If you have an EGA or VGA monitor, you should see the Russian alphabet below. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. There are 21 consonants, 2 pro- nunciation letters and 10 vowels, The vowels are like A, E, I, O and U in English, except that Russian has a hard vowel and a soft vowel for each one of our English vowels. Below is the order of the Russian alphabet: Russian English Russian English Russian English letter sound letter sound letter sound ======= ====== ======= ====== ======= ====== , A, a (short) , N, n , I, i (short) , B, b , O, o , (soft sign) , V, v , P, p , E, e (short) , G, g , R, r , Yu, yu , D, d , S, s , Ya, ya , Ye, ye , T, t +---------------------- , Yo, yo , U, u | V O W E L S , Zh, zh , F, f | Russian English , Z, z , Kh, kh | hard/soft: vowel: , I, i (short) , Ts, ts | / A , I, i (shorter) , Ch, ch | / E , K, k , Sh, sh | / I , L, l , Shch, shch | / O , M, m , (hard sign) | / U