PCB-REWARD History ------------------------------------ 06-25-91: Initial release Version 1.0 07-15-91: Version 1.1 - fixed bug where if a user had made 13 uploads the program read it as 0 uploads. - added switch /new to allow resetting USERS file back to the previous non-rewarded condition 08-08-91: Version 1.2 - added a check for total upload bytes if 2 users had the same number of uploads. Rewards whichever has higher byte count. 09-07-91: Version 1.3 - Changed bulletin. Now, bulletin is created from a user-defined file. See Docs for details. - enabled 'y/n' switch in .CFG file to enable/disable copyright notice at bottom of bulletin. 10-10-91: Version 1.4 - Development Version - Not Released 11-12-91: Version 1.5 - Increased number of users to reward to a max of 99. - Added a switch to allow user-defined bulletin file to be placed at the top of the NEWS file or as a Bulletin or Both. *** - Released as uncrippled version. All features are fully functional. 11-15-91: Version 1.6 - Corrected error in documents. - Corrected error in REWBULT.TXT - Added on-screen message when News being written 12-02-92 Version 1.7 - Corrected bug where users with more than 99 uploads were not always rewarded in the proper order. - Added "Number of Uploads" marker to Bulletin File Future Plans: - Add ability to reward top message base participants. - Other features may be added as demand requires.