^Tutorial 11 - Peg Words 1 to 20\ The Peg Word system is based on the sounds of the Phonetic Alphabet. The Peg Word for each number contains only\ that consonant sound. The word |tie\ contains only the consonant sound |'t'\, and can also be easily pictured, so |tie\ can be the Peg Word for the number '1'. Of course, there are many other words which could have been chosen to represent the number '1' using these rules - toe, tea, dye, die, and dew are just a few examples. But the Peg System revolves around the idea that there will be one Peg Word for each number, and it will always be the same word. So, a picture of a man's necktie will always represent the number '1'. Using the same rules, the Peg Word for '2' must contain >only\ the consonant 'n'. The word that will always represent '2' is %Noah\. Picture whatever image this word conjures for you - perhaps an old man with a long, grey beard standing on his ark.# The Peg Word for '3' will always be $ma\ - picture a little old lady, or your mother, or whatever that word suggests to you. The number 4 will always be represented by ^ray\ - picture a ray of sunlight, or a beam from a torch. The Peg Word for 5 is Shoe\ is the Peg Word for 6. Picture a shoe. %Key\ is the Peg Word for 7. Picture a key. Your Peg Word for 8 is |ivy\ - picture ivy climbing all over a wall. ^Bee\ is the Peg Word for 9 - picture a large bumble-bee. The Peg Word for 10 must contain two consonant sounds, because the number '10' has two digits. The Peg Word for 10 will always be ^toes\.# Those are the first ten Peg Words in the Peg System. They are simple to remember, because the phonetic sounds more or less ^tell\ you what the words are. Read through them once more, and you should know them. You will know them in ^and out\ of order, because you know the ^phonetic sounds\ out of order. When you are confident that you know the ten words, proceed with learning Peg Words 11 to 20 : 11 : |toad\ - picture a croaking, wart-covered toad. 12 : |tin\ - picture an empty tin can. 13 : |dam\ - picture a dam on a river. 14 : |tyre\ - picture a car tyre. 15 : |doll\ - picture any sort of doll. 16 : |dish\ - picture any sort of dish. 17 : |dog\ - picture any dog that comes to mind. 18 : |dove\ - picture the white, cooing, bird. 19 : |tap\ - picture a tap, perhaps a dripping one. 20 : |nose\ - picture your nose.# Go over the twenty words in your mind several times , right now. Remember that the phonetic sounds practically >tell you\ what the words are. You should be able to think of any number from 1 to 20 and know the Peg Word instantly. Conversely, if you hear any of the Peg Words, you should immediately know what number it represents. When you know the first twenty Peg Words thoroughly, you will be ready to learn how to start applying the Peg System of Memory. Press Page Down to test yourself on how well you have learned the first 20 Peg Words.~