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The information contained in ATLAS was collected from various Government Sources including: the Bureau of the Census, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Nuclear Agency, Department of State, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Navy Operational Intelligence Center and Maritime Administration, Office of Territorial and International Affairs, Department of the Interior, United States Board on Geographic Names, United States Coast Guard, and others. While significant measures have been taken to verify accuracy, no guarantee of accuracy is implied, or to be assumed. INSTALLING ATLAS ---------------- Installing Atlas is very simple. Simply copy all the ATLAS files contained with this readme.txt file into a common directory that is accessible on your PATH. We recommend that you make a directory off your root directory called ATLAS. If your disk is drive C:, then it would be "C:\ATLAS". Once you make this directory, you will need to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to add the ATLAS directory to your search PATH. Note: It is important that the ATLAS files be accessible from your PATH statement. After you complete these steps, your done. To access ATLAS, just type ATLAS from anywhere you happen to be. Operating ATLAS --------------- Great care was taken to design ATLAS to be "user friendly", To select the Country, or region you want information about, you can either use either the up and down arrows, Page Up, and Page Down, Home and End Keys, or simply start typing the name of the country you want information about. Once your cursor bar is over the country you want, press enter to view an extensive data synopsis about your selection. You will find that the information contained in ATLAS is very extensive, if you should come across information that you do not understand, there is a Help file available that is built into ATLAS. If you have the commercial release of ATLAS you can press to send the information about your selection to the printer. If you are in school (or have a child in school), work in the media, or simply like being better informed about where current events are happening, then ATLAS is a tool you should consider. The Commercial version of ATLAS contains complete information about all the countries of the world, divided into 6 categories: Geography, People, Economy, Government, Communications, Defense. Also included are workups of all the worlds oceans, and even Antarctica is fully documented. With Atlas you can determine answers to questions like: What European Country has the most Civil Aircraft? How many telephones are there is Bangladesh? What % of the worlds population lives in China? Just how big is the United States Budget deficit? Who is the head of state in Bolivia? What country in the world has the highest average income? Does the Soviets or the US have a larger military? What % of Yugoslavia is Serbian? How strong/weak is the economy of Panama? Your only limit to the usefulness of ATLAS is your imagination! ATLAS was developed by a computer professional whose six year old was constantly asking him questions after the news each evening. Before long the questions were getting deep enough that research was required to field them. All of us at Horizons have found ourselves addicted to doing our own research after we see stories of interest. A personal example, a few days ago a Greek cruise ship sank off the coast of South Africa, I immediately went to atlas to find out about Greek ship registry, and the military capabilities of South Africa. After a little more extensive reading, I concluded I'm not going on any Greek Cruise Chips. They have one of the worst safety records in the world. Using ATLAS on a Network ------------------------ If you have a network, you can operate the ATLAS evaluation copy by multiple users at once. To do so will require that you flag the ATLAS.EXE file as Shareable. This will allow multiple concurrent users to run ATLAS. If you decide to order ATLAS, be sure to specify that you need the network version. Ordering ATLAS -------------- The evaluation copy of ATLAS that accompanies this file is a very limited sample of the commercial version. If, after taking some time to look at it, you like what you see and want the complete package, the price is $29.95 + $2.00 (shipping and handling). You can order via telephone or fax if you are charging to your credit card. Otherwise our mailing address is: ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ ÛßÛßÛßßÛßßÛßßßÛßßßÛßßß H O R I Z O N S ßßßßÛßßßÛßßßÛßßÛßßÛßÛßÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Consulting ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ð 1432 E. Commercial Street Ä Springfield, MO 65803 ð ð Phone: (417) 839-2174 - Fax: (417) 831-1329 ð ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A convenient order form has been included in this ZIP file. 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