Warning: Most of these are in extremely poor taste: What were Koresh's final words? "No, I wanted a BUD light!" How many Branch Davidians can you fit into a VW Bug? Ans: Ninety. Four in the seats and eighty six in the ashtray. WACO = We're All Crispy Outside I heard today that Jeffrey Daumer escaped from prison...... He heard they were having a Bar B Que in Waco! Did you hear . . . They are changing the name of Waco Texas, They are gonna call it Corpus Crispy What does Waco stand for? What a cook out! What do you call a Branch Davidian with a fire extinguisher? A heretic. What do you call a Scientologist with a flamethrower? A copycat. Did you hear that David Koresh was a closeted gay? He was flaming, but he didn't come out. Q: Why don't we have more prophets like David Koresh? A: It's such a high stress job that burnout is almost inevitable. The Branch Davidian Church has split into two sects: Orthodox and Extra-Crispy. Q: How is Waco like a Snickers bar? A: Roasted nuts. What do you get when you cross David Koresh & Jeffrey Dahmer? Brunch Davidian (barbecue naturally). Q: Did you hear that David Koresh lost his job as the second messiah? A: He got fired. WACO: We're A Combustible Organization What does Waco stand for? What a cook out! Did you hear that David Koresh was a closeted gay? He was flaming, but he didn't come out. Q: How did David Koresh find out he was Jesus Christ? A: God spoke to him through a burning building. WACO -- We All Cooked Ourselves What do you get when you cross David Koresh & Jeffrey Dahmer? Brunch Davidian (barbecue naturally). Q: Did you hear about the tragedy at Waco? A: Evidently an NBC News crew was trying to move in for a close-up... David Koresh was waiting for a message from GOD. . . . The message finally arrived . . . The message read: "Bake at 700 degrees for 3 to 4 hours"! How do you pick up a Branch Davidian woman? With a dust-buster What did God say to David Koresh when he met him? Well done. What is the new Branch Davidian holiday? Ash Monday. A special thanks to Jerry Shiffen who submitted this collection through the U'Net Comedy conference.