Advanced Batch File Course - Summary o To use BATCH files effectively you must: - Know DOS thoroughly, e.g. Piping, Wildcards, PATH & APPEND Etc. - Apply KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) -- BATCH files run S-L-O-W-L-Y ... Keep Them Short & In RAM -- BATCH files are PROGRAMS ... Complex Ones Have BUGS! -- BATCH files have little "elegance" ... Use Power Languages for Power -- BATCH files often are "silent" ... What the @#!? happened here? -- BATCH files can be Dressed Up ... If You Pay the Price! - COMBINE "Programs" with BATCH files for Mutual Benefit o Experiment and USE the Language, Its FREE and Not TOO Dangerous! -- You can EDIT "piped" DIR's, dBASE printouts, etc. quickly to create .BAT files for long-running, tedious input chores such as backing up files, downloading mainframe datasets etc. etc. -- BATCH files can CREATE 'programs' or other BATCH files using ECHO and other DOS techniques. AND, if the output is a .BAT file, the "creator" can EXECUTE the new "Program" too! -- PROGRAMS can create or edit .BAT files, whether or not the .BAT file is already "running". This allows a great deal of power, and done properly, can automate "dreadful" tasks, or provide "nice" interfaces etc. and do so WITHOUT "Ram Cram" problems! -- Yes, we showed you that you can write "Worms" with batch files, and (conceivably) even Viruses, but the real problem is to avoid creating a BUG FACTORY when the slightest thing goes wrong! The answer is (1) Knowledge; (2) Planning; (3) Believe Murphy's Law! PRACTICE "Defensive Programming" with BATCH files and ALL Languages!