EZIP Version 1.0D 8/3/92 "EZIP" is "PROMPT-driven". Just answer the prompts and supply the necessary information. exits to the Main MENU at any time. ============================================================================ COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS or "How to switch to your working directory when you invoke EZIP...." ============================================================================ It's easiest to use "EZIP" if you first move to the subdirectory where you plan to ZIP or UNZIP files. (Otherwise, you have to type the full path name for the ZIPFILE). "EZIP" allows you to choose the subdirectory where you will be using "EZIP" in two (2) ways: 1) Type the desired subdirectory (full PATH NAME if not on current drive) after "EZIP" (as a command-line parameter:) (ie,; EZIP B:\sub1\sub2...) 2) Selecting the subdirectory with the VIEW DIRECTORY option on the MAIN EZIP MENU (Type: ). =========================================================================== MAIN MENU OPTIONS =========================================================================== The first letter of each menu item selects that item and is highlighted (except for the Directory View/Change option; the 'I' is highlighted.). After you choose a letter from the top menu, a second sub menu pops up with the choices listed below. < > = TOP MENU CHOICE { } = {SUB MENU CHOICES} 1. ip Files: "Zip" ALL the files in a directory, or only those you SPECIFY (You can use DOS wildcards '?' and '*' or list them individually.). "Zipping" (or compressing) files, creates copies of the files inside a single archive file called the zipfile. This zipfile can be considerably smaller than the original files depending on the formats of the originals. (Binary files ('.com','.exe') compress less than text files. 'GIF' format graphics files are already compressed.) Zipping does nothing to the original files. If you were using some product other than EZIP, you'd have to go back afterwards and delete those original files manually (if your goal was to free up more space). EZIP gives you the option to delete the source files immediately, or use the DELETE FILES option later. (NOTE: When creating a ZIPFILE, you must have enough room on the disk to hold BOTH the originals and the new zipfile, otherwise PKZIP won't have enough disk space to create the temporary files it needs during archiving.) {Sub Menu Choices} {A}ll Files: Zips all the files in the current subdirectory. This creates a zipfile (you pick the name, but it will have a '.ZIP' extension.) with compressed copies of all the files. Then EZIP prompts you to Delete the original files. You can either say YES and EZIP will delete all the files in the directory except the ZIPFILE, OR, you can say NO and use the DELETE FILES option to delete them later. {S}pecified Files: Zips only those files you specify. There are three ways to do this: 1) List each file (file1 file2 ...fileX) 2) List the files using DOS wildcards (i.e.; Client1.*...) (eg. "*.com CompanyA.* \otherdir\file1.ext ...") Note: Each file is separated from the previous by a space. This listing would zip all files with the ".com" extension, plus all files named "companyA.???" no matter what the extension, and the file "file1.ext" from directory "\otherdir". You may also zip all of a particular file name EXCEPT those you specify by EXCLUDING files. For example, to zip ALL files in the current directory except the ".BAK" files, and a file named "client1.doc", at the "FILE(S)" prompt, type: -X*.bak -Xclient1.doc To ZIP all ".DOC" files except those from CLIENT3?, (like Client3a.doc, client3B.doc, client32.doc....)you'd type the following: *.doc -Xclient3?.doc 3) Create a LIST FILE, which contains the list of those files to be Zipped. This is useful if you routinely zip the same files (ex: to back up your work on a particular client or project each day.). With an ASCII text editor, create a LIST FILE with the following format: *.doc client??.wpd -x*.bak data.lst . . <= (other file descriptors or names) . This LIST FILE would cause all '.DOC' files, all 'Client??.WPD' files, and the 'data.lst' file to be zipped, but eXclude the '.BAK' files. To invoke this LIST FILE, (assume its name was FILE.LST) at the "FILE(S)" prompt, type: @File.lst 2. nzip: Used to UNZIP or extract files from a zipfile. This process actually creates copies of the compressed files inside the zipfile. You can either extract ALL the files contained in a zipfile, or SPECIFY those you wish to extract ('UNZIP'). You may also specify the directory where you'd like these files to end up. It doesn't have to be the same directory that contains the zipfile. (This is handy for unzipping files from a floppy disk back onto your hard disk.) {Sub Menu Choices} {A}ll: Unzips all files inside the specified zipfile to the directory you specify (or to the current directory if you don't pick one.) {S}pecified Files: Allows you to extract specific files from a zipfile. Use the same three techniques at the "FILE(S)" prompt as used to"ZIP SPECIFIED FILES" (#1, above). 3. iew Files: This choice allows you to select one of the following three options: {Sub Menu Choices} {L}ist Zipfile Contents: Lists all files contained in the specified zipfile. If the list in longer than 23 lines, the display pauses every 23 lines. {C}ontents of particular file inside a Zipfile: Use this option to extract to the screen any file contained in a zipfile. This is handy for viewing README files that have been archived, without having to first UNZIP them. {V}iew File: This option allows you to view any file using either EZIP's own included EZVWR.EXE or an external file viewer program of your choice (like LIST.COM). This has nothing to do with Zipping and Unzipping files. It's just included here for your convenience. 4. {D}elete Files: Use this choice to delete files from any directory or to remove a file from a zipfile (so it is no longer contained there.). This option is useful for cleaning up your disk. It first lists the directory then allows you to delete those files you no longer need (you can use DOS wildcards here also). {Sub Menu Choices} {F}iles: Use this to delete files from any directory. The current directory is displayed in "WIDE" format, along with a prompt for file(S) to be deleted. {D}elete files from a Zipfile: This removes files from a zipfile; usefull for deleting obsolete or out-of-date files and reducing the zipfile size. 5. onvert Files: Actually creates a second copy of a normal zipfile (".ZIP" extension) which has the ability to unpack itself without PKUNZIP. This second copy has a ".EXE" extension. This is useful for passing files to a friend who doesn't yet have PKZIP and EZIP. The other person merely types the file name and it unpacks itself, creating copies of the files inside automatically. The original ZIPFILE remains in the directory so you need to have sufficient room for both of them on the disk or PKZIP won't be able to create the second one. Question: This sounds handy, right? Why wouldn't you do this to ALL your files? Two reasons: First, these files are larger than a normal zipfile. Second, you can't easily manipulate them to view their contents or extract files. You have to unpack everything or nothing. {Sub Menu Choices} {Z}ipfile-to-EXE: Create a self-extracting copy of a normal zipfile. {E}XE-to-Zipfile: Converts a self-extracting zipfile back into a normal zipfile. (No secret how. This routine just automatically unpacks the file, re-zips it, and deletes the original ".exe" file. If you don't want the original deleted, make a copy of it first!) 6. Drectory View/Change: Displays the current directory and allows you to move about your disk to look for files. Whichever directory you're in when you return to the main menu, will become the current directory. changes the directory to the parent of the current directory. It's the same as typing ".." for directory name or "CHDIR .." at the DOS prompt. (If your current directory is: C:\sub1\sub2, you will move to "C:\sub1" and the contents of that directory will be displayed.) If you type a name without any backslashes "\", EZIP assumes the directory is off the current directory (just like DOS). You can even switch disks by typing the full path to the desired directory. 7. ther Useful Options: This option gives you access to the following features: {Sub Menu Choices} {R}eadme: Displays this README file via "EZVWR" or your own external file viewer for easy reference. This is the "Detailed" version of the "ON-LINE HELP". {M}ake New Directory: Create directories, including multi-level directories. This option follows the DOS rules for creating directories. If you specify the directory name without a leading back-slash (\), the directory will be created in the current subdirectory. If you include the backslash (\), you'll create it off the root directory. {H}elp: The abbreviated "ON-LINE HELP". {A}dd Zipfile Comments: A handy way to add notes to a zipfile so that any time you "VIEW" it, you can see this information. Add historical information or references using either your own external editor (DOS 5.0's "EDIT.COM" works fine), directly from the console, (or by inserting a previously-created ASCII text file). If you haven't specified an external editor during installation, you'll be prompted to add the comments directly from the keyboard or by inserting a file. For best appearance, start with a then type your comments, remembering to add 's at the end of each line. When finished, type (^C). This works OK for shorter comments but is tiresome for longer ones. If you create the ASCII text file ahead of time, EZIP allows you to insert it rather than typing the comments directly. If the ASCII comment file is NOT in the current directory, type its full path name. Again, when creating this file, start with a for an empty line. This gives the best appearence on screen. {S}trip Zipfile comments: This option quickly removes zipfile comments. The comments are not saved to a file but simply deleted. (If "stripping-to-a-file" is an option you'd use and would like to see, let me know on your comment sheet or via electronic mail.) {C}ontact the Author: Instead of a sign-off screen or general "pester" screen on startup, I've put all the information you need to contact me with your comments here. It includes the BBS's where I check my mail and my mailing address. I'd really like to hear from you. As with all shareware, use EZIP as long as you need to before deciding whether you really like it. Send your comments whether you're ready to register or not. The only enticement I can offer to registration, is that I maintain a list of all "known" users and give them first shot at any upgrades/bug-fixes/ and enhancements. (Plus a discount on the next whole-number upgrade; EZIP 2.0.) You'll get any changes to EZIP 1.0 A-Z for free. 8. uit to DOS: Exit EZIP to your operating system (DOS,WINDOWS). ********* ADDITIONAL NOTES *********** Any time your choice involves manipulating a zipfile, EZIP will give you a list of those Zipfiles in your current directory. If there are none, it will tell you. If your next step involves a file inside a zipfile, (for example: viewing a file inside a zipfile), EZIP will display a list of the zipfile's contents. Finally, if your next step involves files of unknown type, EZIP displays the current directory listing. UNZIPPing A FILE: There is no need to select the DESTINATION SUBDIRECTORY for the files prior to starting the UNZIP process. "EZIP" will propmpt for the DESTINATION subdirectory (full path name). Hitting will select the current directory as destination. TROUBLE VIEWING OR UNZIPPING A FILE: If you can't view or unzip a file that you know or suspect has file comments inserted by someone else, use the "STRIP COMMENTS" option to eliminate them. Some Comment-Insertion utilities produce files that DOS does not handle well. If the zipfile has been corrupted, (this can happen to ANY file, it's not something that only happens to zipfiles.) use PKZIPFIX. REQUIRED FILES: EZIP requires the following PKZIP files to function fully: PKZIP.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE and ZIP2EXE.EXE. If you don't have the ZIP2EXE file, the only function you lose is the ability to create a self-extracting zipfile. All other EZIP features will function normally. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF FILE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<