These suggestions and bugs will save you money when regestering. I found these and will use them. You can too. See file ARTOOL.DOC Suggestions ($2 Each) What do you want to be added or enhanced, what do want to be deleted. ___________________________________________________________ * The windows operations are not intuitive. Where is the OK? For example, to select a filename, I click on that name. First of all, I should be able to double-click to select it. Here I can't and EVERY other such application lets me. Then I had to click the upper left and select close from the menu. Close usually means REJECT or ABORT. Here it meant OK. You could at least have an OK there. * Why is there no VGA 256 COLOR support? * How about the ability to do free form drawing and have the results stored as numbers for the graphics functions? (put- Image, ect)? Why not import .PCX FILES FOR THIS? * How about assembly coded functions in the resulting C code for speed and size? * How about more than one language supported and chosen from a menu * How about making the mouse source code as well as some other special source code available to regestered users? Bug reports ($4 Each) Please list hardware using (type of cpu, video monitor, TSR installed), a way for us to duplicate the bug - ie. what keys where pressed in what order, or if an editor bug what graphics where up, etc. My hardware is Northgate IBM 386 compatible 33mz with 8mb ram, Video 7 super vga 1024x768 and an NEC multisync 3D monitor. I had only the mouse driver (microsoft) loaded. ____________________________________________________________ * When drawaing shapes on the editor, when a shape being drawn goes over existing graphics, it erases these graphics and leaves the backround. * Also, when the shape is laid down with the mouse button, the other graphcs are reconstructed, but NOT if the INS key was used instead. Please note that the window frame is not at all reconstructed. It is easy to lose graphics, even if the first but were the only one. Graphics should not be erased during the drawing even if they get fixed afterwards. These are two seporate bugs. After the title screen, I drew a dark grey dashed and thick line. I then drew several arcs default values in all respects. When I moved the arcs over the line and the previously drawn arcs, those got erased as described. I laid a few down by pressing the Ins key and a few with the left mouse button. ____________________________________________________________