QCOM is a small library of RS232 communications routines supplied as a TP version 5.5 TPU. As of this date, version 5.5 of the compiler is definitely required in order to use this material. The supplied software is copyrighted by Alpac Systems and Finn J. Nielsen, 1741 W. Orchid Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85021. The software may be freely distributed as the complete archive uploaded on this and other bulletin boards. Use in commercial products is not permitted without the express permission from Alpac Systems. QCOM is an entirely interrupt driven package. Both input and output communications take place through interrupt driven queues. Baud rates up to 38.4K bits are supported, although rates over 9600 baud may be unreliable on certain PC's (such as 8088 based or slower 80286 based machines). COMBAR is a small test program (source supplied), which exercises QCOM in a turnaround test. In order to use this program, a PC with at least two asynchronous ports is required. The two ports are connected together with a standard "null modem" cable. The program dynamically displays the flow of data through the two ports in a couple of bargraphs. Line speeds up to 38.4K bits are tested.