Fontster Installation -------------------- To install fontster, copy the files FONSTER.EXE and FONSTER.TXT to a directory of your choice. To create a program item in a program manager group, arrange the file manager and the prgram manager windows so you can see the file FONSTER.EXE in the file manager and the desiered group in the program manager. Click on the file and hold the left mouse button down while dragging the mouse to the group window in the program manager, then release the mouse button to add Fontster to the group. If you are using a shell ohter that Program manager (such as Norton Desktop for Windows) be sure that the 'working directory' is set to Fontster's directory path. If this is not done or is done incorrectly the help window won't work properly. Since Fontster was written in Visual BASIC version 2.0, you must have a file called VBRUN200.DLL in your WINDOWS system directory. This is the run time library for Visual BASIC and will be required to run any VB 2.0 program. If you don't have it you can download it from AOL or practically any BBS. Note that the file FONSTER.TXT is the 'help' file for Fontster, so leave it intact for future reference. Fontster will also create a file called FONSTER.INI in your main Windows directory once you change Fontster's options. No changes are made to WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI by Fontster. See FONSTER.TXT for more information. Happy Fonting!