LAST-MINUTE DOCUMENTATION for Fractal Grafics, Version 1.0, April, 1990 Copyright, 1990 by Cedar Software, R1 Box 5140, Morrisville, VT 05661 This file contains important information not covered in the manual. Most of this should be read after you get acquainted with Fractal Grafics, so you should print a copy. Enter the following at the DOS prompt: COPY A:README.TXT PRN The following topics are covered: CONTENTS OF THE DISK(S) BONUS FRACTAL TEMPLATES TO INSTALL FRACTAL GRAFICS ************************************************************************ CONTENTS OF THE DISK(S) If there is any problem reading files during installation, or you suspect your Fractal Grafics disk has been damaged, check the contents against this list: README .BAT Types last-minute documentation INSTALL .BAT Types installation instructions HARDDISK.BAT Installs to hard disk README .TXT | Text typed by BAT files INSTALL .TXT | HARDDISK.TXT | FG .EXE The Fractal Grafics program JULIMAN .EXE The Juliman program (draws Mandelbrot and Julia Sets) STARTUP .PCX EGA/VGA startup picture CGASTART.PCX CGA startup picture FRACTALS.PCX Picture for instantaneous gratification STARTUP .FRT Fractal template loaded when FG starts up HELP Sub-directory containing 20 help files (HELP1 through HELP20) EXAMPLES Sub-directory containing example files (on its own a 5.25" disk with COPYEXAM.BAT and COPYEXAM.TXT) The EXAMPLES sub-directory contains: * .FRT Library of example fractals (167 files) JULIASET.PCX The Julia Set at (0.27334, 0.00742), drawn by Juliman MANDSET .PCX The Mandelbrot set, drawn by the Juliman program (Colors adjusted with Fractal Grafics) CGASAMPL.PCX | Sample CGA/EGA/VGA pictures EGASAMPL.PCX | (Created by templates of same names) VGASAMPL.PCX | ************************************************************************* BONUS FRACTAL TEMPLATES The following fractal template files are included on your EXAMPLES disk, but are NOT documented in the Guidebook. All have the .FRT file extension. Filename Description ---------- ------------- YES! The word YES! made up of copies of itself CHAOS The word CHAOS made up of copies of itself CITY1 | CITY2 | Draw all four of these one after the LITES1 | other to make a city skyline LITES2 | DRAGON A fire-breathing dinosaur OAK The oak tree on the front of the manual FLOWER1 | FLOWER2 | FLOWER3 | The flowers under the oak on the manual FLOWER4 | FLOWER5 | HOUSES A fanciful abstraction (Pueblos, perhaps?) FROGS | SPAZOOM | Three more fanciful abstractions SEAHORSE | TOPO A topographical map of a mountain (Try this together with the RIVER template) F-RACTAL | FR | FRA | The letters of the word "Fractals" FRAC | FRACT | FRACTA | FRACTAL | FRACTALS | ************************************************************************* TO INSTALL FRACTAL GRAFICS If you haven't done so already, insert the PROGRAM disk in drive A, type A:INSTALL, and press the Enter key for instructions on installing and running the program. (END OF README FILE)