AmericaNet Echo Mail Network Operational Guidelines Release v1.5 dated 07/01/93 Copyright (c) 1993 by Scott Phillips All Rights Reserved. No reproduction of any kind may be made unless express written permission of the author is obtained. þÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄþ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Administration ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The AmericaNet Echo Mail Network (hereafter refered to as the Network, AmerNet, AmericaN, or ANet) is a five-tier telecommunications network comprised of one Net Host BBS, Super Regional Hubs, Regional Hubs, Hubs, and Network Nodes. AmericaNet is operated as a "public service" of Scott Phillips and The Cathouse BBS which serves as the Net Host BBS. The Network is run by the Network Administrator, Scott Phillips, also the SysOp of The Cathouse BBS. The Network Administration reserves the right to admit or refuse any BBS/SYSOP as participating members of the AmericaNet Network. The Network Administration further reserves the right to remove and/or suspend net access of any individual node, hub or regional hub for any action considered detrimental to the goals, spirit and/or quality of the Network as well as failure to abide by these guidelines. Acceptance to the Network is determined by the Network Administrator and is only processed upon receipt of the completed and signed application form. Incomplete application forms will not be processed. Applications must be signed and mailed to the address contained in the application. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Net Host BBS Operations ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Net Host BBS equipment is NOT the property of any system relaying the AmericaNet Network. No claims may be made against the software and/or hardware that "comprises" the Net Host BBS. All software and hardware required to run the Net Host BBS is privately owned and used with permission by the owners of Scott Phillips & The Cathouse BBS. The Net Host BBS Sysop coordinates the primary mail exchange time for each Regional Hub or Hub connected to the Net Host BBS. Each Regional Hub and Hub has a "time slot" ensuring that all routine mail exchanges are accomplished in a timely manner. The Net Host BBS Sysop publishes the primary mail exchange times to ensure that no Regional Hub or Hub deliberately intrudes during another Hub's primary mail exchange time slot. Only Regional Hubs or Hubs may "relay" through the Net Host BBS. AmericaNet is a "no fee" network. The expenses of network operation will be offset by funds generated through "voluntary contributions" to the Net Host BBS or Network Administration. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ BBS/Network Software Supported ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Network members must use legally purchased or obtained NET software as defined by the respective software author's docs and as listed below: Rnet, Qnet, RoseMail, Tnet, QWiKerNet, MkNet, Cnet & TriNet. If it's not listed here, it may not be approved for use within the Network for relays of said network. This is a .QWK mail network therefore you must have a .QWK mail importer/exporter. Network members must use legally purchased or obtained BBS software as defined by the respective software author's docs and as listed below: PCBoard, GAP, Wildcat!, Spitfire, Searchlight, TriBBS, RBBS, UltraBBS, Remote Access & Auntie. If it's not listed here, it may not be approved for use within the Network for relays of said network. Additional software might be approved for use within AmericaNet, but only after extensive testing is done on the software and after the approval of its use by the Network Administrator and the software author and/or vendors. Authors interested in getting "Network Use" approval can contact the AmericaNet Administrator, Scott Phillips, in the GenChat conference on any AmericaNet Network Member BBS. The Network Administrator reserves the right to "decline or terminate" access to the Network to those individuals failing to operate with the properly registered or purchased software used for netmail operations, and/or BBS operations. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Network Sysop Responsibilities ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Hub SysOps are responsible for abiding by administrative decisions in said region. Node SysOps are responsible for abiding by administrative decisions which pertain to their board or users access to the network. Hub SysOps must relay mail a minimum of once daily unless it is tech- nically impossible" to do so. No Hub SysOp should intentionally shut down for over (24) consecutive hours without first making provisions for the continued relaying of it nodes. In the event that a Hub SysOp does not relay for 3 consecutive days without notification to the Net- work Administrator, its' Nodes and Hub, the Hub may be temporarily OR permanently removed as that region's hub at the sole discretion of the Network Administration. Hub SysOps should make "every possible effort" to accommodate any/all conference requests for their nodes as equipment/configurations allow. When any Hub SysOp has been notified by the Network Administrator to remove the net access of a node the Hub SysOp should remove the node's access as soon as possible. In the event that the Hub SysOp "does not" comply with a "node-access-removal" request, the Hub SysOp's access may be removed and the Regional "assignment" may be passed to another. The Hub SysOp has the "authority" to remove the access of one or more of its nodes for one (1) day if the situation warrants such an action. Immediately following any node's "access removal", the Hub SysOp needs to notify the removed node by voice and the Network Administrator via voice or public message in NetAdmin explaining the situation in full. Regionals must relay through the Net Host BBS on a "daily basis". Hubs must relay through their respective Regional on a daily basis and Hubs cannot relay through the Net Host BBS unless message activity from the Hub warrants more "affordable" relays and upon approval by the Network Administrator. Regional zoning isn't written in stone and is flexible. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Conference Hosts and/or Moderators ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Conference Hosts, Moderators are selected by the Network Administrator and may be removed and replaced should a "CH" or "CM" fail to fill the duties of said position. CH/CM responsibilities are described below: Attempt to keep message traffic "on topic" and politely redirect off topic users to the "appropriate" conference. Notify the Network Administrator of problems regarding config errors such as but not limited to: Duplicate Mail, Cross-Echoes, etc. Notify Network Administrator should you have any difficulty in main- taining the mail flow of your assigned conference(s). Do not flame or help fan the flames of users. Report any situations to the Network Administrator in the Moderator's Conference. Maintain the friendly atmosphere with the users. Assist in the answering of questions relating to the subject of your conference, to the best of your ability. Deal with a problem user or users in the following manner: Issue polite warning to users failing to follow rules. If user persists in a manner that you feel warrants a temporary suspension, contact the user's SysOp and the Network Administrator in the Moderator's conference only. Conference suspension, network suspension and/or network banning is described in section 6.0. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Network Suspensions/Bans ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Conference and Network Temporary Suspensions and Network Bans All suspensions or network bans are determined by a "two-thirds vote" between the moderator, the user's SysOp and the Network Administrator. Moderators requesting administrative action must do so in the Moderator's conference. Upon network-wide suspension or ban, a SysOp may "appeal" the decision on behalf of the user in the NetAdmin conference. This may only take place after the suspension or ban has been enforced by the SysOp. Upon conference suspension or ban the user may appeal the decision directly to the Network Administrator in the NetAdmin conference. This too may only take place after conference suspension or ban has been enforced. Suspensions or bans are determined under the following guidelines: A warning message must come from the conference moderator prior to administrative action unless actions are determined to be severe, and/or blatant enough to warrant an immediate suspension or ban as determined by the Network Administrator. 2nd offense: 30 day suspension from conference with a 90 day pro- bationary period. 3rd offense: If during probationary period, network-wide ban for a period to be determined by the Network Administrator. If after probationary period lapses, a 30 day suspension from the conference with a 90 day probationary period. 4th offense: Permanent network-wide ban. Repeat offenses do not need to be the same nor do they need to occur in the same conferences as the original offense. The Administration reserves the right to determine if the actions of a user warrant a conference suspension or network-wide suspension. All temporary suspensions are for a period of no less than 30 days unless otherwise shortened by the Network Administration. Any/all probationary terms are for a period of no less than 90 days unless otherwise shortened by the Network Administration. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Receiver Only Messages ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Pursuant to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 USC 2510 et. seq., all BBS SYSOPs and users participating within the Network must be aware that there are no facilities provided by the Network for sending or receiving confidential electronic communications. Although AmericaNet maintains the capability and capacity to send and receive mail that is flagged as "Receiver-Only" or "Routed Mail", mail so flagged is not to be considered by any user as actual "private" messages. The purpose of the "R/O", "Routed Mail", or "Point-to-Point" flags are intended solely to provide a means to limit the possible number of nodes and/or users that may have access to the mail for display purposes. All participating Network SysOps must agree, as a condition of network membership and participation, that they will notify anyone reading or exchanging messages within all network conferences on their BBS of all network guidelines and that the network has no facilities for exchanging confidential electronic communications. Suitable bulletins and/or news displays should be placed in a prominent place within the users' viewing capabilities, indicating that no confidential communications capabilities are available within the Network. All messages posted in relayed conferences are deemed to be public. Access policies to the private conferences must be maintained to restrict access to only the private conference members as described in these guidelines. AmericaNet Network, Scott Phillips, & The Cathouse BBS and all member Sysops assume no accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this policy by and all users of the AmerNet Network. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Network Guidelines ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ While it is not the intent of the Network or the Network Administrator to interfere with any SysOps authority on his or her own BBS, all relayed conferences are subject to the jurisdiction of these guidelines. These Network guidelines are explained in detail below and the AmerNet Network SysOps are responsible for the enforcement these Network guidelines. No Illegal Activities Any illegal activities, including but not limited to the promotion of illegal acts and promotion of software copyright infringement will not be allowed within the AmerNet Network. Any such activities constitute a grievous reason for the removal of the node or hub from the Net, and may necessitate compensatory action against the violator for any legal liabilities such activities may cause the AmericaNet Network. No BBS Ads Participating AmerNet Network SysOps will not relay nor will allow to be relayed messages that contain information that advertise BBS's un- less in the AmerNet Network BBS AD or ANSI Conferences. The placement of BBS telephone numbers within messages to advise users of a contact telephone number is not considered a "BBS Ad" as long as the intent of the message is clearly evident without the telephone number. It is un- derstood that a user might disregard this rule. It is the expectation of the Network Administrator that SysOp's will take appropriate action to prevent this occurrence. Flagrant disregard of this rule justifies the removal of that node from the Network. It's also understood that if an ad is relayed and the SysOp corrects the situation, it does not justify removal of that node from the Network. No Aliases Obvious "aliases" must not be used anywhere in AmerNet conferences. We are not telling you that you can not have aliased users but if you do they must NOT be able to access or enter messages into ANY of AmerN Network's conferences. An alias is defined as a name used by a caller whose intent is to prevent identification of the caller by the SysOps and any other AmerNet Network member. SysOps of each participating BBS are responsible for ensuring that only validated users are allowed to exchange messages within conferences that are relayed by AmerNet.It is the Network Administrator's understanding that each node SysOp is responsible for the names used on their own BBS. If the SysOp grants a user an alias for what the SysOp deems is a valid reason, such as sec- urity, and that alias is not apparently an alias (such as Dr. Modem, which is) then there's no need to inform AmerNet of that alias. Should the Network Administrator think a user is using an alias the SysOp of the originating board must either validate or remove that user. No Flames or Personal Attacks Anyone found to be abusive in nature, such as but not limited to, name calling, insults, slanderous statements, arrogant or instigative posts or any other rude, lewd or otherwise obnoxious behavior or comments, is to be removed from the conference. Further occurances of this abuse will result in the user(s) being removed from the Network completely. AmerNet, Scott Phillips, The Cathouse BBS and all member SysOps assume no accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this policy by any and all users of the AmerNet Network. Network SysOps can and will be held accountable for failure to remove any user or users who make statements that are abusive, slanderous or demeaning to any individual, group, organization either social, political, theological or racial. No "offensive or abusive" language is to be used in any and all of the AmerNet conferences. The use of any word, group of words, expression, comment, suggestion, or proposal which is profane, filthy, lewd, lascivicious, obscene, indecent, or that is demeaning ethnically or racially is strictly prohibited within the AmerNet Network. Network member SysOps must remove any users from the echoes for flaming and/or fighting. We cannot ask that users be removed as "users of your board" but if they are a problem to AmerNet they must not have access to it. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Network Configuration ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Monitoring NetAdmin Network member SysOps MUST monitor the NetAdmin conference on a timely basis to be aware of announcements (conference additions or deletions) or mail regarding configuration errors (duplicates and cross-echoes). SysOps must "correct" any detrimental activity coming into the AmerNet Network via their board, on a timely basis, including but not limited to duplicates, cross-echoes, abusive users and improper or excessive taglines. All Hubs must ensure that their nodes take corrective action against these or other problem areas. Network Taglines Every AmerNet Network tagline must begin with the text string AmericaNet. .QWK format members must have the string AmericaNet in the 'TAG' and 'HTAG' portion of their Network configuration files. Taglines should be like the following: HUB Tagline: AmericaNet HUB: - - - Node Tagline: AmericaNet: - - - Conference Configuration Required Conference NetAdmin is AmericaNet's Administrative conference and is required to be carried by all members. Private Conferences Moderators is open only to hosts or moderators of the AmericaNet conferences and the SysOp "carrying" this conference. Regionals is also open only to those QWK SysOps who are serving as Regionals or Hubs in the AmericaNet Network. SysOps is open only to validated BBS SysOps. Restricted Conferences NetAdmin is restricted to echoing SysOps, and AmericaNet Net HUBS, and Regionals. Remaining Conferences All remaining AmericaNet conferences are considered public access and accessible to everyone. The exception here is if the user has been "removed" from an AmericaNet conference for any valid reason (as decided by the Network Administrator, the users SysOp and Conference Host or Moderator or these AmerNet Network guidelines section 6.0. Conferences Not Carried SysOps will make their users aware of any conferences 'not carried'. This can be done by means of news screens or bulletins. Also, if you are carrying multiple networks, your conference menu must display a type of coding that differentiates our conferences from any of the other network conferences that you might also have available. ANSI In Messages 'ANSI' is permitted _ONLY_ in the AmerN ANSI conference, nowhere else. PCBoard or similar BBS-Software-specific Macros PCBoard or similar macros are not to be used anywhere in the Network. Network Related Discussions or Debates Network business will be discussed in the AmerN NetAdmin conference. If it does develop elsewhere, 'move it' into the NetAdmin conference. Signatures and Taglines While we have come to the conclusion that limits on signatures would be very difficult to enforce, we have agreed that some limit is necessary. Three lines should be more than sufficient but if constantly used and/ or abused, the user *will* be asked to cease. No signatures or taglines may reflect a moderator, host or administrative position outside of the AmerN Network positions. ie: if you host the Programming Conference on another network, do not use it in your tagline in any CCCN confs. Also, if you host the For Sale Conference on AmerN, do not use it in your tagline or signature *outside* the AmerNet For Sale Conference. Quoting Guidelines and Utilities Some new utilities of late have been introduced which create some very big problems in the network. The fancy quote utilities have been banned from use in our network due to the overhead that these utilities create and subsequent expense to those SysOps relaying the mail. Fancy quotes consist of any quoted text "border" that consists of MORE than a single ascii line around the quoted portion of a reply. While this can also be abused there are limitations to quotes of all kinds. Quote "size" will consist of the quoted text AND any border to the quoted portion. Quotes are not to exceed the replied portion of any message. And please quote only when it is necessary to maintain a "proper train of thought". ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Making Ammendments to These Network Guidelines ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Making Ammendments To These Network Guidelines Although the Network Administrator is responsible for implementing any changes to these guidelines, any AmerNet Node or Hub Sysop, Conference Host or Conference Moderator may request ammendments to these guide- lines from the Network Administrator. Such requests / petitions or any and all discussions thereof MUST take place in the NetAdmin conference of the AmericaNet Echo Mail Network and no place else. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Network Staff ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Network Staff Positions and responsibilities are currently being discussed.