+--------------------------+ | M a s t e r - W a r e | | ====================== | | O r d e r F o r m | +--------------------------+ Date : _____________ Name of Program :_________________________ Version Munber : _________ Your Name : ____________________________________________________ Mailing Address : __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Voice Phone Number : ______________________________________________ Comment/Suggestions : ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Prices :(Free) if you provide the disk and mailer (Postage Paid) ($7.00) If you do not provide a disk or disk mailer(Does not cover Registration. What do you want the progran on ( ) 360k Floppy ( ) 1.2 5 1/4 floppy (Check only one of these if you DID NOT SEND A DISK OR DISK MAILER) Make Check or Money Order out to: James Frazee, and mail to: Master-Ware P.O Box 1543 Granite Falls,Wa 98252