Urban Area Maps From John McAdams These 9 images were .WPG files with a 3/13/90 date stamp when I obtained them. I have seen them on computer bulletin boards, although I happened to get my copies from Public Brand Software, a public domain/shareware distributor (1-800-426-DISK). Most probably, whey were originally HPGL plotter files. The author is unknown, the unfortunate but typical case where public domain DTP graphics is concerned. I modified each image extensively with DrawPerfect 1.1. First, I found that there were no polygons in the images; rather, each body of water was a polyline, and each of the crosshatched lines in the "fill pattern" was an object. I deleted each of these fill lines, closed the polyline to make a polygon, and filled the polygon. The text on the maps was in the form of stroke fonts: each and every letter of text was described by vector lines and arcs. I replaced this text with Helvetica: not very original but much better looking than what was there. These two modifications resulted in files that average 8K in size, rather than the 40K of the originals. Comparing the maps with my Rand-McNally Road Atlas I discovered a geographic faux pas or two, which I corrected. This collection is copyright 1991 by John McAdams. It is SHAREWARE. If you decide to use any of these images you are required to send $5 to: John McAdams, Department of Political Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233. You are encouraged to pass this collection along to others, provided however, that you may not repackage it. You are, however, free to archive these same files using a different archiving method. You are also welcome to modify any of the images in the collection for your personal use. You may, particularly, want to add YOUR town if it's not already included. Each of these images has been successfully imported into WordPerfect 5.1 and DrawPerfect. Apparently they will not import into WordPerfect 5.0. If you have any problem importing them please let me know. I can be reached on the WPSGA forum of Compuserve: my number is [72331,2346]. I can also be reached on EXEC-PC as "John McAdams of Shorewood, WI." Enjoy!