PREPARE v1.1 and SFTOTAL v1.1 INTRODUCTION PREPARE and SFTOTAL are utilities written to accompany *SPITFIRE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS. If you're like me, you like to know at a glance how many bytes and files are in any one directory listing. No more sleepless nights ! PREPARE and SFTOTAL will take care of this. Prepare is used only one time on each *SFFILES.BBS file. It prepares the file for use with SFTOTAL. SFTOTAL adds the file sizes of each file in your *SFFILES.BBS, counts the files, and posts the end results into the file. CHANGES TO v1.1 SFTOTAL now runs FASTER !! SFTOTAL can now handle file sizes above 9,999,999 bytes. The final total in one *SFFILES.BBS still CANNOT exceed 4,294,967,295 (Not likely) (Unsigned Long for you programmers). The final total of all files in one *SFFILES.BBS may now exceed 999 (probable, but not likely in one file). USING PREPARE Using PREPARE and SFTOTAL is easy. First, please make a backup of your *SFFILES.BBS files. Place PREPARE.EXE and SFTOTAL.EXE in your *SPITFIRE system directory. Inspect your *SFFILES.BBS to determine the placement of the following two lines: Total Bytes in this Directory: Total Files in this Directory: (PREPARE places these lines in the file for you) Syntax for PREPARE.EXE is: PREPARE [PATH/FILENAME OF FILE LISTING] [LINE NUMBER] Example: PREPARE D:\SF\GAMES\SFFILES.BBS 6 The example syntax says to PREPARE your *SFFILES.BBS located in the \SF\GAMES directory on drive D: and insert the two lines mentioned above on line number 6. You only need to run PREPARE one time on each *SFFILES.BBS. After running PREPARE on all of your SFFILES.XXX files, you may remove PREPARE.EXE from your drive. After running PREPARE on the file, inspect it again. You will see that the two lines mentioned above have been placed on the line you specified. You may now run SFTOTAL.EXE. At any time, if you manually edit your SFFILES.BBS file, DO NOT edit the two lines that were inserted by PREPARE.EXE. These two lines must be LEFT JUSTIFIED (just as they were inserted) and should not be tampered with. NOTE: I like to have a header at the beginning of the file explaining what the directory contains. The line number you specify should be a line located between the header and the beginning of the file listing. Example: ÉÍ[ The GRAVEYARD BBS ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» Line 1 º º Line 2 º Shareware º Line 3 º º Line 4 ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Line 5 Total Bytes in this Directory: -------------> Line 6 Total Files in this Directory: Line 7 Line 8 Filename Filesize Filedate Description Line 9 Error Codes for PREPARE.EXE PREPARE always RETURNS an EXIT CODE 0 for batch file reporting. The output of the Error Code is for your personal use. Error Code 0 -> You did not specify the correct amount of command line arguments. Error Code 1 -> Error changing to specified drive where the text file is located. Error Code 2 -> Unable to get the current directory. Error Code 3 -> Unable to change to the specified directory. where the text file is located. Error Code 4 -> Unable to open the specified file. Error Code 5 -> Directory change unsuccessful. Error Code 6 -> Directory change unsuccessful. Error Code 7 -> Unable to create the TEMPORARY file. Error Code 8 -> Directory change unsuccessful. Error Code 9 -> Directory change unsuccessful. Error Code 10 -> PREPARE has already been executed on the file. Error Code 11 -> Drive change unsuccessful. USING SFTOTAL Using SFTOTAL is just as easy. Just type: SFTOTAL [PATH/FILENAME OF FILE LISTING] [PATH TO FILES] Example: SFTOTAL D:\SF\GAMES\SFFILES.BBS D:\SF\GAMES The example syntax says to TOTAL the file sizes of the files in the text file *SFFILES.BBS located in the \SF\GAMES directory on drive D: and that the path to where the files are located is D:\SF\GAMES. Originally, SFTOTAL added the file sizes from the *SFFILES.BBS file. Now, SFTOTAL gets the file sizes from the disk/dir that you specify. If you add the file sizes from the text file and they DO NOT add up to the amount SFTOTAL posted - don't fret, just compare the file sizes in the text file against the file sizes on the disk - you will find that one or more file sizes in the text file do not match the disk. SFTOTAL also works with CD ROM AREAS !! That is why you must specify the path to the *SFFILES.XXX file and the path to the files contained in the *SFFILES.XXX file. EXAMPLE: SFTOTAL D:\SF\DISPLAY\SFFILES.3 E:\002A The example syntax says to TOTAL the file sizes of the files in the text file *SFFILES.BBS located in the \SF\DISPLAY directory on drive D: and that the path to where the files are located is E:\002A. Please keep in mind that each time you use *MKSFFBBS, you need to RE-RUN SFTOTAL.EXE to reflect any additional files. Error Codes for SFTOTAL.EXE SFTOTAL always RETURNS an EXIT CODE 0 for batch file reporting. The output of the Error Code is for your personal use. Error Code 0 -> You did not specify the correct amount of command line arguments. Error Code 1 -> Drive change unsuccessful. Error Code 2 -> Directory change unsuccessful. Error Code 3 -> Unable to open the specified file. Error Code 4 -> Run PREPARE on the file FIRST Error Code 5 -> Unable to open the TEMPORARY file. Error Code 6 -> No files found. Check your specified directory. KNOWN PROBLEMS None. LICENSE INFORMATION PREPARE and SFTOTAL are distributed as SHAREWARE. You are granted a 30 day trial period to use PREPARE and SFTOTAL. If after 30 days you continue to use these programs, you are required to register with the author. Registration is simple and easy (and cheap!). Just send a check or money order for $ 5.00 to: Charles F. Perry 440 Cemetery Road Paintsville, Ky. 41240 You may also contact the author by calling THE GRAVEYARD BBS at (606) 789-8751. 300 - 14,400 Baud. COPYRIGHT AND REGISTERED TRADEMARK NOTICE PREPARE.EXE and SFTOTAL.EXE are Copyright (c) 1993 Charles F. Perry SPITFIRE is Copyright (c) 1987-1992 by Mike Woltz. MKSFFBBS is freeware by Mike Woltz. SFFILES.BBS is a portion of SPITFIRE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS (c) 1987-1992 by Mike Woltz.