****** THE REMARKS OF SPITFIRE SYSOPS ****** Over the years I have often said that SPITFIRE Sysops (for the most part) are top shelf folks (it was true in 1988 and it is true today). Surely there is bound to be a bad apple or two on occasion and they normally are the loudest and get the most attention. There are lots of good folks who have things to say but are not loud and not negative so they don't receive the attention of the big mouth who normally doesn't have any idea what he/she is talking about. Therefore, this file is provided to show just some of the positive comments from the top shelf SPITFIRE folks. Mike Woltz Author of SPITFIRE BBS "all in all, the SPITFIRE software is the finest, most configurable, most USER friendly, most SYSOP friendly, most versatile bbs software that I have seen. My hat and many others, is off to you sir.....I thank you for this software, I thank you for your continued work, and I applaud your stanima." Robert Arguello Night Hawk BBS 03-14-93 "Hello Mike...just a note to let you know SF & Lakota are running as expected...Fine...best verison yet...... All in all everyone is VERY PLEASED with 3.3.." Tom Lehner The Point BBS - 715-345-1327 03-14-93 "Mike, wanted to let you know I think your latest work is great! Everything is working great, and everyone here is happy...and of course, thanks for the "pioneer" designation. I really like that "newsletter has been updated" feature...now I can toss out the old program I was using for that purpose, as it was always hanging my system anyhow (smile). The multiple or priviledged security level was a great addition as well...all in all, a great release...can't wait to see what you have in store for us next release!" Larry Easley The Ranch House BBS - 210-945-9304 03-14-93 "Thank you very much for your quick availability of my registered version 3.3. I feel that Spitfire is by far the best bbs program available at any cost and couldn't ask for one to be priced any better or for better support." Wally Rankin Tower BBS - 912-369-0931 03-15-93 "Thank you for such a wonderful program. I say the article in the BBS Caller's Digest, I hope to see more ! Spitfire is the most Sysop friendly, user friendly, easy to config, easy to upgrade, bbs software on the market. Your program leaves the rest in the dust, and I just hope more people, and sysops, will see that when they choose a BBS program. Thank you!" Scott Weller The Electronic Gaming Network - 401-294-7852 03-04-93 "Thanks for the info, Mike. Also, I've been using 3.3 for almost a month now, and I have to say that it's very good, and well worth the cost of registration. I'm proud to say that I run Spitfire." Darryl Stein The Last Resort BBS - 403-488-8236 03-20-93 "Way to go on 3.3! I am very pleased with the changes AND with Lakota." Jim Lambert Computer Works BBS - 205-671-0092 03-21-93 "Long time no talk. I have been sick and not getting around so well. Even though I am real good now. I had a small stroke this winter and am doing real good now. I was in the hospital for ten days and the BBS stayed up and humming :-). A true sign of good software. Thanks for Spitfire and all the utilities. I was expecting to see the BBS hung or something as I got too the computer butit was up and running. Thanks again. I have 3.3 running now and love it. So do my users. Thanks for a Great piece of software. Take care and tell your family I said Hello." Ron Egolf Ron's Room BBS - 410-969-2241 03-21-93 "Just wanted to drop in and say got the upgrade about two weeks after it was mailed thanks to Uncle Sam's mail system. Got it up and running. GREAT system and has been working like a charm. If I could only thnk of what is on your mind for the next version. It maybe hard to top this now. Keep up the great work." Jeff Kerry The Leprechaun Castle - 601-799-2299 03-21-93 "Read an article on Major BBS, they just released a QWK mailmodule for their BBS Software. I about fell over when I see the price $199, they can keep it Lakota works fine for $1. Keep up the good work!!!" Robert Bowles, Sysop Silver Fox BBS - 812-685-2623 03-22-93 "Let's look at the upgrade program this way. I think I've been involved with Spitfire since something like v2.4 at which time I registered for something like $55.00. Not positive about that figure but I'm pretty close. The point being, that since my initial registration I have gone thru several major upgrades at not one cent of cost to me! Color meas a "PROUD SPITFIRE PIONEER."" Bob Stcyr The Software Exchange BBS - 717-249-4719 03-28-93 "So hows it been going, I'm doing great and so is my BBS. 3.3 is a great improvment, and I'm very happy with the changes....My callers really like the LAKOTA system. well i have to run and do some of the daily maintenance stuff...." Michael Harrington The Home Front BBS - 502-942-0089 04-04-93 "Hi Mike... Just wanted to thank you for all the support. I've been trying to log on here for a LONG time, an I've FINALLY made it. My Board (Mission Control BBS) is a real success after 3 months, and I owe a LOT of it to SF! Thanks again." Bruce Wiley Mission Control BBS - 602-882-3914 04-08-93 "Thank you sir, for the fine programming and the excellent support, have a great holiday!" Tom Lacey All Forces BBS - 214-467-8765 04-10-93 "As always during the last four years, I have really enjoyed using SPITFIRE. Each update always brings many good enhancements to SF, and 3.3 is great. Thanks for putting up with a lot of 'bull', and continuing work on SF." Kevin Cummins Crimson Cross BBS - 618-253-3608 04-14-93 "Spitfire 3.3 is running GREAT, no problems at all. I don't know why you call it bare bones, I think not. After looking over others, VBBS & EZcom your Lakota puts them to shame, given the option to download just your Queue, or from one message area only, or just your mail. Those features are not in others that I have seen." ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍárice Wellington MA/Comm BBS - 617-332-5584 04-28-93 "I just recieved my Spitfire BBS registered version yesterday. Just wanted to say thanks for being so prompt with sending the package out. You have the best BBS I have tried and look forward to "living" with it for a long time." Brad Collyer Brad's BBS - 403-875-7705 05-15-93 "Thanks once again Mike for making such a "Trouble Free" program. It makes me think of what a fellow SPITFIRE SysOp who is a good friend of mine said when we were having problems with a "NON-SPITFIRE" related program...He said, "I can say one thing about whatever programs that Mike writes, at least THEY work!" Need I say more...." Dan Crago Nightowl BBS - 616-695-9212 05-23-93 "SF 3.3 and LAKOTA just keep on humming along here at Electric Knights Chess. I wish some of the commercial software was as reliable and as well written." Bill Brown Electronic Knights BBS - 519-422-6449 05-26-93