HARDWARE.TXT i am. This software was written on and only tested on one computer. This is a Taiwan DTK PC/XT clone sold as Swan XT10 by Tussey Computer Products*. It includes 640K, 8088 at 10MHz, 2@ 5.25 floppy drives, 0 hard, mono & CGA graphics. There is a 2400 Baud modem if you can't wait for the Pist Office to deliver a disk. My printer is an old Seikosha SP-1000A. Firmware is DTK/ERSO/BIOS 2.38 If you have troubles, or just comments, corrections, criticisms, collaborations and corroborations then contact DP_BYTER, « Fast Road, Ritner, KY 42639. 606/376-3137. * A Tussey computer may be a Swan, but a Tussey Computer Products warranty sure is a goose. Their salesmen are more than a bit fast and loose with their promises, but their accounting department is neither fast nor loose. My recommendation is that you NOT attempt to do business with them. Please! Who is the honest, simple, inexpensive, generic mail order outlet for generic, cheap, not_worth_stealing computers?