.ST .SC RED CYAN .EA 0 0 XRES YRES-1 .BX 2 .SC HIWHT CYAN .PC 2 2 .CS PC-HyperText Architect Song / Screen Builder Evaluation Version 1.6 .PC 2 4 .SC HIWHT CYAN .CS Copyright 1990-1992 Synergistic Consultants, Inc. .SC HIRED BLUE .DW 7 6 72 19 .BX 1 .FI This program may be used for personal, non-commercial evaluational purposes. It has the capability of building virtually an unlimited number of hypertext screens. This evaluation version cannot be customized for the purchaser's own products. The commercial version of this program may be obtained from Synergistic Consultants, Inc. in one of two forms. The PC-HyperText Architect may be used to generate HyperText databases which may be used for off-line help, etc.. The PC-SCREEN utility package is for Turbo Pascal programmers, and provides an interface to HyperText databases from within Turbo Pascal. To obtain more technical information, see the hypertext buttons below: .SC HIBLUE RED .SW 5 21 35 21 .PC 5 21 .HW ORDERING_PC_HYPERTEXT_ARCHITECT Ordering PC-HyperText Architect .SW 43 21 73 21 .PC 43 21 .HW ORDERING_PC_SCREEN_UTILITIES Ordering PC-SCREEN Utilities .PC 5 21 .BL .SE