DOS-CALC ********************* REVISION History ************************** Release 1.0 First Release 2/15/90 1. Beta Version Release 1.1 First Release to Bulletin Boards 6/18/91 1. Annuity functions added 2. Linear line function added 3. Added exponent functions Release 1.2 First Release to CompuServe 7/16/91 1. Improved installation, installs in directoy *:\CALC 2. Corrected time display between 12:00am and 12:59am Release 1.3 1. Included Read.Me file 7/27/91 2. Allows commas in messages 3. Displays decimal format for chained operations 4. Refreshes constant register window after editing 5. Restricts entries to numbers for constant registers 2 through 6 6. Added Revision history (this file) Legally own your copy of DOS-CALC by sending in $10 to DOS-CALC. Registered owners will receive notification of future revisions. Personalized support is available ONLY to registered owners of DOS-CALC by writing to the address listed below or by addressing CompuServe User ID #70313,3540 AS long as people continue to register, DOS-CALC will continue to be improved. Please make checks or money orders payable to: DOS-CALC DOS-CALC 3120 HOMESTEAD DR ERIE PA 16506