Public (Software) Library The following is a description of the files that we normally add to disks in our library. These files are on this disk for your review. #### - a disk number file is added to each disk. This is essential for our copying and order-verification process. GO.BAT - gets users started, tells them how to read doc files and explains shareware. We have received a lot of praise for this file from both users and authors, and it drastically reduces the amount of low-level support we must provide. If a disk already has a GO.BAT file on it (which is seldom the case), we will rename it to GO2.BAT. COPYRITE - explains that some files on the disk are copyrighted by the program author and some by us. This is not a problem for individuals making copies for friends, but people redistributing disks they got from us sometimes claim to be unaware that any of this material is copyrighted and that some authors do not allow distribution of their materials without their written permission. TRAILER.TXT - is text that we add to the end of documentation files. The reason for it is that while the shareware author benefits from having as many people as possible distribute the disk, the fact is that there are a lot of quick-buck artists who are happy to let us do all the acquisition, testing, reviewing and organizing of software, then they get the disks from us for a fraction of our cost in doing this work and, without adding any value or work of their own, resell the disks for an easy profit. We are not attempting to stop such redistribution, but we think it's fair that we get a little credit for the great amount of time and expense we have invested. So we take advantage of the fact that these groups don't look at the doc files, and therefore do not delete our "trailer", and therefore do a lot of free advertising for us. We hope others enjoy the poetic justice as much as we do. PROBLEM.DOC - discusses common problems users may experience and possible solutions. It also contains a form for reporting problems to the PsL and the author. We have found this to be a tremendous improvement over having people just write us a letter saying something like "I tried to run the program and it just wouldn't work." If nothing else, knowing what kind of equipment and TSRs they use is a big help in trying to troubleshoot their problems. We reports problems and solutions in our monthly newsletter. If we cannot solve a problem, we write the author and send a copy of the problem report. FREEDISK.DOC - offers users a free disk from the PsL to the user when he registers a program with the author. For some smaller programs with registration fees of $5 to $10, this means that the user practically gets a free registration. This also gives you some feedback about where your registrations are coming from and gives us feedback about how many programs from us are being registered. A few authors have stipulated that that no changes whatsoever be made to their disk or doc files. We are not able to distribute those few programs, just as we don't distribute those whose authors say no disk fees can be charged. (Here is a direct quote from a doc file of one of those "no disk fee" programs: "This is not free software. Not much worthwhile is free." For some reason, he cannot see that this applies to software libraries as well.)