Terms and Conditions for Agreement C-9 Communications Cloud Nine BBS What it is: C-9 Communications provides you with a UseNet account on our computer system. You can use that account for electronic mail and UseNet Newsgroup access. Your computer, with appropriate software and our service will become part of a world-wide network. Your account entitles you to a basic bi-directional modem link. This will allow electronic mail routing to and from your system. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for all charges incurred under your account. Your password is the only security mechanism that guards your account from unauthorized charges and access. Guard it well.... We are able to provide fees this low by minimizing administrative costs and eliminating colletion hassles. All services must be paid for in advance. Cancellation & Price Changes You may cancel your services at any time. C-9 Communications reserves the right to terminate or refuse service to anyone for any reason. From time to time, we will have to adjust the pricing for our services. Price changes, service discontinuations and similar news will be announced at least 30 days before going into effect. New services and options may be put into effect without advance announcement. Software and Support You are entirely responsible for the installation, configuration, maintenance and administration of your system. If you require assistance in setting up your system, we can arrange a separate consulting contract. We will handle routine administrative requests concerning your account within one working day. The service is provided on a "best effort" basis and we will not be responsible for damaged or lost information or for damages due to the system being unavailable. Privacy and Security Although we would like to guarantee privacy, we can not. Because of the way we distribute the "private" mail conference, it is *NOT* private to other System Operators and any mistakes they might make in distribution. Also be aware that we keep logs of all system activities, including your mail account, and that these logs will be treated as public information. We will not disclose the contents of any electronic mail without a court order. Copyright Infringements Some of the materials available on the networks is copyrighted and, in some cases, may have been distributed in violation of copyright laws. We cannot and do not review the information either flowing through or being stored on our system. You are responsible for determining the legal status of any intellectual property you either use or duplicate through our system. You agree that you will not violate copyright laws by either transferring copyrighted works through our system or by storing them on our system, or by causing them to be transferred or stored, without the permission of the copyright holder. We consider the exchange of information about security mechanisms to be protected speech. However, traffic in access codes, credit card numbers and similar information is a crime which we take seriously. We expect you to interact courteously with all other members of the UseNet community, to respect the rights and privacy of all users and to use your account only for lawful purposes. Controversial and Explicit Material Because your electronic communications are as private as possible, we cannot be responsible for their contents. The INTERNET and USENET are large communities in which censorship is generally regarded as worse than obscenity. Through our service you will have access to and you will be exposed to materials that you will find offensive. This will include sexually explicit text and (encoded) images, racial and other types of hat-mongering, pro- and anti-religious debate and worse! Indemnify and Hold Harmless You are responsible for all actions you take or cause to be taken in connection with your use of the service. As a condition of the service, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless C-9 Communications, its officers and its employees, for any cause of action arising out of your account with us or use of the service. Please complete and return your account application form.