INSTALLATION: TEXT - use batch file TEXTINST to install to C:\textcoll VGA GRAPHICS - use batch file GRAFINST to install to C:\grafcoll If you require a different Drive \ Directory, use a text editor to modify the batch file. You can also copy over the files required to the disk \ directory of choice. The required files are self - extracting; I.E. they will each produce a number of files each. TEXT - You need TEXT.EXE and SUPPORTS.EXE GRAPHICS - You need GRAF.EXE and SUPPORTS.EXE After the Self Extracting programs have been run, you may remove them. Please read the manual. After Extraction, type README to read it. Type COLLECT! to run the program. Also, please read README.2ND found on the distribution disk. It contains important information about running both versions at the same time. Use this format: A> browse readme.2nd