WELCOME TO THE PINNACLE CLUB ---------------------------- The Pinnacle Club is a conversation service. You can use this system to post messages that other people can read. If you have an opinion, or if you have a question that you've been wondering about ... The Pinnacle Club gives you a way to broadcast your words. We'll be returning to the sign-up procedure in a moment. When you're asked to type in your name, please type in a name that you feel comfor- table with. It's best to type in your real name, but if you would feel better maintaining some measure of anonymity, then it's all right to use a nick-name or a made-up name. The best name of all to use is simply your first name. We're all on first- name terms, here. If you are asked for a password when you enter your name, that means some- body else has reserved that name. So you'll have to choose a different name. For example, if your name is Richard Smith, and somebody is already using that name, you could sign up as Dick, or Richie, or Richard S.