The Very Best BBS accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diner's Club, Carte Blanche, JCB, and the Discover Card. Our current subscription rate is $30 per year. Subscribers receive access to special unlisted numbers, and 60 minutes per day of online time. There are no upload/download ratios, although we encourage you to upload any shareware or public domain programs you believe would be useful to our other callers. If you would like to subscribe, but would prefer NOT to use your credit card, please download APPLY.ZIP from our system files area for information on how to subscribe by mail. If you continue, you will be asked to enter your mailing address, voice telephone number, and a credit card number. The subscription fee will be billed to your card under the merchant name "Best BBS Enterprises, Inc." Subscriptions are non-refundable, but will be pro-rated should the Very Best BBS cease operation.