ÍÍÍÍ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ÍÍÍÍ * DOS Version 3.3 or above * 570K Minimum available memory * Expanded memory(recommended for performance) * A hard disk with 2.5 Megabytes of disk space * Your Config.Sys file setup with: Files=41 Shell=Command.com/P/E:512 ÍÍÍÍ INSTALLATION ÍÍÍÍ To install Xpress put the disk in your current drive type INSTALL & press the key. The install program will guide you through the process of installing Xpress. ÍÍÍÍ GETTING STARTED ÍÍÍÍ 1) Xpress is a menu driven program. All the function keys used within this program are displayed with simple explanations. In the various menus the functions available within that area will be displayed in boxes. In the record entry screens the functions available are shown at the base of the screen. Some of these function keys do not perform the same function universally throughout the program. We decided not to use multiple key-presses within Xpress. It was our intention to cut the amount of time wasted on learning pages of commands with multiple key definitions so that you could start using Xpress immediately. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Throughout this documentation these brackets "< >" will ³ ³ be used to designate a command. Sometimes with a ³ ³ function key (F1, F2,...), sometimes with a letter and ³ ³ sometimes with a word. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 2) The very "FIRST" area that you start with within Xpress are the Directories. Before medical, competition, schedules or any other record within the FILE section can be used, it is necessary to first list all information applicable throughout the program within the GENERAL and Horse directories. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ REMEMBER, information used throughout the program must be ³ ³ entered and saved first in the General & Horse Directories. ³ ³ Bypassing these directories will corrupt the database. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3) Scheduling in Xpress gives the user flexibility. The file section includes an area for scheduling horse related activities, feed requirements, medication and limitations. Scheduling can also be divided between Medical, Breeding and the Competition file areas. Page 1 When adding records to these areas notice the date, it's already pre-entered by your system. Cursor back to the date and change it. Use any date you wish. Here are some ideas on using the different file sections for scheduling. Medical: Farrier & veterinary care, medications & immunizations. Breeding: Scheduling a stallion for mares that will be covered or a timetable for breeding a single mare. Competition: Scheduling show or event dates, classes or classes for a particular horse. Your schedules can be viewed , saved to a disk file or printed. Most areas will allow for listing a start date and an end date for printing your schedules. 4) The key, when not used for help in certain fields is open to a library. There you have access to many forms of reference material. You can also create your own references, using your wordprocessor. Save it in ascii format and copy it to the Library Directory in Xpress for viewing. Remember there are help files already in this directory (much like this manual) to assist you so don't save your files with the same name and overwrite them. Also this function can be used to view reports that have been written to a disk file. Use the key. Then cursor up or down using the arrow keys, press to select a file. While viewing the text you selected you can press to search for a topic or reference. will list the next occurrence. The (<-) and (->) keys reposition the text on the screen. After you are done press . ÍÍÍÍ NOTES ON EDITING ÍÍÍÍ * Only enter real dates. When doing so if the month has only 1 digit use a 0 before the digit, like (01/01/90). * The General Information window in each of the 3 files "Schedule, Competition and Medical" are the main screens for each of these records. When you select the option to add or edit a record you will find that the cursor is in the lower window. You can use up or down arrow keys to move from the top to the bottom window. * There are also some fields that require you enter more than 3 characters. In the Competition file, Event is one of them. Also when you go to Reports and use the "File" option (write to disk) you should use more than 3 characters. * When a field requires that a box should be marked, use an only. * It's not necessary to fill in the area code for a phone number. * The last four digits of a zip code don't have to be entered. Here is an example: 53007-( leave blank ). Page 2 D I R E C T O R Y The Directory is a vital part of Xpress. Information stored in this area is used throughout the program. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ General Directory ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) From the "Main" menu choose , next select . From this menu you can elect to add a record or records, edit an existing record or jump to REPORTS. Select the function. Enter all the businesses, names, addresses and information available to you. Be sure and fill in the Business field. If no business name is available use the persons name that you entered in the name fields or any identifying word that would describe this record. If you intend on using this name or business for billing, mark the box with an (X). If the record is not tagged for billing, accounts will not recognize this entry for access. Don't forget to also tag the other listings that pertain to this entry (breeder, lessons, boarder, ect). Mark their status in the box. You can list more than one. People not involved with our business can also be kept on record also. Just mark the box . A list of available commands are shown at the base of the data entry screen. to add additional records. When you are finished adding records use the key to save the records. (Editing a record) The edit feature is much like adding a record. The delete function allows you to delete a record in the general directory. This function will also delete all billing information from Accounts. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Horse Directory³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) In the Horse Directory horses are listed by name and registration number. This information is vary important and supports major functions in this program. It's advisable to make sure that the horses name is spelled correctly and the registration number is correct also. Once the record is saved neither the name or registration number can be edited. What this means is that after you leave the record (save it) and find there is a mistake in these 2 fields you must delete the entire record and reenter it. To select the horses sex, cursor to the field. The program will display a listing. Select the proper entry and use the key to write it to the record. This record will list two veterinarians. These entries will be taken from the General Directory. The program does this automatically as you pass thru the names. If you choose not to list a vet at this time use the key after the Search Window displays a listing of veterinarians. Page 3 Much like the General Directory, the Horse Directory displays a listing of entries to tag for the purpose of cataloging the horse entry. Use an (X) when marking an entry. Multiple selection are allowed. The key is used to allow you the choice of selecting a name (owner) from the General Directory and write it to the horse record. In this instance it is not necessary to first enter the information in the General Directory. You can enter the name and address manually and it doesn't have to be kept in the General Directory. But for billing purposes and some reports, it is advisable to first enter the owner's name in the General Directory, than allow the program to write it to the Horse Directory record. For example: If you run a breeding farm and the entry is a mare, She may be at your facility for a time. Her owner would also be paying board fees as well as breeding fees. This means that the mare is there for breeding and she will be boarded also. Both Breeding and Boarding would be tagged with an (X). A list of available commands are shown at the base of the data entry screen. to add additional records. When you are finished adding records use the key to save the records. (Editing a record) When editing a record in the Horse Directory, all the fields listed with the exception of the horses name and registration number may be changed. If the listing shows that the horse is a stallion and he has now been gelded, go back to that field and manually erase it.(Cursor to the beginning and use the space bar to overwrite the field). The program will than give you a listing to make another selection from. Use this same concept to change veterinarians. Or in this case the key after erasing the vet name. No listing will be used than. Use the key to delete horses from the program. A word of caution! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ When a horse is deleted from the Horse Directory all relating ³ ³ records from Schedule, Medical, Pedigree(Only in cases where ³ ³ Pedigree (only in cases when the horse is the first generation).³ ³ Competition, Training & Breeding (stallion only) will also be ³ ³ deleted. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Employee Directory ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) There are no locked in fields. This directory can be edited at any time without any problems. None of the information in this file is used in any other file section. A list of available commands are shown at the base of the data entry screen. to add additional records. When you are finished adding records use the key to save the records. Page 4 F I L E S Getting started in this area is fairly simple and straight forward. When you choose a file, you can add a record, edit an existing record, go to Reports or return to the Files Menu change the selection or exit back to the Main Menu. When a record is going to be added the horse is selected from the Horse Directory. Use the arrow keys to cursor through the listing to the horse this record is intended for. Press . The name, registration number and sex will be appended to the new record. The field which list the horses sex can be edited at any time. Cursor to the beginning , use the space bar to overwrite the field. The program will than list the options available. Select one, use the key to write the change to the record. This option is helpful when a stallion is gelded and you wish to change subsequent records. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Training ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) Adding new records to Training takes on two different meanings. Add a completely new file for a horse with a new set of records for a different training period. Or adding to an already existing schedule. In both cases these are new entries. To add a new file or a new file with entries first fill in the information necessary to aid in cataloging the period. Here is an example. For use the horses name (either full name or an abbreviated version. Leave a space than place the date training is to start. Remember, the field length is 30 characters in length. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ File: (horse name) (00/00/00) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Use your judgement when setting up the method you wish to work with. The rest of the information to be listed in this area is the horse, training facility, arrival date and the objective. The results and the date of departure will be added after this horses training is completed. To select a horse (from the Horse Directory) press the key bring up a listing. Make a selection than press . Next press to choose a training facility (trainer) from your listing in the General Directory. If you are the trainer and this file is used exclusively for scheduling this entry can be omitted. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ If the trainer is not listed please add that information before ³ ³ proceeding. Also add all people that will be involved in working ³ ³ the horse in the Employee Directory. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ After the date of arrival has been added list what you intend to accomplish in Objectives. Now if this is not a new file and you would like to add to an already existing file, use to select that file. Page 5 If there is additional information to add, it should be added before going on to the next screen. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ One thing that is important to caution you on is that if ³ ³ information is altered from an already existing file, all ³ ³ information from previous records will be overwritten with ³ ³ the new changes. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ When you are finished use the key to save this information and proceed to the next area. Notice the information at the top of the screen. This is the information listed previously. The file, horse, training facility, start date and objectives can not be edited from this area. If you wish to close out this period of training when the last scheduled work is to be listed, the Date of Departure and Results can be added at this time. List the date of the scheduled work. To list the handler use the key and select an employee from the Employee Directory. The employee could be the trainer, but the trainer still has to be listed in the Employee Directory to be appended to this record as the handler. to add additional entries. After all entries are completed use to save and return to the Menu. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ In order to save information for this area a date must be ³ ³ posted for the scheduled work (for the horse). If none is ³ ³ listed the information will be lost. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Editing a record) Editing can be done on scheduled work, the handler can be changed, results added and the date of departure added to complete the record. Scheduled work for training can be deleted by using the key. The entire record can be deleted by using the key. Use the or key bring up scheduled work for deletion. Then use to selectively delete portions of the record. Use to save the changes made to the record and Exit. Reports can be printed after exiting the Training file. Choose Reports from this area or from the Main Menu. Move the cursor to the desired format, press . Now continue on with the variety of search criteria available to do the report. Page 6 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Schedule ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) This record contains 2 windows. The top window is for information that will be needed for the horse in general. If this is a completely new entry the feed, grain, supplements & medication will have to be added. If this horse is already listed in Schedule and only new task are going to be added the information last listed in this area will be shown. You can edit this information even though this area is for adding information. Here are some ideas for listing task that are horse related (APPOINTMENTS, MEDICAL & HOOF CARE, BREEDING, TRAINING, SHOW DATES & EVENTS. The list is endless and you can use the COMMENTS field to describe the task involved. If additional Task are to be added use the key. After completing the Addition of new Task use to save and return to the Menu. (Editing a record) Editing can be done on these task and/or the general information at anytime to reflect changes in feed, medication and schedules. The data in Task can be deleted as the task are completed. From EDIT first choose the horse. From within the record use the or key bring up the task for deletion. Now press the key. Don't worry, this only deletes the task not the entire record. Use to save the changes made to the record and Exit. Reports can be printed after leaving Schedule. Choose Reports from this area or from the Main Menu. Move the cursor to the desired format, press . Now continue on with the variety of search criteria available to do the report. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Breeding ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) Breeding allows the user to save information in three areas "mare, stallion and foal". Breeding can be used like a schedule and dates pre- entered. Reports can be generated and posted like schedules. These reports can also be updated and used as detailed breeding records. Information in this area is also used to print contracts. All horses entered in Breeding are first listed from the Horse Directory. Selected by record search and appended automatically to the breeding record being edited. This is true of all records within the file section were information is selected by a search listing. Here is an explanation of how to add information to the breeding record. The first area of importance is to list the breeding season for the stallion. From this area the cursor will move to the mare. Use the key. Page 7 A search window with a selection of mares will appear. If the mare you wish to add to this record is not listed, you didn't add her to the Horse Directory. You will have to abandon this record and return to the Horse Directory to do so. Use the to leave the record without saving. If your mare was listed continue with adding information to this record. Look at the information that was carried over from the Horse Directory. Is it correct? Do you wish to list a different veterinarian? Again, you will have to return to the Horse Directory to make the necessary changes. If you will notice that the veterinarian listed is the 1st listing from the Horse Directory. This is the primary vet. Lets move on to the Arrival & Departure Date. Enter the date the mare is to arrive. If no information is available at this time, use the Edit feature at a later date to do this. Now, choose the method of breeding, pass over the field with the cursor key. The program will present a listing, select one, press to write the selection to the record. Now you can pre-enter breeding dates or do this as the mare is covered. The additional information about the status of the mare (testing Positive or Negative for pregnancy) can be entered at a later time. Also please note that the results are entered using the program much the same way as the breeding method was listed. You will find this is done in many area's of the program. Use the key to add additional mares to this stallion. Press to save the information and exit to the previous window. (Editing a record) When the key is used to delete a record, only the record containing the mare listed to the screen will be deleted. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Pedigree ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) Pedigree contains 2 pages, Page 1 is general information on the horse. Help files are available for Legs, Hoof color and Facial. Use the key while the cursor is positioned on any of these fields for help with describing legs, hoof color and facial markings. This information may be helpful for writing descriptions necessary for registration. Page 2 displays the pedigree of the horse. This area will show 4 generations preceding the horse the pedigree is intended for. If you are adding a record you have the choice of manually entering all the information for the pedigree or use pedigrees from the Sire and/or the Dam already on file. Use =Create to select pedigree/s from the listing stored within this program. When you received Xpress there should be an example of both a mare and stallion's pedigree on file. Use the edit function from the Pedigree menu to browse the records and view both examples of pedigrees. After you are finished return to the menu and select the add function to create a new pedigree. You will be choosing a horse from a listing in the Horse Directory for this. It's not important which horse is chosen. After a selection is made use the tools described previously to help fill in the fields for legs, face, hoof and body. Body doesn't get any such help like legs, head, and hoofs do from using the key. When you are ready to move on to page 2 use the key. Page 8 In this area new pedigrees are created. Use =Create to bring up the menu with Mare, Stallion and Continue. Choose . Select the mare from the listing. Now select and make a choice from the listing. After you are finished move the bar to and press to remove the pop-up menu. Than press to save the record and return to the Menu. Did you notice that both the mare and stallions pedigree's where appended one generation to the right? Now when creating a pedigree of your own it may be necessary to make one or both of the listing manually. After building a file of new pedigrees, creating pedigrees for new foals will not require a lot of manual entry. (Editing a record) It's important to note that pedigrees from previous entries can only be added while adding a new record. In edit mode both page 1 and page 2 can be edited and saved but the feature using the key to create a new pedigree is not available. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Competition ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) Competition includes information about the event, handler, rider, good points, things to improve, etc. Multiple records for a single event can be saved listing different horses in different classes. Competition is setup differently than the other areas. Adding new records to Competition takes on two different meanings. Add a completely new event or adding a horse or horses to an existing event. In both cases these are new entries. To add a new event or a new event with entries first fill in the information about the event. If this is not a new event use the to choose an existing event. Information shown can be edited (changed) or added too from the existing event. Now if this is a new event and if all information necessary is not available at the present time just list the event. Use the key to save this information and proceed to the next area. Notice the information at the top of the screen. This is the information listed previously. It can not be edited from this screen. In this area classes are added along with the horse. A class must be entered in order to save this record. If none is entered all information that was listed will be lost. Lets continue and add information to Class. After a class is listed press the key to move on to the Entries, than the Placing. If these aren't available (pre-entry) use the key to pass over them to and through the horse field. The program will automatically show a listing of horses from the Horse Directory. Cursor to the desired selection, use the key to write the horse to the record. If a mistake was made in choosing a horse, overwrite the horse with the space bar and use the key to reselect a different horse. Information on points earned or/and earnings can be entered also. Totals for these entries will show up in the generated reports. Page 9 Comments can be added now or at a later date. Judges can also be added. They may be entered manually or if listed in the General Directory, use the key to append their name to the record. If this is a one time thing, entering a judges name manually is OK. But if the judge is used in other areas the name should be first written to the General Directory than taken from there. Also if the judge is not listed in the General Directory the name cannot be used for searches. (NOTE): the word JUDGE can be interpreted to mean OFFICIAL, STEWARD or anyone responsible for the final results in an event. Scheduling for events can also be done from within Competition and updated as complete records by editing after the event. Schedules created using pre-entered data can be used at events by using the blanks left on the uncompleted report to keep notes. Later these notes can be entered into the record. When you are finished with this class use the key to add additional classes or press to save the information and exit to the previous window. (Editing a record) When a record in Competition is to be edited it means only the class from that event. Events can only be edited from the function used to a record. There are two different functions used for deletion in Competition. The key is used to delete individual classes from an event. The key will delete the event and all the classes tied to the event. The horse can still be changed by using the space bar and new or different judges can be added. along with adding comments. The key will allow for leaving the record without making changes. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Inventory ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) This area is setup to keep a record of both renewable and non-renewable items. Their cost, value, date of purchase and the vendor item or items where purchased from. Renewable items are such things as hay, grain, medication s, etc. Non-renewable items are such things as saddles, hay forks, brushes, etc. There are 2 fields listed in the vendor box, one is a Date and the other is Vendor Price, that can be used for keeping an up to date listing of new item cost. Neither of these fields can be accessed from the reports utility. You can view them only by the edit file. This area will see more development for a better implementation of inventory control in later releases of Xpress. Page 10 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Medical ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) The functions for Medical are basically the same as Schedule and Competition. Medical records are added by first selecting a horse from the search window. General information like allergies, deformities & limitations are than added. These areas most often won't change but can still be edited. Injuries, examinations, hoof care and breeding cycles, just to name a few, are occurrences. These things do change. When entering a new record the date field will list the current date read from the computer. If this date isn't what you want, cursor to it, type over the date. Now use the key to proceed on to Category. Use the key again, a listing will appear, make a selection press to write that choice to the Category field. Before going on any further it's important to let you know that there is HELP available for this area working with Categories and their uses. Use the key while the cursor is in the Category field or on the first line where an explanation is going to be listed. The listing shown defines some categories with examples on how they can be applied to medical records. Lets continue on to Complications/Treatment/Hoofcare. For each occurrence list that which best describes the condition, treatment or scheduled maintenance for the horse's well being. Many times, scheduled maintenance for a horse's health or hoof care are reoccurring conditions. Using a predefined template eliminates the need to reenter the same information. At the base of the screen, were all the commands are listed, you'll see one that says =Notes. This command will bring into Medical pre-written instructions or conditions to be used in the area describing the occurrence. The use of templates will not restrict you from making modifications. If additional information is going to be added bring in the template first or the added entry will be overwritten. Here are a few suggestions for Categories and Templates: Immunization: List the shots that were given and why. Laboratory: Kind of test and results. Coggins, blood, ect. Semen Report: Motility, sperm concentration, ect. Surgery: What was surgery for and results. (sutured vagina) ect.. Injury: Describe injury, treatment and results. Sickness: Can be disease or ailment, (colic, abortion, cough, scours or pneumonia) ect. Treatment can also be listed. Estrus: Heat period for mare. In the comments field you can list the length of the heat period. The date that you entered at the top of the category window should be the date when the heat period begun. Using this date you can chart the Estrus Cycle for use in your mares medical report for the best time cover her. Cycle last from 19-26 days the average being 21 days. Examination: Check horse for breedability, physical wellness. ect Page 11 To make revisions to the Category use Category/Edit Record. To add new categories choose Category/Add Record. To make revisions to the templates use Template/Edit Record. To add new templates choose Template/Add Record. After Complications/Treatment/Hoofcare there is a box for Veterinarian and Farrier. If you intend on having a vet or farrier attend to this horse mark one of the boxes with an . Marking one of the boxes will tell the program to bring up a listing with either all the farriers or veterinarians from the General Directory when the cursor is passed through the Name field. After you make a selection press to write the name to the record. If you are satisfied with the information written to the record key to add an additional record or press to save and exit. (Scheduling with Medical) Whether doing a follow-up on an illness or additional procedures in an examination. By pre-entering scheduled visits from the farrier, veterinarian, worming & medications, just to name a few, you can use these reports as (content specific) schedules and post them. The type of report you want to print adds to the versatility of setting up schedules using medical. (Using the key to access Accounts) This feature will allow for leaving the present record in Medical suspended and open up a window in the Accounts Directory. From Accounts select the name or business to access. Use the key to process your choice. Notice the horse's name has automatically been appended to the account. Make your entry, use the key to add additional entries. Than use the key to save the record and return to Medical. This feature can be used at anytime while the record is open. (Editing a record) Accounts is not accessible from Medical\Edit. When using the edit feature you have two choices for deletion. The will delete only the category that is in view from the screen. When the key is used all records regarding the horse's medical history will be deleted from the program. All other functions used for adding a record are accessible for editing purposes. Be sure and use the key and save your records when changes are made. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Category ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record ) The use of Category has been explained in Medical. This area contains the category and definition(if you choose to define the category). Use the key while the cursor is in the Category field or on the first line where an explanation is going to be listed. The listing shown defines some categories with examples on how they can be applied to medical records. Page 12 (Editing a record) Use the key to delete categories from this area. Be careful when doing this. Deleting categories will affect searches done using categories from Reports. If categories are deleted it is recommended that all records using those categories be updated using the edit function in Medical to reflect the change. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Template ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a record) This area contains the word Template(for defining each record) and the area where a predefined template can be created to be used in Medical. Use the key while the cursor is in the Template field or on the first line where a template is going to be created. (Editing a record) Use the key to delete templates. Unlike categories, templates do not effect any part of the program. If changes are made while editing use the key to save the revised template. If you do not want to save your changes or no changes were necessary use the key to return to the previous menu. Page 13 C O N T R A C T S This area supports contracts for the sale of a horse or horses, breeding contracts, boarding contracts and contracts for the release of liability. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Sale ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a contract) Choose . Notice that the program goes directly to the data entry screen. Both the Buyer and Seller will be selected from the General Directory. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Make sure that all prospective buyers are tagged (Buyer [X]) ³ ³ in the General Directory. Also that all sale horses have the ³ ³ same such tag (Sale [X]) placed in the Horse Directory. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Use the key when the cursor is positioned right after Buyer. A search list will appear. Make your selection from this list. Now use the key again. This will append information about the Buyer to the Sale Contract. Do the same procedure for Seller. Now the cursor has moved to the first horse. Use the key to display a listing of the horses available from the Horse Directory. Make a selection and use the key to again append the information to this contract. Now enter the sale price of the horse. The cursor than moves to the next horse. If only one horse is to be sold per this contract, use the or key to move on to the next area. If more horses are to be added repeat the procedure for adding a horse with the use of the key. If you wish to remove a horse that was already chosen use the key with the cursor positioned on the horses name. Here is the balance of the information needed to complete the contract: This contract is Made this (number+th or rd) day of (month), (year). The sum of $0.00 has been paid on the date hereof. The additional sum of $0.00 has been paid on or before (month)(day), (year). The balance $0.00 Payable in (number) consecutive (monthly) installments of $0.00 each, beginning on the (number+th or rd) day of each and every (Month) thereafter until said principal balance shall have been fully paid, together with interest on the unpaid balance thereof at the rate of (percent)% per annum. Buyer will at his sole cost and expense maintain mortality insurance on the horse and furnish to Seller the original policy on or before (month)(day), (year). In addition (if you have additional guidelines to use in implementing this contract). The type of information used may be changed to implement different guidelines for the length of payment period. The sum total of the purchase price of all the horses listed will be automatically shown in the contract. After you are finished use the key to save the record and return to the previous menu. Page 14 (Editing a contract) Use to make changes to an existing Sale Contract. To make changes to the Buyer and/or Seller use the spacebar to erase information within those windows. Than use the key to bring up a listing of existing entries from the General Directory. Make a selection, press . Use the key to erase a horse from the contract and the key to add another selection. The key will delete the contract. And the key will save the new contract with the changes implemented. If an key is used the new changes will not be used and the program will return you to the previous menu. There are two choices available for printing a Sale Contract. If this sale is setup on installments and if this sale is a cash transaction. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PLEASE CONSULT A LEGAL AUTHORITY BEFORE USING THIS CONTRACT, IT ³ ³ MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Breeding ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Editing a contract) Unlike Sale, to add a Breeding Contract a breeding record has to be opened in Files under Breeding. Than from Contracts select , than to complete the information necessary for generating a Breeding Contract. Much of what is asked for within this record should be easily understood. If there is a problem consult Sale, add/edit a record. There is an example of terms used for entering information in some of the field layouts. No special keys are used in Breeding Contracts. And all deletions must be done from Files (Breeding). Be sure and use the key to save any additions or changes to the contract before exiting. If none are desired use the key to go to the previous menu without saving. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PLEASE CONSULT A LEGAL AUTHORITY BEFORE USING THIS CONTRACT, IT ³ ³ MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Boarding ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Editing a contract) Much like Breeding, the Boarding Contract is established from a different record area. The Boarding Contract originates from the Horse Directory. When a horse is added to that directory and an is placed in the box next to Boarding, a basic contract is established. Page 15 All that is necessary is to add additional information in this area to complete the contract. Start out by listing the date you are writing this contract. Than list the boarding fees. Next, if the person in question is a minor, list the guardian, than the security deposit and the grace period when the payments are due. When you arrive at "Veterinary & Farrier attention will be arranged by:" select either Manager or Owner. Than after it says "will be invoiced" choose either directly or by manager. An example of this is: "If the service is arranged by the OWNER", it is very probable that the billing will go directly to the OWNER from either the veterinarian or farrier. The choice is yours in how you wish to setup the billing arrangements. Now list the state where this contract will be executed. Where it says, "The following are required:" You can place an within the box where you wish these directions to be adhered to. Now enter the date this contract takes effect. See the area where it says "Boarding Services"? This is were you list the services provided for this boarding contract. This is another area were templates are used. Generally most services at your facility may be universal. What this means is that the services provided are basically the same for all boarders within your facility. Using the predefined templates will eliminate the need to reenter the same information over numerous contracts. The use of templates will not restrict you from making modifications or additions to the services. If additional services are going to be added bring in the template first or the added services will be overwritten. At the base of the screen, were all the commands are listed, you'll see one that says =Services. This command will bring into Boarding pre-defined services that you provide. When finished with the contract use the to save it. If you intend on deleting this contract, it can only be done by deleting the horse from the Horse Directory. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PLEASE CONSULT A LEGAL AUTHORITY BEFORE USING THIS CONTRACT, IT ³ ³ MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Services ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Adding a template ) This area contains the word File(for defining each record) and the area where a predefined template can be created to be used in Boarding Contracts to list the services provided. Ideas for services include training, riding lessons and breeding just to name a few. Additional templates can be added by using the key. Be sure and save your entries with the key when finished. Page 16 (Editing a template) Use the key to delete templates. If changes are made while editing use the key to save the revised template. If you do not want to save your changes or no changes were necessary use the key to return to the previous menu. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Release of Liability ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (Edit a contract) Unlike Sale, to add a contract for the Release of Liability the person for whom this contract is intended for must first be listed in the General Directory. Now select to complete the information necessary for generating a Contract. Much of what is asked for within this record should be easily understood. If there are questions about how to fill in the different fields some of the examples shown under "SALES" may help. This contract originates within the General Directory so all record deletions must be done from within that directory. Use the function to alter or erase information from this contract. Be sure and use the key to save any additions or changes to the contract before exiting. If none are desired use the key to go to the previous menu without saving. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ PLEASE CONSULT A LEGAL AUTHORITY BEFORE USING THIS CONTRACT, IT ³ ³ MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUR NEEDS. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Page 17 A C C O U N T S Accounts is a billing utility. This utility keeps a running balance of entries. You can add, edit, delete, print statements and a report. "Important Note" ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Although Accounts has features that give it some of the same ³ ³ abilities as an Accounts Receivable program it was not the ³ ³ intention that Accounts be used in this way. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ An Account is established when, after, a Business and name are written to a record in the General Directory and the appropriate box within the General Directory is written to with an (X). Example ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Use an (X) in the box if entry is used for billing [X] ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Before adding entries to Accounts setup the header file, select . The report name listed at the very top is used as part of a header for billing purposes. Both the name and address originate from a different area (Edit Header). If you choose to use your own stationary with a header already printed, omit this information from this file. Remember, this header is also used in printing contracts. If you live in a state that has an added tax for your services enter a tax rate. Remember, if your rate is 5% enter [.0500]. The Notice that is shown can be used for special announcements. This will be printed across the statement just below the last entry. This can also be omitted if you wish. The Remark is placed at the base of the statement and generally list the terms of payment. Like the rest, this feature is an option. There is only one record allowed for this area. After editing this file don't forget to use the key to save it and return to the previous menu. Now proceed to Accounts and add your entries. (Adding an entry to Accounts) The selection for adding accounts is taken from the General Directory. With new entries can be added to existing accounts. Select a business and proceed to enter the necessary data to the record. The computer date is automatically written to the record. If the date shown is not what is desired for this entry move the cursor to the area and overwrite the date. The next area ask to list a horse for whom this entry is for. Use the key to bring up a listing of horses from the Horse Directory. Make a choice than press the key. This will append the horse to the record. If the service and or materials are taxable put a [Y] within the box. If services are not taxable but materials are they will have to be separate entries. Service/Materials, this field is important. If you fail to complete this entry the program will not save the record. There must be something written to this field or the record will be lost. Press to move on to the cost. Enter the cost of the service and/or materials. Enter the dollar amount, put the period in, now enter the cents. Press will allow for making additional entries in this one Account. If you wish to add additional entries, but to a different Account use the key to save this record. From the menu select . Use the same procedure to add records as previously described. (Editing an Account) You can edit an account to make corrections if a mistake was made or to make additional entries to an already existing record. An Example of this is "Received on Account". Records can also be deleted from Edit using the key. Be sure and save the changes with . (Delete Billing) This utility allows you to selectively delete records in an account using a range of dates. You can select an account using the key. A Start Date & End Date is listed. Use just the start date or a start and end date. If you use the start date only it must match the first record in the account you want to delete. (Print Billing Statement) The statement for billing has various options for selecting accounts for billing. Boarder and Lessons are two such options. You may recognize both of these words by their placement in the General Directory. You can see by their use it is important all such entries in the General Directory be tagged to illustrate for what purpose these entries where made. Another function that enables the printing of selected records is the key. This key will display all accounts within the program. From this listing use the key to tag selected accounts for billing. Now use the key and return to the previous screen. Notice the notice at the top of the screen. This tells you that accounts have been tagged and how many. Now you are ready to choose a range of dates. All entries posted to the account between the selected dates will be printed to the statement. When you are ready to print use the to continue. Choose the method of output. Send the statement/s to the printer, file or to the screen. (Report for Accounts) The report is a summary of an account. The method of setup and printing a report is the same as billing. Page 19 R E P O R T S The REPORT is a summary of stored information that is collected for you by this program. The search information input to the program will determine the information you receive in the report. The format used when choosing information will determine the kind of report generated. The method of output you select. Here are the choices available. Make our selection with the Up or Down arrow keys and press . Next choose where to direct the report output. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Send Printer Output To ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ Printer File Screen Exit ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Shown above are the options where the report can be directed . When the report is sent to a File a name is necessary for saving the report to disk. Shown below is the screen where the name of the report is entered before writing it to disk. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Enter File Name To Send Report To :²²²²²²²²².Txt ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Note Files are save with a (TXT) extension. ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ =Exit Report =Send Report to File ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ This choice can be aborted and an alternative selection made by using the key. Or press to go on and process the report. In the next step you can search the records necessary to find the data you need for your report. The sort criteria may have many choices available (depending on the report type and information desired). As an example, from a sort criteria window in Medical: When choosing a name mark either the veterinarian or farrier box with an (X). This enables the program to selectively search for and report on vet or farrier related occurrences." Other report sort criteria examples: "There is in many cases a Start Date and End Date." If you look at the bottom of the window you will notice some keys in a box named COMMANDS. These function keys help with searches for selecting information to help with your searches. One important note about this is that the data available for selection is not taken from the search area, but from the General and Horse Directories. The reason being there would show up multiple entries of the same data in the search window were you select information to write to the search criteria window. When you are finished use the key to do your report either to the printer, file or screen. Page 20 If to the printer, make sure your printer is setup with the proper drivers installed in ES and is on. All the reports with the exception of Pedigree and Inventory print at 10 cpi. These two reports print at 12 cpi and 8 lines per inch. Remember, if you don't use the proper printer driver you may not get the reports to print properly. When you print to a file the report will be saved with an extension ".TXT" to disk in ascii format. This file will be saved in the LIBRARY directory. Your reports can be viewed with the from within this program. When you print to screen a window with the report will appear. You can or to view or search using the for the first occurrence and for each subsequent use. These commands are similar to those used when viewing files using the Library ( key). If the report is wider than the screen, you can use the (<-) or (->) arrow keys to scroll the screen. Page 21 L A B E L S The label printing utility is setup to print both pinfed and sheet labels. The one across (3 1/2 x 15/16) pinfed labels are for impact type printers. The sheet labels are for laser or deskjet printers. It's possible that the sheet labels can be printed on a dot-matrix printer with a cut-sheet feeder but I must caution you, this has not been tested. From the Labels Menu there are choices for printing Address Labels and Shipping Labels. There are also choices for setting up the print functions of both Address and Shipping Labels. The very first thing you must do is setup either or both of these label print utilities before trying to print with them. (Address & Shipping Label Defaults) The very first thing you are asked is to select the Letter Quality. Than the number of labels across. If the printer is pin fed use the number [1]. If you are using a laser or deskjet you may choose [2] or [3] labels across. The function for positioning the labels defaults to [0]. If you have a problem with where the printing starts on the label use