The Sfware utilities allow you to download, rotate, compress, expand, view, and perform special effects on softfonts. The effects provided include bold, fill, convert to fixed spacing, halftone, hollow, invert, mirror, outline, convert to proportional spacing, resize, reverse, shade, shadow, slant, stripe, tilt, three-d, hollow-three-d, and filled-three-d effects. The effects can be tailored and customized for any font with various parameters and shading patterns. Sfware is distributed in five archive files: SFW110P1, SFW110P2, SFW110D1, SFW110D2, and SFW110EX. The 'P' archives contain the programs and the 'D' archives contain documentation. The 'EX' archive contains an example of the special effects that Sfware can produce. Print the example page from the SFW110EX archive file (EXAMPLES.PCL or EXAMPL16.PCL) on your LaserJet printer for a sample of Sfware's effects. You can print the examples by entering the command COPY EXAMPLES.PCL /B PRN at the DOS prompt. You must print the examples page on an HP LaserJet compatible printer. The example pages are essentially identical. The EXAMPL16.PCL page uses only 16 fonts. Some LaserJet printers (notably, the HP LaserJet Series II) can only print sixteen different fonts on any given page. If your printer has this limitation, EXAMPLES.PCL may not print correctly.