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We will come out with more Û³Û at a later date. \Û/ Page 1 ÖÄ· ÖÄ· ÒÄ· ÄÒÄ ÒÄ· ÒÄ· ÄÒÄ ÖÄ· º º º º º º ÇÄ º º º ÓÄ· ÓĽ ÓĽ Ð Ð Ð ÐĽ Ð Ð Ð ÓĽ Page Line# Software Name Page Line# Software Name ---- ----- ----------------- ---- ----- ----------------- 4 70 Mickey Mouse 18 392 Pro Tennis 5 93 Silent Service ][ 19 415 Face tris ]I[ 6 116 Star Control 20 438 Stunt Driver 7 139 Donald Duck 21 461 CastleVania 8 162 Thier Finest Hour 22 484 Miami Vice 9 185 Strike Fleet 23 507 Welltris 10 208 Tunnels of Arm. 24 530 Curse of Azure Bonds 11 231 Thunder Strike 25 553 The Third Courier 12 254 Blades of Steel 26 576 Buck Rogers 13 277 M1 Abrams Tank 27 599 Empire 14 300 Escape from Hell 28 622 Ogre 15 323 World tour Golf 29 645 Rad Warrior 16 346 BattleChess 30 668 TransWorld 17 369 PowerDrome 31 691 Thexder ][ Page 2 ÖÄ· ÖÄ· ÒÄ· ÄÒÄ ÒÄ· ÒÄ· ÄÒÄ ÖÄ· º º º º º º ÇÄ º º º ÓÄ· part 2 ÓĽ ÓĽ Ð Ð Ð ÐĽ Ð Ð Ð ÓĽ Page Line# Software Name Page Line# Software Name ---- ----- ----------------- ---- ----- ----------------- 32 714 Dambusters 46 1036 Dragon's Lair 1 33 737 Zany Golf 47 1059 Life and Death 1 34 760 F-16 Strike Sim. 48 1082 Spirit of Excalibur 35 783 Wonderland 49 1105 Command HQ 36 806 Overlord 50 1128 Summer Games 37 829 VGA ABC Football 51 1151 Champions of Krynn 38 852 MechWarrior 52 1174 Dragon Strike 39 875 Sim Earth 53 1197 Joan of Arc 40 898 Weird Dreams 54 1220 Secret of Silverblades 41 921 Troika Russian 55 1243 Breach ][ 42 944 SpaceAce 56 1266 MidWinter 43 967 Space Quest IV 57 1289 Keef The Thief 44 990 Secret Missions ][ 58 1312 Mavis Typing Tutor 45 1013 Death Knights Krynn 59 1335 Heroes of the Lance Page 3 Mickey Mouse's Runaway ZOO. EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: Mickey.exe SEARCH STRING: 3B FE CHANGE: FE TO: FF NOTES: This will enable you to use any number to bypass the copy protection scheme. Cracker was Majik/Mage. Page 4 Silent Service ][ EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: SS2.EXE SEARCH STRING: 75 41 2B C0 50 50 CHANGE: 75 41 TO: 90 90 NOTES: Cracker Was Majik. Page 5 Star Control from Accolade EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: starcon.ovl SEARCH STRING: 74 05 1B C0 1D FF FF 3D 01 00 CHANGE: 74 05 TO: EB 05 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 6 Donalds Alphabet Chase EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: donald.exe SEARCH STRING: 3B 76 FC CHANGE: 3B 76 FC TO: 90 3B F6 NOTES: Cracker was Majik/Mage. Page 7 Battle of Britian:Thier Finest Hour from Lucas Films EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: bob.exe SEARCH STRING: 36 24 75 08 B8 01 00 CHANGE: 75 TO: 74 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 8 Strike Fleet from Lucas Films EDITOR: Debug COMMANDS: RENAME sf.exe sf.x DEBUG sf.x U 1000:3839 (should be e8 46 02) the call to doc check E 1000:3939 90 90 90 (NOP out the offending code) W Q REN sf.x sf.exe NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 9 Tunnels of Armageddon From California Dreams EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: tunnels.exe (The .EXE loader file on this one) SEARCH STRING: 0A 08 0B C0 75 17 CHANGE: 75 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 10 Thunder Strike EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: TS.EXE SEARCH STRING: E8 92 72 CHANGE: E8 92 72 TO: 90 90 90 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 11 Blades of Steel from Konami EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: play.exe SEARCH STRING: 3B 46 F6 74 14 CHANGE: 74 TO: 75 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 12 M1 Abrams Tank simulator from Dynamix EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: The Loader file SEARCH STRING: 74 18 E8 11 F3 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 13 Escape from Hell from Electronic Arts. EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: The Loader file SEARCH STRING: 83 7E D6 02 7D 03 CHANGE: 03 TO: 0D NOTES: You will have to press twice at the doc check for some reason. Cracker was Majik. Page 14 World Tour Golf EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: wtg.exe SEARCH STRING: 83 C4 08 0B C0 75 10 CHANGE: 75 10 TO: 74 41 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 15 BattleChess EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: chess.exe SEARCH STRING: 74 EB FE CHANGE: 74 TO: 75 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. This crack does not slow down the computer and action as did others. You will still have to press enter 3 times to get into the game. Page 16 Power Drome EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: pd.exe SEARCH STRING: 74 07 3A 05 75 09 47 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 17 Pro Tennis EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: EGA.COM, CGA.COM, HGA.COM SEARCH STRING: 74 39 CHANGE: 74 39 TO: EB 39 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Sorry about the Tandy - no crack at this time. Page 18 FACES (Tetris 3?) EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: faces.exe SEARCH STRING: 75 09 FF 46 FC CHANGE: 75 09 TO: EB 17 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 19 Stunt Driver from Spectrum Holobyte EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: stunt.exe SEARCH STRING: 74 06 9A F4 A6 E1 FE CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 20 CastleVania EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: cega.exe,ctgy.exe, ccga.exe SEARCH STRING: 3B 46 E2 75 0B CHANGE: 75 TO: 74 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 21 Miami Vice EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: mvg.exe SEARCH STRING: 9A FE 0B F1 0E CHANGE: 9A FE 0B F1 0E TO: 90 90 90 90 90 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 22 Welltris from Spectrum Holobyte EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: loader file SEARCH STRING: 74 09 B8 06 00 50 E8 CHANGE: 74 TO: 75 NOTES: THIS OCCURS TWICE. DO IT BOTH TIMES! Also must do Second part of crack. Cracker was Majik. Part 2 EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: loader file SEARCH STRING: 74 04 C6 46 E9 FF FF 06 CHANGE: 74 TO: 75 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 23 Curse of the Azure Bonds from SSI EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: game.ovr SEARCH STRING: 3A 46 FD 74 1C 8D 7E D0 CHANGE: 74 TO: 75 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 24 The Third Courier EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: TTC.EXE SEARCH STRING: 75 03 E9 98 01 CHANGE: 75 03 TO: 90 90 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 25 Buck Rogers EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: start.exe SEARCH STRING: 3C 01 74 05 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Press enter 3 times to enter the game. Page 26 Empire: Wargame of the Century EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: empire.exe SEARCH STRING: AA 0C 74 03 E9 40 FE CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 27 Ogre from Origin EDITOR: Debug COMMANDS: DEBUG ogre.ovl E234e 90 90 90 90 W q NOTES: Cracker was Bob Barker. Page 28 Rad Warrior EDITOR: Debug COMMANDS: RENAME rw.exe rw DEBUG rw e 5837 eb 4e 90 w q RENAME rw rw.exe NOTES: Cracker was Bob Barker. Page 29 TransWorld GERMAN Import EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: twcolor.exe SEARCH STRING: E8 0B FC CHANGE: E8 0B FC TO: 90 90 90 NOTES: Cracker was Majik/Mage. EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: twmono.exe SEARCH STRING: E8 C9 F8 CHANGE: E8 C9 F8 TO: 90 90 90 NOTES: Cracker was Majik/Mage. Page 30 Thexder ][: Firehawk from sierra EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: game.exe SEARCH STRING: E8 46 00 E8 DF 00 E8 E8 00 E8 CHANGE: Last E8 TO: C3 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 31 Dambusters from Accolade EDITOR: Debug COMMANDS: DEBUG dambust.com e 0316 90 90 eb 06 w q NOTES: Cracker was Bob Barker. Page 32 ZANY Golf EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: Zany.com SEARCH STRING: E8 95 25 3C 0D F5 CHANGE: 3C 0D F5 TO: E9 74 01 NOTES: Cracker was The Mage, TANDYLAND users are out of luck. Don't have a TANDY Page 33 F-16 Strike Fighter EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GROUND.OVL SEARCH STRING: 75 06 3B 0E EA 0E 74 1F CHANGE: 74 and 06 TO: EB and 00 respectively.. ie 74 - EB and 06-00 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 34 WONDERLAND: Dream the Dream Part 1 - Volume Label EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: INSTALL.EXE SEARCH STRING: 0B C0 74 03 E9 46 FF CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Part 2 - DOC check EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GAME.EXE SEARCH STRING: CD 21 33 D1 CHANGE: CD 21 33 D1 TO: 90 BA 19 03 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Type 'THE' at the Doc check to get past it. Page 35 Overlord from Virgin Mastertronic EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GAME.EXE SEARCH STRING: 31 32 74 15 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Mage. Page 36 ABC's VGA Monday Night Football. EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: MONDAY.EXE SEARCH STRING: 3A 91 80 3E D4 C3 00 74 F1 CHANGE: 74 F1 TO: EB 24 NOTES: Cracker was The Mage. Page 37 MechWarrior from Activision EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: MW_MAIN.EXE SEARCH STRING: 04 00 FF 1E 2C 00 CHANGE: FF 1E 2C 00 TO: E9 31 01 90 NOTES: Cracker was The Mage. Page 38 Sim Earth from Maxis Software EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: SIMEARTH.EXE SEARCH STRING: 74 03 E9 46 01 CHANGE: 03 to 00 CHANGE: 46 to 40 NOTES: Cracker was Majik/Mage. Page 39 Weird Dreams EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: WEIRD.EXE SEARCH STRING: 0B C0 75 05 B8 01 00 EB 0D CHANGE: 75 05 TO: EB 12 NOTES: Cracker was The Mage. Page 40 Troika -3 Russian Games EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: TROIKA.EXE SEARCH STRING: 75 05 CHANGE: 75 05 TO: EB 65 NOTES: 1st occurance of the search string is to be edited. Cracker was The Mage. Page 41 SpaceAce EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: SPACEACE.EXE SEARCH STRING: 75 16 BE 15 07 CHANGE: BE 15 07 TO: EB 14 90 NOTES: Cracker was The Mage. Page 42 Space Quest IV EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: SCIDHUV.EXE SEARCH STRING: FF 77 04 FF 77 02 9A 4C 02 CHANGE: 02 9A 4C 02 TO: 04 9A 4C 02 NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 43 Wing Commander Secret Missions ][ EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: SM2.EXE SEARCH STRING: 0B C0 75 14 B8 DA 3B CHANGE: 75 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was Majik. Page 44 Death Knights of Krynn Part 1: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: START.EXE SEARCH STRING: 9A 25 00 4A 00 CHANGE: 9A 25 TO: EB 4B NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Part 2: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GAME.OVL SEARCH STRING: 80 BD F6 01 0A 72 CHANGE: 72 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 45 Dragons Lair 1 EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GAME.EXE SEARCH STRING: E8 27 36 E8 7F 27 CHANGE: 27 36 TO: 4C 1D NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 46 Life and Death 1 EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: L&D.EXE SEARCH STRING: 6C 19 74 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 47 Spirit of Excalibur EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: EXCAL.EXE SEARCH STRING: 74 36 B8 06 00 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: UNLZEXE the EXCAL.EXE file before you Crack it. After You apply the patch then LZEXE it back. If you need LZEXE package get it at your fine Shareware systems, Ask a Friend, or just Forget about the crack :> Cracker was The Flash. Page 48 Command HeadQuaters EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: CHQ.EXE SEARCH STRING: 83 C1 A4 01 CHANGE: All of them to TO: 90 90 31 A9 NOTES: Now, look right above them and change the 48 (offset F2B1) to a c8 and change the 87 (offset F2BE to a 85. Cracker was The Flash. Page 49 Summer Games EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: THEGAMES.EXE SEARCH STRING: E8 BA CHANGE: E8 BA TO: E9 8E NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 50 Champions of Krynn from SSI Part 1: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: START.EXE SEARCH STRING: 74 33 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Use first occurance only. Cracker was The Flash. Part 2: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GAME.OVL SEARCH STRING: 72 1D CHANGE: 72 TO: EB NOTES: Use first occurance only. Cracker was The Flash. Page 51 Dragon Strike from SSI Part 1: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: MAIN.EXE SEARCH STRING: 06 56 C6 06 18 ... FF 1E 14 CHANGE: FF 1E 14 TO: E9 64 01 NOTES: Need to DO part 2. Cracker was The Flash. Part 2: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: MAIN.EXE SEARCH STRING: 06 56 C6 06 18 ... FF 1E 14 CHANGE: FF 1E 14 TO: E9 64 01 NOTES: Need to do both. Cracker was The Flash. Page 52 Dragon Strike from SSI EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: JOAN.EXE SEARCH STRING: 9A 02 00 EF 1F CHANGE: All TO: 90's NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 53 Secret of Silverblades from SSI Part 1: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: START.EXE SEARCH STRING: 5C 0C 74 33 9A CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Part 2: EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: GAME.OVL SEARCH STRING: 02 1E 72 1D CHANGE: 72 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 54 Breach ][ EDITOR: PCshell/Norton NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Another LZEXE'd file. Either UNLZEXE "BREACH2.EXE" and search for "83 c4 02 90 0e e8 2a 48" and change to "" "" "" e9 93 02 "" "" OR Search "BREACH2.exe" for "04 72 48 84 ee be" Change to "89 e1 2a 48 09 dd" Look back about 8-9 bytes and the "9a" should be changed to a "3a". The First way would be the BEST as compression is a tricky thing. I tested it both ways and it worked. -The Flash Page 55 Midwinter EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: MIDWINTR.EXE SEARCH STRING: E8 59 01 2E FF CHANGE: 2E FF TO: EB 18 NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 56 Keef the Thief Part 1 EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: KF.EXE SEARCH STRING: 3B 46 06 74 03 E9 CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Part 2 EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: KF.EXE SEARCH STRING: 75 13 0E E8 13 FF CHANGE: 75 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 57 Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: MAVIS.EXE SEARCH STRING: 75 27 FF CHANGE: 75 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 58 Heroes of the Lance EDITOR: PCshell/Norton FILE TO SEARCH: START.EXE SEARCH STRING: 74 1A BB CHANGE: 74 TO: EB NOTES: Cracker was The Flash. Page 59 NOTE: This may be the End of The TOP Healing library v 2.0 but it is sadly not the end of Copy Protection disease and so the TOP Doctors will go on and try to keep you updated. If you know how to reach TOP and wish to help in the never ending Copy Protection Battle. Volunteer! We NEED you! The Mage TOP President Can be found everywhere