"Sonata Para Piano" (1952) -Alberto Ginastera Movement II -Presto Mysterioso Sequenced and (c) by Bob Pomicter, Studio 46, 7/92 The included .MID file in this archive is the second movement of four in the contemporary piano sonata by Argentina's late Alberto Ginastera. His music, with influeneces of twelve tone, bi-tonality as well as more traditional Latin American rhythms has inspired many modern artists, among them Keith Emerson of Emerson Lake and Palmer (remember "Tocatta" from Brain Salad Surgery? It's Ginastera!) Originally sequenced with Seq+Gold for the Roland Sound Canvas, the file may be adapted for any synth with a decent grand piano sound, provided that your sequencer have velocity, damper pedal and most importantly, TEMPO control. (Otherwise the effect of rabid cats on piano strings is _most_ striking! :) Also, the file is recorded in stereo, so please do not delete the double damper pedal line unless you plan to change everything to the same MIDI channel in mono, in which case delete the RH Damper Pedal line. Hope you enjoy! Bob