These two files are wordperfect 5.1 dictionary files, con- sisting of the main dictionary and the supplemental one. Both files contain the addition of many legal and medical terms and words. The main dictionary and the supplemental dictionary contain approximately 22,533 more words than the original main dictionary of WP51. I suggest that both files be loaded into your WP51 directory, replacing your main and supplemental dictionary files. In order to confirm what I am saying, please check the present size of your main and supplemental dictionaries with the present two files before loading them. But to be certain that you make no mistake, copy your present files to another directory. Then if you are not satisfied with the two new files contained herein, delete them and load your original files. These are not my creation, but I did do the work of downloading and placing them in my program. I hope these are of some use to you. Ambrose R Campana 968 Hollywood Circle Williamsport PA 17701 May 12, 1992