TURBO DESIGNER version 1.5 TURBO Designer is a programer toolbox for the TURBO Pascal compiler. TURBO Designer helps you create pull-down menus, pop-up menus, and sophisticated help screens in your applications. It is very simple to use because the program just asks you to input your data (i.e., the information you would like to appear while the generated program is running) on a series of "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" full-screen editors. Once you have set up your menu work environment, which includes windows, icons, and even a trash can, TURBO Designer generates a Pascal source file according to your data. This new file can be compiled using TURBO Pascal and the result is a program with a complete environment, and a sophisticated user interface. Using a price/performance ratio, TURBO Designer is the best code generator of its type in the market today. It's screen routines are as fast as they possibly can be, the algorithms used cannot be surpassed on the IBM PC. TURBO Designer is better than "just a library," since it generates actual code, and also contains routines for a POP UP DIRECTORY LISTING, a TRASH CAN, SOPHISTICATED HELP SCREENS, and much more. It operates and generates an easy-to-use environment, which includes icons, pop up windows, and pull down menus. TURBO Designer detects a monochrome monitor and WILL CORRECT THE DISPLAY, AND A NEW PALLETTE OF BLACK AND WHITE COLORS WILL BE USED, SO THAT *ALL* DATA WILL BE DISPLAYED CORRECTLY. This is true for the TURBO Designer environment AND the generated code. This is a perfect utility for SHAREWARE developers, since it generates an easy-to-use environment which is perfect for the first time user. I have challenged people on the above claims and they could not refute them. Special Requirements: 512K RAM, and a hard disk based system. TURBO Pascal version 4.0 or above. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Registration: $25.00 for domestic US, $30.00 foriegn.