KEYCHART -------------------------------- B- E- A- D- G- C- F- last flat C F B- E- A- D- G- C- KEY (- means flat) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 no. of sharps/flats C G D A E B F# C# KEY F# C# G# D# A# E# B# last sharp -------------------------------- I can never remember all that music theory, so I create little notes. Yes, transposers help but don't do everything I need. What key had 3 flats? Was the order of sharps B, E, A, D, or ?? This brief key chart that has helped me, and I keep it (credit card sized) in my wallet. I hope you find it as useful. How do you read it? Examples: Key of G (4th row) has 1 sharp (3rd row) and that sharp is F# (5th row). Key of A (4th row) has 3 sharps (3rd row): F#, C# and G# (5th row). 5th row gives the LAST sharp. Key of A flat (A- in 2nd row) has 4 flats (3rd row): B-, E-, A-, D- (1st row). 1st row gives the LAST flat. Lacking a flat symbol, ` - ' was used.