Fantasy Clipart in TIFF Format From ThornApple Progressive Repackaged for the PC by John McAdams This collection of fantasy graphics was originally uploaded to America Online, and was packaged for the Macintosh. With the permission of ThornApple Progressive, I repackaged the collection for IBM compatible personal computers. Some of the images from the collection (those not having a "fantasy" orientation) were omitted, and others, generously supplied by ThornApple, were added. This collection is copyright 1993 by ThornApple Progressive. You are welcome to use these images at no charge, and to pass them along to others, provided however, that you may not repackage this collection. Most especially, this README file and the image ORDERFRM.TIF must be included anytime you give this collection to anyone. You are, however, free to archive these same files using a different archiving method. You are also welcome to modify any of the images in the collection for your personal use. I can be reached on the WPSG forum of Compuserve: my number is [72331,2346]. I can also be reached on EXEC-PC as "John McAdams of Shorewood, WI," and on America Online with the screen name "JMcadams."