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The macros are drawn from the book ÃÃWordPerfect 5.0 Macros and TemplatesÄÄ, by Gordon McComb (published by Bantam Computer Books). A full directory of the contents of the Examples Disk is included in the file DISK.DIR. Open this file from within WordPerfect and print it for future reference. Á° ÁThe macros on this disk are copyright 1988 by Gordon McComb. Neither this disk nor the macros contained on it is distributed as Shareware, Freeware, or other user©supported software marketing scheme. You may use these macros as you see fit without worry of a registration fee. However, the macros cannot be sold (other than for a nominal distribution charge) or included in a commercial product without the express written consent of the author. Á° ÁThe majority of the macros on the Examples Disk are ready©to©run and can be used in most any application. But some are provided as "engines," and are best used when customized by you to fit a particular application. Such an engine is the help macro that you are now using. The macro works with any help text file that you create, as long as the file complies with the formatting of this document. Other macros, particularly the on©screen menu systems, are included as samples of advanced macro techniques. Adapt these macros as you see fit. Ô @Ô Ã ÃUsing the Examples DiskÁ`€%JÁPage 2Ä Äƒ Á° ÁBefore working with the Examples Disk, use DOS to make a backup copy, and store the original in a safe place. You can use the copy of the Examples Disk as©is (although some macros may need to be modified, as outlined on the next page). Just place the disk in drive A: or B: and follow the instructions given in the following pages. Á° ÁYou can also copy the files onto your hard disk drive. The contents of the Examples Disk should be placed into a single subdirectory. Move to the WordPerfect 5.0 directory on your hard disk drive. Make one directory called EXAMDISK (type MKDIR EXAMDISK, and press [Enter]). Open the directory. Place the Examples Disk in Drive A: or B: and copy the contents onto the hard disk drive. Ô øÔ Ã ÃÄ Äà ÃÄ Äà ÃUsing WordPerfect MacrosÁ`€%JÁPage 3Ä Äƒ Á° ÁHow you access the macros will depend on where you put them. . Á€ XÁÂX° ÂMacros On the Examples Disk ©© Press [Alt]©[F10] to initiate macro playback, then type the drive that contains the Examples Disk and the name of the macro you want to use. Finish by pressing [Enter].Æ€%°Æ Á° ÁÁ ÁExample: [Alt]©[F10] A:MENU [Enter] Á° ÁÁ€ XÁÂX° ÂNOTE: If you use a macro that calls another macro or text file, you must edit the macro so that WordPerfect knows where to find it. Add a drive letter and/or directory as needed. You can also change the default directory within WordPerfect. Æ€%°Æ . Á€ XÁÂX° ÂMacros In a Hard Disk Subdirectory ©© Press [Alt]©[F10] to initiate macro playback, then type the name of the subdirectory, a backslash, and the name of the macro you want to use. Press [Enter].Æ€%°Æ Á° ÁÁ ÁExample: [Alt]©[F10] EXAMDISK\MENU [Enter] . Á€ XÁÂX° ÂMacros In the Main WordPerfect Directory ©© Press [Alt]©[F10] to initiate macro playback, then enter the name of the macro you want to use. Finish by pressing [Enter].Æ€%°Æ Á° ÁÁ ÁExample: [Alt]©[F10] MENU [Enter] Á° Á Á° ÁThe last method also works when you have changed the default drive or indicated a drive and directory for macro files using the Setup menu. à ÃÄ Ä Ô ÈÔ Ã ÃÄ Äà ÃÄ Äà ÃÄ Äà ÃÄ Äà ÃÄ Äà ÃUsing WordPerfect Keyboard LayoutsÁ`'€%JÁPage 4Ä Äƒ Á° ÁKeyboard layout files change the behavior of WordPerfect's keys. The WORDSTAR.WPK file, included on the Examples Disk, modifies some of WordPerfect's control keys to act like WordStar cursor movement keys. Á° ÁTo install a keyboard layout file: . Á€ XÁÂX° ÂCopy the file onto the main WordPerfect directory (so that it resides with the WP.EXE WordPerfect file).Æ€%°Æ . In WordPerfect, press [Shift]©[F1] to access the Setup menu. . Press 6 to select the Keyboard Layout option. . Á€ XÁÂX° ÂFind the layout you want to use from the list that appears and highlight it with the cursor keys. Æ€%°Æ . Á€ XÁÂX° ÂPress 1 to select the layout and press the [Enter] key to return to the WordPerfect document.Æ€%°Æ Ô øÔ Ã ÃMoving the Help Files to a Hard DiskÁ`)€%JÁPage 5ƒÄ Ä Á° ÁIf you'd like to access this help system easily from your hard disk, copy the HELP.TXT and HELP.WPM files from the Examples Disk to the main WordPerfect directory. Á° ÁNormally, the help macro asks which drive holds the Examples Disk. This prompt allows the macro to access the HELP.TXT file. You can delete this prompt by editing the "{CALL}floppy~" instruction, located in the beginning portion of the macro. Explanatory text within the macro explains everything you need to do. Á° ÁThe WORDSTAR.WPK keyboard layout file offers a convenient method of calling up the help menu when you have placed the HELP.TXT and HELP.WPM files on a hard disk: . Select the keyboard file as explained on the previous page. . Access the help menu by pressing [Ctrl]©[\].