Time Card Version 2.60 (September, 1992) (C) Copyright 1991, 1992 Stephen Balbach Distribution Files CLOCK.EXE - Twenty (20) User version, non-network. CLOCKS.EXE - Twenty (20) User version, network (SHARE.EXE compat.) CLOCK.HLP - Help file required by CLOCK(S).EXE CLOCK.DOC - Documentation for Time Card. FILES.TXT - This file. README. - Please read INVOICE.DOC - Invoice to register VENDOR.DOC - Information for anyone who wishes to distribute Time Card. HARD.PSS - Hard Coded password to access manager functions. (write this down and delete this file) *.LOG - Example database of work times. (delete when ready to install) USERS. - Example database of employees. (delete when ready to install) BULL. - Example database of messages. (delete when ready to install)