Closer (c) 1989, 1990, Dragons Eye Software LAST UPDATED: 06/14/90 Michael Harrison CIS 76057,101 Closer is a small program whose sole purpose is to close other windows. To run just copy the CLOSER.EXE file to your window directory and then click on it to execute. A menu is brought up with a list of currently open windows (including Closer) that may be selected with the mouse and then closed with the "Close Program" button. The windows are closed by sending a WM_CLOSE message to it. Closer takes less than 8K of memory while running. Update History: 06/14/90 1.6 Converted Closer for Windows 3.0 04/11/90 1.5 Fixed a bug which caused closer to go into an infinite loop when the user tried to close an application which would ask for confirmation, and then cancelled the close operation. (as when closing the MS-DOS Exec.) Also modified the listbox routine so that it will not flicker when it is filled. 12/07/89 1.4 Closer now deselects any current selections in the listbox when the focus moves to another window. This was done so that if another app is opened the user does not have to worry about closing the wrong window when he goes back to Closer. A radio button has been added so that the user can force Closer to update the application listbox. Closer does not always update the listbox correctly when an application is closed and Closer gains the input focus. The radio button is a workaround solution to this problem. 04/24/89 1.1 Modified the listbox code so that Closer updates the listbox a little more cleanly If you have any comments or suggestions, please message me at the above Compuserve address. MSH