Port C input 063 8255 Command/Mode control register %060-06F 8042 Keyboard Controller (AT,PS2) 060 8042 Keyboard input/output buffer register 061 8042 system control port (for compatability with 8255) 064 8042 Keyboard command/status register 070 CMOS RAM/RTC, also NMI enable/disable (AT,PS2, see RTC) 071 CMOS RAM data (AT,PS2) 080 Manufacturer checkpoint port %080-090 DMA Page Registers 081 High order 4 bits of DMA channel 2 address 082 High order 4 bits of DMA channel 3 address 083 High order 4 bits of DMA channel 1 address %090-097 POS/Programmable Option Select (PS2) 090 Central arbitration control Port 091 Card selection feedback 092 System control and status register 094 System board enable/setup register 095 Reserved 096 Adapter enable/setup register 097 Reserved 0A0 NMI Mask Register (PC,XT) (write 80h to enable NMI, 00h disable) %0A0-0BF Second 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (AT, PS2) 0A0 Second 8259 Command port (see 8259) 0A1 Second 8259 Interrupt mask register (see 8259) 0C0 TI SN76496 Programmable Tone/Noise Generator (PCjr) %0C0-0DF 8237 DMA controller 2 (AT) 0C2 DMA channel 3 selector (see ports 6 & 82) 0E0-0EF Reserved %0F0-0FF Math coprocessor (AT, PS2) %0F0-0F5 PCjr Disk Controller 0F0 Disk Controller 0F2 Disk Controller control port 0F4 Disk Controller status register 0F5 Disk Controller data port %0F8-0FF Reserved for future microprocessor extensions %100-10F POS Programmable Option Select (PS2) 100 POS Register 0, Adapter ID byte (LSB) 101 POS Register 1, Adapter ID byte (MSB) 102 POS Register 2, Option select data byte 1 Bit 0 is card enable (CDEN) 103 POS Register 3, Option select data byte 2 104 POS Register 4, Option select data byte 3 105 POS Register 5, Option select data byte 4 Bit 7 is (-CHCK) Bit 6 is reserved 106 POS Register 6, subaddress extension (LSB) 107 POS Register 7, subaddress extension (MSB) %110-1EF System I/O channel %170-17F Fixed disk 1 (AT) 170 disk 1 data 171 disk 1 error 172 disk 1 sector count 173 disk 1 sector number 174 disk 1 cylinder low 175 disk 1 cylinder high 176 disk 1 drive/head 177 disk 1 status %1F0-1FF Fixed disk 0 (AT) 1F0 disk 0 data 1F1 disk 0 error 1F2 disk 0 sector count 1F3 disk 0 sector number 1F4 disk 0 cylinder low 1F5 disk 0 cylinder high 1F6 disk 0 drive/head 1F7 disk 0 status %200-20F Game Adapter (see GAME PORT or JOYSTICK) %210-217 Expansion Card Ports (XT) 210 Write: latch expansion bus data read: verify expansion bus data 211 Write: clear wait,test latch Read: MSB of data address 212 Read: LSB of data address 213 Write: 0=enable, 1=/disable expansion unit 214-215 Receiver Card Ports 214 write: latch data, read: data 215 read: MSB of address, next read: LSB of address 21F Reserved %220-26F Reserved for I/O channel %270-27F Third parallel port (see PARALLEL PORT) 278 data port 279 status port 27A control port %280-2AF Reserved for I/O channel %2A2-2A3 MSM58321RS clock %2B0-2DF Alternate EGA, or 3270 PC video (XT, AT) 2E0 Alternate EGA/VGA 2E1 GPIB Adapter (AT) %2E2-2E3 Data acquisition adapter (AT) %2E8-2EF COM4 non PS2 UART (Reserved by IBM) (see UART) %2F0-2F7 Reserved %2F8-2FF COM2 Second Asynchronous Adapter (see UART) Primary Asynchronous Adapter for PCjr %300-31F Prototype Experimentation Card (except PCjr) Periscope hardware debugger %320-32F Hard Disk Controller (XT) 320 Read from/Write to controller 321 Read: Controller Status, Write: controller reset 322 Write: generate controller select pulse 323 Write: Pattern to DMA and interrupt mask register (see ports 0F,21,C2) 324 disk attention/status %330-33F Reserved for XT/370 %340-35F Reserved for I/O channel %360-36F PC Network %370-377 Floppy disk controller (except PCjr) 372 Diskette digital output 374 Diskette controller status 375 Diskette controller data 376 Diskette controller data 377 Diskette digital input %378-37F Second Parallel Printer (see PARALLEL PORT) First Parallel Printer (see PARALLEL PORT) 378 data port 379 status port 37A control port %380-38F Secondary Binary Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) adapter 380 On board 8255 port A, internal/external sense 381 On board 8255 port B, external modem interface 382 On board 8255 port C, internal control and gating 383 On board 8255 mode register 384 On board 8253 channel square wave generator 385 On board 8253 channel 1 inactivity time-out 386 On board 8253 channel 2 inactivity time-out 387 On board 8253 mode register 388 On board 8273 read: status; Write: Command 389 On board 8273 write: parameter; read: response 38A On board 8273 transmit interrupt status 38B On board 8273 receiver interrupt status 38C On board 8273 data %390-39F Cluster Adapter %3A0-3AF Primary Binary Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) adapter 3A0 On board 8255 port A, internal/external sense 3A1 On board 8255 port B, external modem interface 3A2 On board 8255 port C, internal control and gating 3A3 On board 8255 mode register 3A4 On board 8253 counter 0 unused 3A5 On board 8253 counter 1 inactivity time-outs 3A6 On board 8253 counter 2 inactivity time-outs 3A7 On board 8253 mode register 3A8 On board 8251 data 3A9 On board 8251 command/mode/status register %3B0-3BF Monochrome Display Adapter (write only, see 6845) 3B0 port address decodes to 3B4 3B1 port address decodes to 3B5 3B2 port address decodes to 3B4 3B3 port address decodes to 3B5 3B4 6845 index register, selects which register [0-11h] is to be accessed through port 3B5 3B5 6845 data register [0-11h] selected by port 3B4, registers 0C-0F may be read. If a read occurs without the adapter installed, FFh is returned. (see 6845) 3B6 port address decodes to 3B4 3B7 port address decodes to 3B5 3B8 6845 Mode control register 3B9 reserved for color select register on color adapter 3BA status register (read only) 3BB reserved for light pen strobe reset %3BC-3BF Primary Parallel Printer Adapter (see PARALLEL PORT) 3BC parallel 1, data port 3BD parallel 1, status port 3BE parallel 1, control port %3C0-3CF EGA/VGA 3C0 VGA attribute and sequencer register 3C1 Other video attributes 3C2 EGA, VGA, CGA input status 0 3C3 Video subsystem enable 3C4 CGA, EGA, VGA sequencer index 3C5 CGA, EGA, VGA sequencer 3C6 VGA video DAC PEL mask 3C7 VGA video DAC state 3C8 VGA video DAC PEL address 3C9 VGA video DAC 3CA VGA graphics 2 position 3CC VGA graphics 1 position 3CD VGA feature control 3CE VGA graphics index 3CF Other VGA graphics %3D0-3DF Color Graphics Monitor Adapter (ports 3D0-3DB are write only, see 6845) 3D0 port address decodes to 3D4 3D1 port address decodes to 3D5 3D2 port address decodes to 3D4 3D3 port address decodes to 3D5 3D4 6845 index register, selects which register [0-11h] is to be accessed through port 3D5 3D5 6845 data register [0-11h] selected by port 3D4, registers 0C-0F may be read. If a read occurs without the adapter installed, FFh is returned. (see 6845) 3D6 port address decodes to 3D4 3D7 port address decodes to 3D5 3D8 6845 Mode control register (CGA, EGA, VGA, except PCjr) 3D9 color select palette register (CGA, EGA, VGA, see 6845) 3DA status register (read only, see 6845, PCjr VGA access) 3DB Clear light pen latch (any write) 3DC Preset Light pen latch 3DF CRT/CPU page register (PCjr only) %3E8-3EF COM3 non PS2 UART (Reserved by IBM) (see UART) %3F0-3F7 Floppy disk controller (except PCjr) 3F0 Diskette controller status A 3F1 Diskette controller status B 3F2 controller control port 3F4 controller status register 3F5 data register (write 1-9 byte command, see INT 13) 3F6 Diskette controller data 3F7 Diskette digital input %3F8-3FF COM1 Primary Asynchronous Adapter (see UART) 3220-3227 PS2 COM3 (see UART) 3228-322F PS2 COM4 (see UART) 4220-4227 PS2 COM5 (see UART) 4228-422F PS2 COM6 (see UART) 5220-5227 PS2 COM7 (see UART) 5228-522F PS2 COM8 (see UART) - many cards designed for the ISA BUS only uses the lower 10 bits of the port address but some ISA adapters use addresses beyond 3FF. Any address that matches in the lower 10 bits will decode to the same card. It is up to the adapters to resolve or ignore the high bits of the port addresses. An example would be the Cluster adapter that has a port address of 390h. The second cluster adapter has a port address of 790h which resolves to the same port address with the cards determining which one actually gets the data. :diagnostic codes:post errors ^DIAGS IBM PC Diagnostic Error Codes %Code Description (Diagnostic Error Codes) 1x undetermined problem errors 2x power supply errors 61 battery error (PS2) 62 configuration changed but no adaptors changed or CRC error 63 memory size during POST does not match CMOS RAM 65 card Id's in CMOS do not match system %1xx System Board Errors 101 system board failed 102 BIOS ROM checksum error (PC, XT), Timer (AT) 103 BASIC ROM checksum error (PC, XT), Timer interrupt (AT) 104 interrupt controller (PC, XT), Protected mode (AT) 105 timer (PC,XT), Last 8042 command not accepted (AT) 106 converting logic test failure 107 adapter card or math coprocessor (NMI) 108 timer bus test 109 DMA test error 110 system board memory error (PS2) 111 adapter memory 112 system unit adapter failure 114 system unit and adapter card unit failure (PS1) 121 unexpected hardware interrupt 131 cassette wrap test failed 151 real-time clock, CMOS RAM or battery 152 real-time clock 161 system options error, battery failure 162 CMOS RAM configuration error 163 CMOS time and date not set 164 system memory configuration is incorrect 165 adapter added/removed 199 user indicated configuration not correct %2xx RAM Errors 201 memory test error 202 memory address error (Line error 0 - 15) 203 memory address error (Line error 16 - 23) 216 motherboard memory %3xx Keyboard Errors 301 keyboard did not respond to software reset or a stuck (number preceding 301 is scan code for stuck key) 302 user indicated keyboard error or AT system unit is locked 303 keyboard or system board error 304 keyboard or system board error; CMOS does not match system 341 replace keyboard 342 replace keyboard interface cable 343 replace enhancement card or cable 365 keyboard (replace keyboard) 366 interface cable (replace cable) 367 enhancement card or cable (replace) %4xx Monochrome Monitor Errors 401 monochrome memory test, horizontal sync frequency test, or video test failed 408 user indicated display attributes failure 416 user indicated character set failure 424 user indicated 80x25 mode failure 432 parallel port test failed (monochrome adapter) %5xx Color Monitor Errors 501 CGA memory test failed, horizontal sync frequency test, or video test failed 508 user indicated display attribute failure 516 user indicated character set failure 524 user indicated 80x25 mode failure 532 user indicated 40x25 mode failure 540 user indicated 320x200 graphics mode failure 548 user indicated 640x200 graphics mode failure 556 light pen test 564 user indicated screen paging test %6xx Diskette Drive/Adapter Errors 601 diskette power on diagnostics test failed 602 diskette test failed (boot record not valid) 603 diskette size error 606 diskette verify function failed 607 write protected diskette 608 bad command diskette status returned 610 diskette initialization failed 611 time-out - diskette status returned 612 bad NEC FDC - diskette status returned 613 bad DMA - diskette status returned 614 DMA boundary error 621 bad seek - diskette status returned 622 bad CRC - diskette status returned 623 record not found - diskette status returned 624 bad address mark - diskette status returned 625 bad NEC seek - diskette status returned 626 diskette data compare error 627 diskette change line error 628 diskette removed %7xx 8087 Math Coprocessor 701 coprocessor test failure %9xx Parallel Printer Adapter Errors 901 parallel printer adapter test failed %10xx Alternate Parallel Printer Adapter 1001 alternate printer adapter test failure %11xx Asynchronous Communications Adapter Errors 1101 asynchronous communications adapter test failed 1110 modem status register not clear 1111 ring-indicate 1112 trailing edge ring-indicate 1113 receive and delta receive line signal detect 1114 receive line signal detect 1115 delta receive line signal detect 1116 line control register: all bits cannot be set 1117 line control register: all bits cannot be reset 1118 transmit holding and/or shift register stuck on 1119 data ready stuck on 1120 interrupt enable register: all bits cannot be set 1121 interrupt enable register: all bits cannot be reset 1122 interrupt pending stuck on 1123 interrupt ID register stuck on 1124 modem control register: all bits cannot be set 1125 modem control register: all bits cannot be reset 1126 modem status register: all bits cannot be set 1127 modem status register: all bits cannot be reset 1128 interrupt ID 1129 cannot force overrun error 1130 no modem status interrupt 1131 invalid interrupt pending 1132 no data ready 1133 no data available interrupt 1134 no transmit holding interrupt 1135 no interrupts 1136 no received line status interrupt 1137 no receive data available 1138 transmit holding register not empty 1139 no modem status interrupt 1140 transmit holding register not empty 1141 no interrupts 1142 no IRQ4 interrupt 1143 no IRQ3 interrupt 1144 no data transferred 1145 maximum baud rate 1146 minimum baud rate 1148 time-out error 1149 invalid data returned 1150 modem status register error 1151 no DSR and delta DSR 1152 no DSR 1153 no delta DSR 1154 modem status register not clear 1155 no CTS and delta CTS 1156 no CTS 1157 no delta CTS %12xx Alternate Asynchronous Communications Adapter 1200-1257 same as 1100-1157 %13xx Game Control Adapter Errors 1301 game control adapter test failed 1302 joystick test failed 1380 audio card and joystick (PS1) %14xx Printer Errors 1401 printer test failed 1404 matrix printer failed %15xx SDLC Communications Adapter Errors 1501 adapter test failure 1510 8255 port b failure 1511 8255 port a failure 1512 8255 port c failure 1513 8253 timer 1 did not reach terminal count 1514 8253 timer 1 stuck on 1515 8253 timer 0 did not reach terminal count 1516 8253 timer 0 stuck on 1517 8253 timer 2 did not reach terminal count 1518 8253 timer 2 stuck on 1519 8273 port b error 1520 8273 port a error 1521 8273 command/read time-out 1522 interrupt level 4 failure 1523 ring Indicate stuck on 1524 receive clock stuck on 1525 transmit clock stuck on 1526 test indicate stuck on 1527 ring indicate not on 1528 receive clock not on 1529 transmit clock not on 1530 test indicate not on 1531 DSR not on 1532 CD not on 1533 CTS not on 1534 DSR stuck on 1535 CD stuck on 1536 CTS stuck on 1537 level 3 interrupt failure 1538 receive interrupt results error 1539 wrap data compare error 1540 DMA channel 1 error 1541 DMA channel 1 error 1542 error in 8273 error checking or status reporting 1547 stray interrupt level 4 1548 stray interrupt level 3 1549 interrupt presentation sequence time-out %16xx Display Emulation Errors (327x, 5520, 525x) %17xx Fixed Disk Errors 1701 post error 1702 adapter error 1703 drive error (seek) 1704 adapter or drive error 1705 no record found 1706 write fault error 1707 track 0 error 1708 head select error 1709 defective error check 1710 read buffer overrun 1711 bad address mark 1712 undetermined error 1713 data compare error 1714 drive not ready 1780 disk 0 failure 1781 disk 1 failure 1782 disk controller failure 1790 fixed disk 0 error 1791 fixed disk 1 error %18xx I/O Expansion Unit Errors 1801 I/O expansion unit POST error 1810 enable/disable failure 1811 extender card wrap test failed (disabled) 1812 high order address lines failure (disabled) 1813 wait state failure (disabled) 1814 enable/disable could not be set on 1815 wait state failure (enabled) 1816 extender card wrap test failed (enabled) 1817 high order address lines failure (enabled) 1818 disable not functioning 1819 wait request switch not set correctly 1820 receiver card wrap test failure 1821 receiver high order address lines failure %19xx 3270 PC Attachment Card Errors %20xx Bisync Communications Adapter Errors 2010 8255 port a failure 2011 8255 port b failure 2012 8255 port c failure 2013 8253 timer 1 did not reach terminal count 2014 8253 timer 1 stuck on 2016 8253 timer 2 didn't reach terminal count or timer 2 stuck on 2017 8251 DSR failed to come on 2018 8251 CTS not sensed 2019 8251 DSR stuck on 2020 8251 CTS stuck on 2021 8251 hardware reset failed 2022 8251 software reset failed 2023 8251 software error reset failed 2024 8251 transmit ready did not come on 2025 8251 receive ready did not come on 2026 8251 could not force "overrun" error status 2027 interrupt failure, no timer interrupt 2028 transmit interrupt, card or planar failure 2029 transmit interrupt, card failure 2030 receive interrupt, card or planar failure 2031 receive interrupt, card failure 2033 ring indicate stuck on 2034 receive clock stuck on 2035 transmit clock stuck on 2036 test indicate stuck on 2037 ring indicate stuck on 2038 receive clock not on 2039 transmit clock not on 2040 test indicate not on 2041 DSR not on 2042 CD not on 2043 CTS not on 2044 DSR stuck on 2045 CD stuck on 2046 CTS stuck on 2047 unexpected transmit interrupt 2048 unexpected receive interrupt 2049 transmit data did not equal receive data 2050 8251 detected overrun error 2051 lost DSR during data wrap 2052 receive time-out during data wrap %21xx Alternate Bisync Communications Adapter Errors 2100-2152 same as 2000-2052 %22xx Cluster Adapter Errors %24xx EGA Errors 2401 adapter test failure 2408 user-indicated display attributes 2416 user-indicated character set 2424 user-indicated 80x25 mode 2432 user-indicated 40x25 mode 2440 user-indicated 320x200 graphics mode 2448 user-indicated 640x200 graphics mode 2456 light pen test 2464 user-indicated screen paging test %2501 EGA Display Error %28xx 3278/79 Emulator Adapter (PC, XT) %29xx Color Matrix Printer Errors %30xx Local Area Network Adapter %31xx Alternate Local Area Network Adapter %33xx Compact Printer Errors %36xx IEEE 488 Adapter %37xx Reserved for Future Use %38xx Data Acquisition Adapter %39xx PGA Display and/or Adapter %48xx Internal Modem %49xx Alternate Internal Modem %71xx Voice Communications Adapter %73xx 3.5 Inch Diskette Drive 7301 diskette drive/adapter test failure 7306 diskette change line error 7307 write-protected diskette 7308 bad command 7310 track zero error 7311 timeout 7312 bad NEC7313 bad DMA 7314 DMA boundary error 7315 bad index 7316 speed error 7321 bad seek 7322 bad CRC 7323 record not found 7324 bad address mark 7325 bad NEC seek %86xx PS1 Mouse Error - all error codes for the diagnostic and advanced diagnostic packages for the PC, XT and AT are represented with the device number followed by two digits other than 00. The device number plus 00 represents successful completion of the test. :resistor values ^Resistor Color Code Chart % Color Digit Multiplier Black 0 1 Brown 1 10 Red 2 100 Gold ñ 5% tolerance Orange 3 1,000 Silver ñ10% tolerance Yellow 4 10,000 Green 5 100,000 Blue 6 1,000,000 Violet 7 10,000,000 Gray 8 100,000,000 White 9 1,000,000,000 % ÕÍÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛ±ÛÛ²ÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛ͸ % Á Á ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ tolerance (gold or silver) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ohm value multiplier ÀÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ first 2 digits of Ohm value :rs232 pins:serial ports ^RS232 Communication Configuration % IBM PC IBM AT %Pin 25-Pin Signal (DTE) Pin 9-Pin Signal (DTE) 1 Chassis Ground (GND) 1 Carrier Detect (CD) 2 Transmit Data (TD) 2 Receive Data (RD) 3 Receive Data (RD) 3 Transmit Data (TD) 4 Request to Send (RTS) 4 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 5 Clear to Send (CTS) 5 Signal Ground (SG) 6 Data Set Ready (DSR) 6 Data Set Ready (DSR) 7 Signal Ground (SG) 7 Request to Send (RTS) 8 Carrier Detect (CD) 8 Clear to Send (CTS) 9-19 (not used) 9 Ring Indicator (RI) 20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 22 Ring Indicator (RI) There are two general cable configurations used with the RS-232C Communications Standard: Data Terminal Equipment (DTE): IBM PC's, printers, plotters, etc Data Communication Equipment (DCE): modems, multiplexors, etc DCE to DTE requires all lines run straight through DTE to DTE usually requires swapping of the following lines RD and TD RD and TD RTS and CTS or RTS,CTS and DCD DTR and DSR DCD and RTS,CTS %Signal Functions GND Ground protective safety ground TD Transmit Data DTE output data RD Receive Data DTE input data RTS Request To Send DTE output, DTE would like to transmit CTS Clear To Send DTE input, DCE is ready to transmit DSR Data Set Ready DTE input, DCE is ready to communicate SG Signal Ground provides a Zero reference voltage DCD Data Carrier Detect DTE input, data link established, also known as Receive Line Signal Detect (RLSD) DTR Data Terminal Ready DTE output, device ready RI Ring Indicator DTE input, announces incoming call - RTS/CTS is used for half duplex line turn around - in half duplex DCD is asserted only by the receiving device - full duplex modems tie CTS & DCD together (no CTS/RTS handshaking) - most modems require DTR to be present to respond to commands - maximum voltages are between -15 volts and +15 volts - binary outputs are between +5 to +15 volts and -5 to -15 volts - binary inputs are between +3 to +15 volts and -3 to -15 volts - input voltages between -3 to +3 are undefined while output voltages between -5 and +5 are undefined - positive voltages indicate ON or SPACE, negative voltages indicate OFF or MARK