* Superhelp Hints * Before you make your first help window, be sure to setup the Project Information. Only windows setup with the proper Project Information will be generated. Please glance through the SUPERHELP NEWS letter before starting. Also, you may generate a Users Guide from the demo. It will contain alot of information about SUPERHELP although it will not be complete. For the best help system, generate code using the Reference file. By using the REFERENCE file, SUPERHELP supports all the special effects and features. The inline generation of code should only be used on very small help systems. The Reference File method provides the best performance and security. The help can not be modified without being detected. Also there are no indexes to add overhead. The Reference File adds the fastest access of all other methods. Please try the other generating features. Generating the Data Dictionary is very helpful when keeping up with help window attributes. The Data Dictionary can be generated with full help text or in summary format. By generating the Users Guide, you will have a ready made manual with a table of contents. Also a system overview may be included with the Users Guide by setting up the name in the Project Setup. A new function is included in the Superhelp Library called ENKEY(). ENKEY() replaces Clipper's INKEY() function where help code is needed. The syntax for the ENKEY() function follows: ENKEY(time,PROCNAME(),0,variable) Example: ENKEY(30,PROCNAME(),0,"INKEY1") The above waits 30 seconds, passing the current procedure name and the variable named "INKEY1" to the SUPERHELP system. * Important * The main help system function is called SUPERBUILD. SUPERBUILD creates all help windows and allows the developer to generate the help windows. But SUPERBUILD has a high memory overhead when building the help system. There are two other functions called MINIBUILD and CODEBUILD. MINIBUILD only allows the developer to create the help windows. CODEBUILD only allows the developer to generate the help windows. With these two functions the OVERHEAD of SUPERHELP is cut in half. The overhead of SUPERHELP after generating the Help System is only around 10k. These 3 functions must be declared external in your application. Only link in one of the functions at a time. EXTERNAL SUPERBUILD - About 110k overhead. EXTERNAL MINIBUILD - About 65k overhead. EXTERNAL CODEBUILD - About 45k overhead. The entire SUPERHELP LIBRARY and GENERATED CODE can be dynamically overlayed!!! So the overhead is really just in program size. When finished generating code, remove the call to the SUPERHELP functions. * Mono System Developers * SUPERHELP has been enhanced to support developers with mono system. When selecting colors, the Clipper color code will be display on the header line of the Color Window. The DOS environmental variable SUPERCLR must be set to MONO for a MONO menu system. Example : Set SUPERCLR=MONO * Disclaimer * Darryl Strickland or DJS Applications can not be held responsible for any damages caused by the used of SUPERHELP LIBRARY. The library has been tested for 1.5 years on live system and have not caused any damages to any of the system. The user must determine if SUPERHELP meets the needs of the user.