Here is the newest version of segatips. It is version 1.2 for anyone wanting a version #. Its being compiled by me Rodney Mabe from all the dozens of seperate files I have found on many BBSs and from many magazines that I buy every month and an occasional rental from Blockbuster video which puts hints, passwords, etc... enough to finish a game with a 2 day rental sometimes. But anyway here is the latest for the sega genesis. It includes the new X-Men but I myself could not get this strange code to work. Its documented in Diehard Gamefan vol 1 number 6 (May 93) if the text confuses you. The mag is $3.95 so you may just want to peek at it instead of buying it. Rodney Mabe PS-> the uploading of a new version of the file may be erratic as I will only upload after a substancial number of entries made to it.