I have spent quite a bit of time getting Front Door/Spitfire and Freemail up and running in a DOS session in OS/2. Here are the DOS settings from the session setup. DOS_AUTOEXEC I use the same autoexec.bat that I had in DOS 5.0. I have changed the name of the autoexec.bat so I could tweak the one used for the DOS session. OS/2 reports that the path to my command.com is invalid but FD runs just fine. I'm still in the process of getting this one worked out. DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION ON DOS_BREAK ON DOS_DEVICE C:\os2\mdos\ansi.sys c:\vx00.sys (Ray Gwinns virtual fossil driver for OS/2) DOS_FCBS 16 DOS_FCBS_KEEP 8 DOS_FILES 50 DOS_HIGH ON DOS_LAST_DRIVE Z DOS_RMSIZE 640 DOS_SHELL C:\OS2\MDOS\COMMAND.COM /P DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE blank DOS_UMB DOS_VERSION (left it alone) DPMI_DOS_API AUTO DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT 4 DPMI_NETWORK_BUFF_SIZE 8 EMS_FRAME_LOCATION AUTO EMS_HIGH_OS_MAP_REGION 32 EMS_LOW_OS_MAP_REGION 384 EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT 2048 HW_NOSOUND OFF HW_ROM_TO_RAM OFF HW_TIMER OFF IDLE_SECONDS 0 IDLE_SENSITIVITY 75 INT_DURING_IO OFF KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS OFF KBD_BUFFER_EXTEND ON KBD_CTRL_BYPASS OFF KBD_RATE_LOCK OFF MEM_EXCLUDE_REGIONS BLANK MEM_INCLUDE_REGIONS BLANK MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS OFF PRINT_TIMEOUT 15 SIO_ALLOW_ACCESS_COM1 ON SIO_ALLOW_ACCESS_COM2 OFF SIO_ALLOW_ACCESS_COM3 OFF SIO_ALLOW_ACCESS_COM4 OFF SIO_VIRTUALIZE_16550A OFF SIO_VIRTUALIZE_COM_PORTS ON SIO_VIRTUAL_RTS_IS_HS ON All the rest of the DOS settings are the default values. To get the icon for the BBS, I copied the DOS full screen session from the command prompts folder to the WPS. I then changed the PATH AN FILE NAME: from * to d:\fd\frontd\bat. The working directory I changed to d:\fd\. I didn't have to change anything in my frontdoor or Spitfire setup nor the batchfiles that run my BBS. I did however find that my offline file checker would not work correctly as I was using the DOS version of McAfee's scan which does not recognize the HPFS of OS/2. I found a solution solution that allows me to call an OS/2 session from a DOS batch file. I have a program called OS2EXEC. This program allows a DOS session to directly communicate with another open OS/2 session. OS2EXEC has two parts. One is the program that runs from the DOS session. The second part must be running in an open OS/2 session. Basically you run the DOS portion of the program with the program and any parameters the program might need that you want executed in the OS/2 session. OS2EXEC then pipes the command to the OS2 session where the program is executed and then any return codes are sent back to the DOS session. Hope this helps. If you have any questions feel free to contact me in the OS/2 , Spitfire, Frontdoor or via netmail at the below address. Regards Kevin McCrory The Commo Shack BBS (1:309/27) 602-452-0587