WOULDN'T IT BE NICE? Wouldn't it be nice if you could tell clients and/or prospect that YOU have an associate in Taiwan, London, Paris or Russia that is available for obtaining information of all sorts, market research, product availability, and be able to act as their Agent in those areas? Answer.... yes you can if you are a member of the Information Brokers Network! Wouldn't it be nice if you had direct contacts in Taiwan, London, Paris, Russia and other far away cities that are available to provide you with leads and prospects that are interested in doing business in your area? Answer.... yes you can if you are a member of the Information Brokers Network! Wouldn't it be nice if companies, governments, and other prospects as far away as Taiwan, London, Paris, and Russia, knew of your availability and services? Answer.... yes you can if you are a member of the Information Brokers Network! The list of opportunities are simply too long to list them all in this proforma. BUT, take a moment and think of the benefits that can be had by you and your firm along these lines! Welcome to the Electronic Age AND the Information age. You and/or your firm are located in one physical location BUT with the technology that is NOW available, and at your finger tips, you can be located in as many cities as there are prospects........ AND open for business 24 hours per day!